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- Музыка и песни Bachelet, Pierre / Bachelet, Pierre на CD
Музыка и песни Bachelet, Pierre / Bachelet, Pierre на CD
Артикул: CDVP 155349
EAN: 3596972372322
Состав: 5 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2011
Лейбл: Wagram Music
Исполнители: Aznavour, Charles (Aznavurjian, Shahnour Varenagh) / Aznavour, Charles (Aznavurjian, Shahnour Varenagh) Martin, Dean (Crocetti, Dino Paul) / Martin, Dean (Crocetti, Dino Paul) Piaf, Edith (Gassion, Édith Giovanna) / Piaf, Edith (Gassion, Édith Giovanna) Presley, Elvis / Presley, Elvis
Исполнители: Aznavour, Charles (Aznavurjian, Shahnour Varenagh) / Aznavour, Charles (Aznavurjian, Shahnour Varenagh) Martin, Dean (Crocetti, Dino Paul) / Martin, Dean (Crocetti, Dino Paul) Piaf, Edith (Gassion, Édith Giovanna) / Piaf, Edith (Gassion, Édith Giovanna) Presley, Elvis / Presley, Elvis Sinatra, Frank / Sinatra, Frank Charles (Robinson), Ray / Charles (Robinson), Ray Bourvil / Bourvil Holiday, Billie (Fagan Gough, Eleanora) / Holiday, Billie (Fagan Gough, Eleanora) Bécaud, Gilbert (Silly, François Gilbert Léopold) / Bécaud, Gilbert (Silly, François Gilbert Léopold) Mariano, Luis / Mariano, Luis Gainsbourg, Serge / Gainsbourg, Serge Hallyday, Johnny (Smet, Jean-Philippe Léo) / Hallyday, Johnny (Smet, Jean-Philippe Léo) Brel, Jacques / Brel, Jacques Fitzgerald, Ella / Fitzgerald, Ella Dietrich, Marlene / Дитрих, Марлен (Дитрих фон Лош, Мария Магдалена) Nougaro, Claude / Nougaro, Claude Dassin, Joe (Joseph Ira) / Dassin, Joe (Joseph Ira) Baez, Joan (Báez, Joan Chandos) / Baez, Joan (Báez, Joan Chandos) 10CC / 10CC Springfield, Dusty (O'Brien, Mary Isabel Catherine Bernadette) / Springfield, Dusty (O'Brien, Mary Isabel Catherine Bernadette) Cooke, Sam / Кук, Сэм (Кук Сэмюэль) Edwards, Dennis / Edwards, Dennis Cheatham, Oliver / Cheatham, Oliver Distel, Sacha / Дистель, Саша Platters, The / Platters, The Lee, Brenda / Lee, Brenda Aufray, Hugues / Aufray, Hugues Gene, Vincent (Craddock, Vincent Eugene) / Gene, Vincent (Craddock, Vincent Eugene) Monroe, Marilyn / Monroe, Marilyn Ferré, Léo / Ferré, Léo Garou (Garand, Pierre) / Garou (Garand, Pierre) Kaas, Patricia / Kaas, Patricia Adamo, Salvatore / Adamo, Salvatore Bangles, The / Bangles, The Brant, Mike / Brant, Mike Renaud, Line / Renaud, Line Salvador, Henri / Salvador, Henri Sledge, Percy / Sledge, Percy Des'ree / Des'ree Montand, Yves / Montand, Yves Melvin, Harold / Melvin, Harold Bachelet, Pierre / Bachelet, Pierre Tozzi, Umberto / Tozzi, Umberto Georges Brassens / Georges Brassens Ventura, Ray / Ventura, Ray Schonberg, Claude-Michel / Schonberg, Claude-Michel Delfonics, The / Delfonics, The Anthony, Richard (Btesch, Richard) / Anthony, Richard (Btesch, Richard) Sanderson, Richard / Sanderson, Richard Alamo, Frank / Alamo, Frank Lafontaine, Philippe / Lafontaine, Philippe Lalanne, Francis / Lalanne, Francis Laforêt, Marie (Doumenach, Maïténa) / Laforêt, Marie (Doumenach, Maïténa) Peter et Sloane / Peter et Sloane Corneille / Corneille Gage (band) / Gage (band) Gabin, Jean / Gabin, Jean Beart, Guy / Beart, Guy Lavoie, Daniel / Lavoie, Daniel Cub, Lili / Cub, Lili Torr, Michelle / Torr, Michelle Danel, Pascal / Danel, Pascal Jamait, Yves / Jamait, Yves Buddy Holly and The Crickets / Buddy Holly and The Crickets Christophe (Bevilacqua, Daniel) / Christophe (Bevilacqua, Daniel) Dalida (Gigliotti, Yolanda Christina) / Dalida (Gigliotti, Yolanda Christina) Michael (Michaël), Jean-François (Roze, Yves); Berger, Michel (Hamburger, Michel) / Michael (Michaël), Jean-François (Roze, Yves); Berger, Michel (Hamburger, Michel) Charden, Éric (Puissant, Jacques) / Charden, Éric (Puissant, Jacques) Simone, Nina (Waymon, Eunice Kathleen) / Simone, Nina (Waymon, Eunice Kathleen) Brown, James (Brown, Jr., James Joseph) / Brown, James (Brown, Jr., James Joseph)
Композиторы: Barbara (Serf, Monique Andrée) / Барбара (Серф Моник Андре) Washington, Dinah (Jones, Ruth Lee) / Вашингтон Дина (Джонс Рут Ли)
Жанры: Шансон
Артикул: CDVP 155352
EAN: 3596972172021
Состав: 5 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2010
Лейбл: Wagram Music
Исполнители: Piaf, Edith (Gassion, Édith Giovanna) / Piaf, Edith (Gassion, Édith Giovanna) Presley, Elvis / Presley, Elvis Garland, Judy (Gumm, Frances Ethel) / Garland, Judy (Gumm, Frances Ethel) Paris, Ryan / Paris, Ryan
Исполнители: Piaf, Edith (Gassion, Édith Giovanna) / Piaf, Edith (Gassion, Édith Giovanna) Presley, Elvis / Presley, Elvis Garland, Judy (Gumm, Frances Ethel) / Garland, Judy (Gumm, Frances Ethel) Paris, Ryan / Paris, Ryan Day, Doris (Kappelhoff, Doris Mary Ann von) / Day, Doris (Kappelhoff, Doris Mary Ann von) Ross, Diana (Ross, Diana Ernestine Earle) / Ross, Diana (Ross, Diana Ernestine Earle) Summer, Donna / Summer, Donna Gaynor, GIoria (Fowles, Gloria) / Gaynor, GIoria (Fowles, Gloria) Faltermeyer, Harold / Faltermeyer, Harold Platters, The / Platters, The Monroe, Marilyn / Monroe, Marilyn Cara, Irene / Cara, Irene Charles, Tina (Hoskins, Tina) / Charles, Tina (Hoskins, Tina) Diana / Diana Sledge, Percy / Sledge, Percy Bachelet, Pierre / Bachelet, Pierre Laine, Frankie (LoVecchio, Francesco Paolo) / Laine, Frankie (LoVecchio, Francesco Paolo) Sanderson, Richard / Sanderson, Richard Loeb, Caroline / Loeb, Caroline Marchand, Guy / Marchand, Guy Lalanne, Francis / Lalanne, Francis Kruger, Karoline / Kruger, Karoline Cook da Books / Cook da Books Boys Town Gang / Boys Town Gang Traks / Traks Gérard Darmon / Gérard Darmon Chabat, Alain / Chabat, Alain Aaron / Aaron
Композиторы: Costello, Elvis / Костелло Элвис
Жанры: Поп
Артикул: CDVP 155393
EAN: 3596972321528
Состав: 5 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2010
Лейбл: Wagram Music
Исполнители: Aznavour, Charles (Aznavurjian, Shahnour Varenagh) / Aznavour, Charles (Aznavurjian, Shahnour Varenagh) Piaf, Edith (Gassion, Édith Giovanna) / Piaf, Edith (Gassion, Édith Giovanna) Bourvil / Bourvil Bécaud, Gilbert (Silly, François Gilbert Léopold) / Bécaud, Gilbert (Silly, François Gilbert Léopold)
Исполнители: Aznavour, Charles (Aznavurjian, Shahnour Varenagh) / Aznavour, Charles (Aznavurjian, Shahnour Varenagh) Piaf, Edith (Gassion, Édith Giovanna) / Piaf, Edith (Gassion, Édith Giovanna) Bourvil / Bourvil Bécaud, Gilbert (Silly, François Gilbert Léopold) / Bécaud, Gilbert (Silly, François Gilbert Léopold) Mariano, Luis / Mariano, Luis Trenet, Charles / Trenet, Charles Gainsbourg, Serge / Gainsbourg, Serge Brel, Jacques / Brel, Jacques Dietrich, Marlene / Дитрих, Марлен (Дитрих фон Лош, Мария Магдалена) Lenorman, Gérard / Lenorman, Gérard Zarai, Rika / Zarai, Rika Distel, Sacha / Дистель, Саша Lemarchal, Gregory / Lemarchal, Gregory Paradis, Vanessa (Paradis, Vanessa Chantal) / Paradis, Vanessa (Paradis, Vanessa Chantal) Lavilliers, Bernard / Lavilliers, Bernard Ruiz, Olivia / Ruiz, Olivia Garou (Garand, Pierre) / Garou (Garand, Pierre) Adamo, Salvatore / Adamo, Salvatore Burgalat, Bertrand / Burgalat, Bertrand Il était une fois / Il était une fois Jeanne Mas / Jeanne Mas Salvador, Henri / Salvador, Henri Simone, Albin De La / Simone, Albin De La Bent, Amel / Bent, Amel Fiori, Patrick / Fiori, Patrick Montand, Yves / Montand, Yves Gray, Felix / Gray, Felix Lavoine, Marc / Lavoine, Marc Bachelet, Pierre / Bachelet, Pierre Mano Solo / Mano Solo Georges Brassens / Georges Brassens Barzotti, Claude / Barzotti, Claude DELYLE, LUCIENNE / DELYLE, LUCIENNE Ventura, Ray / Ventura, Ray Pietri, Julie / Pietri, Julie Renard, Colette / Renard, Colette Schonberg, Claude-Michel / Schonberg, Claude-Michel Les Charlots / Les Charlots Anthony, Richard (Btesch, Richard) / Anthony, Richard (Btesch, Richard) Léonard, Herbert / Léonard, Herbert Alamo, Frank / Alamo, Frank Croisille, Nicole / Croisille, Nicole Lafontaine, Philippe / Lafontaine, Philippe Stéphanie / Stéphanie Laurens, Rose / Laurens, Rose Willer, Noé / Willer, Noé Lalanne, Francis / Lalanne, Francis Barbelivien, Didier / Barbelivien, Didier Lahaye, Jean-Luc / Lahaye, Jean-Luc Laforêt, Marie (Doumenach, Maïténa) / Laforêt, Marie (Doumenach, Maïténa) Cataldo, Philippe / Cataldo, Philippe Corneille / Corneille Cristiani, Hervé / Cristiani, Hervé Gabin, Jean / Gabin, Jean Deguelt, François / Deguelt, François Ferrat, Jean / Ferrat, Jean Amont, Marcel / Amont, Marcel Aaron / Aaron Chamfort, Alain / Chamfort, Alain Dona, Alice / Dona, Alice Brune / Brune Casa / Casa Badi, Chimène / Badi, Chimène Delagrange, Christian / Delagrange, Christian Lavoie, Daniel / Lavoie, Daniel Danny Boy / Danny Boy Grégoire / Grégoire Mardel, Guy / Mardel, Guy Berliner, Gérard / Berliner, Gérard Taieb, Jacqueline / Taieb, Jacqueline Schulteis, Jean / Schulteis, Jean Jonathan, Joyce / Jonathan, Joyce Cub, Lili / Cub, Lili Torr, Michelle / Torr, Michelle Peyrac, Nicolas / Peyrac, Nicolas Danel, Pascal / Danel, Pascal Carli, Patricia / Carli, Patricia Jamait, Yves / Jamait, Yves Lucky Blondo (Blondiot, Gérard) / Lucky Blondo (Blondiot, Gérard) Christophe (Bevilacqua, Daniel) / Christophe (Bevilacqua, Daniel) Dalida (Gigliotti, Yolanda Christina) / Dalida (Gigliotti, Yolanda Christina) Gréco, Juliette / Gréco, Juliette Jairo (Gonzalez, Mario Rubén ) / Jairo (Gonzalez, Mario Rubén ) Delon, Alain (Delon, Alain Fabien Maurice Marcel) / Delon, Alain (Delon, Alain Fabien Maurice Marcel) Maurane (Luypaerts, Claudine) / Maurane (Luypaerts, Claudine) Michael (Michaël), Jean-François (Roze, Yves); Berger, Michel (Hamburger, Michel) / Michael (Michaël), Jean-François (Roze, Yves); Berger, Michel (Hamburger, Michel) Charden, Éric (Puissant, Jacques) / Charden, Éric (Puissant, Jacques) C. Jérôme (Dhotel, Claude) / C. Jérôme (Dhotel, Claude) Segara, Hélène (Rizzo, Hélène Aurore Alice) / Segara, Hélène (Rizzo, Hélène Aurore Alice) Fabian, Lara (Crockaert, Lara Sophie Katy) / Fabian, Lara (Crockaert, Lara Sophie Katy) Oxmo Puccino (Diarra, Abdoulaye) / Oxmo Puccino (Diarra, Abdoulaye)
Композиторы: Dumont, Charles / Дюмон Шарль Barbara (Serf, Monique Andrée) / Барбара (Серф Моник Андре)
Жанры: Chanson Compilation
Артикул: CDVP 155429
EAN: 3596972174322
Состав: 6 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2012
Лейбл: Wagram Music
Исполнители: Reel 2 Real / Reel 2 Real Holiday, Billie (Fagan Gough, Eleanora) / Holiday, Billie (Fagan Gough, Eleanora) Brown, Miquel / Brown, Miquel Green, Al / Green, Al
Исполнители: Reel 2 Real / Reel 2 Real Holiday, Billie (Fagan Gough, Eleanora) / Holiday, Billie (Fagan Gough, Eleanora) Brown, Miquel / Brown, Miquel Green, Al / Green, Al Cullum, Jamie / Cullum, Jamie Gaynor, GIoria (Fowles, Gloria) / Gaynor, GIoria (Fowles, Gloria) King, Ben E. (Nelson, Benjamin Earl) / King, Ben E. (Nelson, Benjamin Earl) Payne, Freda / Payne, Freda KC and the Sunshine Band / KC and the Sunshine Band Bublé, Michael (Steven) / Bublé, Michael (Steven) Morcheeba / Morcheeba Sinclar, Bob (Friant, Christophe le) / Sinclar, Bob (Friant, Christophe le) Cheatham, Oliver / Cheatham, Oliver Dschinghis Khan / Чингисхан Jennifer / Дженнифер Neville, Aaron / Neville, Aaron Reeves, Martha / Reeves, Martha Sabrina (Salerno, Norma Sabrina) / Sabrina (Salerno, Norma Sabrina) Ricchi e Poveri / Ricchi e Poveri Mousse T. (Gündoğdu, Mustafa) / Mousse T. (Gündoğdu, Mustafa) Johnson, Paul / Johnson, Paul Gray, Felix / Gray, Felix Bachelet, Pierre / Bachelet, Pierre Cutugno, Toto / Cutugno, Toto Imagination, The / Imagination, The Desireless (Fritsch-Mentrop, Claudie) / Desireless (Fritsch-Mentrop, Claudie) Debut De Soiree / Debut De Soiree Kaly, Venus / Kaly, Venus Dr. Alban (Nwapa, Alban) / Dr. Alban (Nwapa, Alban) Stewart, Amii / Stewart, Amii Lavil, Philippe / Lavil, Philippe Negrocan / Negrocan Da Hool / Da Hool Caravan Palace / Caravan Palace Sidekick / Sidekick Pompougnac, Stéphane / Pompougnac, Stéphane Lady (group) / Lady (group) Sanderson, Richard / Sanderson, Richard Images / Images Mader, Jean-Pierre / Mader, Jean-Pierre Partenaire Particulier / Partenaire Particulier Stéphanie / Stéphanie Cookie Dingler / Cookie Dingler Laurens, Rose / Laurens, Rose Bandolero / Bandolero Les Forbans / Les Forbans P. Lion / P. Lion D'angio, Pino (Chierchia, Giuseppe) / D'angio, Pino (Chierchia, Giuseppe) Marchand, Guy / Marchand, Guy Lahaye, Jean-Luc / Lahaye, Jean-Luc Cook da Books / Cook da Books Boys Town Gang / Boys Town Gang Korgis, The / Korgis, The Ward, Anita / Ward, Anita Thomas, Evelyn / Thomas, Evelyn Ottawan / Ottawan Peter et Sloane / Peter et Sloane Traks / Traks Tamperer, The / Tamperer, The Jim K Ressource (Koutouan, Jim) / Jim K Ressource (Koutouan, Jim) Khan, Chaka (Stevens, Yvette Marie) / Khan, Chaka (Stevens, Yvette Marie) Gilberto, Bebel (Gilberto de Oliveira, Isabel) / Gilberto, Bebel (Gilberto de Oliveira, Isabel) C. Jérôme (Dhotel, Claude) / C. Jérôme (Dhotel, Claude) Simone, Nina (Waymon, Eunice Kathleen) / Simone, Nina (Waymon, Eunice Kathleen) Maya (Dias, Laura) / Maya (Dias, Laura)
Жанры: Поп
Артикул: CDVP 155463
EAN: 3596972407222
Состав: 8 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Лейбл: Wagram Music
Исполнители: Aznavour, Charles (Aznavurjian, Shahnour Varenagh) / Aznavour, Charles (Aznavurjian, Shahnour Varenagh) Piaf, Edith (Gassion, Édith Giovanna) / Piaf, Edith (Gassion, Édith Giovanna) Mathieu, Mireille / Матие, Мирэль Bourvil / Bourvil
Исполнители: Aznavour, Charles (Aznavurjian, Shahnour Varenagh) / Aznavour, Charles (Aznavurjian, Shahnour Varenagh) Piaf, Edith (Gassion, Édith Giovanna) / Piaf, Edith (Gassion, Édith Giovanna) Mathieu, Mireille / Матие, Мирэль Bourvil / Bourvil Reinhardt, Django (Reinhardt, Jean Baptiste) / Reinhardt, Django (Reinhardt, Jean Baptiste) Bécaud, Gilbert (Silly, François Gilbert Léopold) / Bécaud, Gilbert (Silly, François Gilbert Léopold) Trenet, Charles / Trenet, Charles Gainsbourg, Serge / Gainsbourg, Serge Hallyday, Johnny (Smet, Jean-Philippe Léo) / Hallyday, Johnny (Smet, Jean-Philippe Léo) Brel, Jacques / Brel, Jacques Chevalier, Maurice / Chevalier, Maurice Dietrich, Marlene / Дитрих, Марлен (Дитрих фон Лош, Мария Магдалена) Roussos, Demis (Αρτέμιος Ρούσσος); (Ventouris-Roussos, Artemios ) / Roussos, Demis (Αρτέμιος Ρούσσος); (Ventouris-Roussos, Artemios ) Distel, Sacha / Дистель, Саша Aufray, Hugues / Aufray, Hugues Ferré, Léo / Ferré, Léo Rossi, Tino / Rossi, Tino Garou (Garand, Pierre) / Garou (Garand, Pierre) Adamo, Salvatore / Adamo, Salvatore Fernandel / Fernandel Renaud, Line / Renaud, Line Salvador, Henri / Salvador, Henri Anggun (Sasmi, Anggun Cipta) / Anggun (Sasmi, Anggun Cipta) Fiori, Patrick / Fiori, Patrick Montand, Yves / Montand, Yves Bachelet, Pierre / Bachelet, Pierre Debut De Soiree / Debut De Soiree François, Claude (Claude Antoine Marie) / François, Claude (Claude Antoine Marie) Georges Brassens / Georges Brassens Lavil, Philippe / Lavil, Philippe Guétary, Georges (Worloou, Lambros) / Guétary, Georges (Worloou, Lambros) DELYLE, LUCIENNE / DELYLE, LUCIENNE Ventura, Ray / Ventura, Ray Pietri, Julie / Pietri, Julie El Chato, Sebastien / El Chato, Sebastien Anthony, Richard (Btesch, Richard) / Anthony, Richard (Btesch, Richard) Mouloudji / Mouloudji Alamo, Frank / Alamo, Frank Moreno, Darío / Moreno, Darío Croisille, Nicole / Croisille, Nicole Cordy, Annie / Cordy, Annie Christophe (Bevilacqua, Daniel) / Christophe (Bevilacqua, Daniel) Lio (Tavares de Vasconcelos, Wanda Maria Ribeiro Furtado) / Lio (Tavares de Vasconcelos, Wanda Maria Ribeiro Furtado) Dalida (Gigliotti, Yolanda Christina) / Dalida (Gigliotti, Yolanda Christina) Gréco, Juliette / Gréco, Juliette Jairo (Gonzalez, Mario Rubén ) / Jairo (Gonzalez, Mario Rubén ) Hardy, Françoise / Hardy, Françoise Maurane (Luypaerts, Claudine) / Maurane (Luypaerts, Claudine) Dreu, Gilles (Chapuisat, Jean-Paul) / Dreu, Gilles (Chapuisat, Jean-Paul) Michael (Michaël), Jean-François (Roze, Yves); Berger, Michel (Hamburger, Michel) / Michael (Michaël), Jean-François (Roze, Yves); Berger, Michel (Hamburger, Michel) Clark, Petula (Clark, Petula Sally Olwen) / Clark, Petula (Clark, Petula Sally Olwen) Fabian, Lara (Crockaert, Lara Sophie Katy) / Fabian, Lara (Crockaert, Lara Sophie Katy)
Композиторы: Dumont, Charles / Дюмон Шарль Barbara (Serf, Monique Andrée) / Барбара (Серф Моник Андре)
Жанры: Chanson Compilation
Артикул: CDVP 3248605
EAN: 0889853299225
Состав: 2 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 22-03-2019
Лейбл: Sony BMG Music Entertainment
Исполнители: Bachelet, Pierre / Bachelet, Pierre
Жанры: Chanson
Впервые в каталоге, издание 2016 года компиляции легендарного французского шансонье Пьера Башле "10 ans de Bachelet pour toujours" 1992 года, включающая его нетленный хит "Emmanuelle" из одноименного фильма.
Артикул: CDVP 3486065
EAN: 0190758582429
Состав: 2 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 25-05-2018
Лейбл: Sony Bmg Europe
Исполнители: Bachelet, Pierre / Bachelet, Pierre
Артикул: CDVP 3707966
EAN: 0194397246421
Состав: 3 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 07-02-2020
Лейбл: Sony Music Nashville
Исполнители: Bachelet, Pierre / Bachelet, Pierre
Жанры: Pop
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