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- Музыка и песни Thomas, Carla / Thomas, Carla на CD
Музыка и песни Thomas, Carla / Thomas, Carla на CD
Артикул: CDVP 3372530
EAN: 0190295723811
Состав: 3 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 10-11-2017
Лейбл: Rhino Records
Исполнители: Charles (Robinson), Ray / Charles (Robinson), Ray Black, Cilla / Black, Cilla Franklin, Aretha / Franklin, Aretha Redding, Otis / Redding, Otis
Исполнители: Charles (Robinson), Ray / Charles (Robinson), Ray Black, Cilla / Black, Cilla Franklin, Aretha / Franklin, Aretha Redding, Otis / Redding, Otis Sam and Dave / Sam and Dave Mar-Keys, The / Mar-Keys, The Conley, Arthur / Conley, Arthur Floyd, Eddie / Floyd, Eddie Monkees, The / Monkees, The Animals, The / Animals, The Herman's Hermits / Herman's Hermits Hollies, The / Hollies, The Valli, Frankie / Valli, Frankie Pickett, Wilson / Pickett, Wilson Supremes, The / Supremes, The Booker T and The MG's / Booker T and The MG's Bar-Kays, The / Bar-Kays, The Thomas, Carla / Thomas, Carla Tormé, Mel (Torma, Melvin Howard) / Tormé, Mel (Torma, Melvin Howard) Troy, Doris / Troy, Doris Tommy James & The Shondells / Tommy James & The Shondells Impressions, The / Impressions, The Dee, Joey / Dee, Joey Honeycombs / Honeycombs Four Seasons, The / Four Seasons, The Johnny Kidd and The Pirates / Johnny Kidd and The Pirates Swinging Blue Jeans, The / Swinging Blue Jeans, The Everly Brothers, The / Everly Brothers, The Ryder, Mitch / Ryder, Mitch Curtis, King (Ousley, Curtis) / Curtis, King (Ousley, Curtis) Vanilla Fudge / Vanilla Fudge Lynn, Tami / Lynn, Tami Bell, Archie / Bell, Archie Drifters (band) / Drifters (band) Bennett, Cliff / Bennett, Cliff Young Rascals, The / Young Rascals, The Ike and Tina Turner / Ike and Tina Turner Clay, Otis / Clay, Otis Toys, The / Toys, The Burke, Solomon (The King of Rock 'N Soul; Bishop of Soul, The; King Solomon; Wonder Boy preacher, The; Lord Solomon); (McDonald, James Solomon) / Burke, Solomon (The King of Rock 'N Soul; Bishop of Soul, The; King Solomon; Wonder Boy preacher, The; Lord Solomon); (McDonald, James Solomon) Thomas, Jr., Rufus / Thomas, Jr., Rufus Brown, James (Brown, Jr., James Joseph) / Brown, James (Brown, Jr., James Joseph) Capitols, The / Capitols, The Beau Brummels, The / Beau Brummels, The Little Eva / Little Eva
Жанры: Compilation Pop Rock Rockabilly Rock & Roll
Артикул: CDVP 3373372
EAN: 0190295729127
Состав: 3 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 10-11-2017
Лейбл: Warner Music Entertainment
Исполнители: Coldplay / Колдплэй Jamelia (Davis, Jamelia Niela) / Jamelia (Davis, Jamelia Niela) Jethro Tull / Jethro Tull Minogue, Kylie / Minogue, Kylie
Исполнители: Coldplay / Колдплэй Jamelia (Davis, Jamelia Niela) / Jamelia (Davis, Jamelia Niela) Jethro Tull / Jethro Tull Minogue, Kylie / Minogue, Kylie Pet Shop Boys / Pet Shop Boys Ramones / Ramones Chicago / Chicago Lauper, Cyndi (Lauper, Cynthia Ann Stephanie) / Lauper, Cyndi (Lauper, Cynthia Ann Stephanie) Richard, Cliff (Webb, Harry Rodger) / Richard, Cliff (Webb, Harry Rodger) Darkness, The / Дакнес Rea, Chris / Rea, Chris Redding, Otis / Redding, Otis Take 6 / Take 6 Vandross, Luther / Vandross, Luther Hot Chocolate / Hot Chocolate Wakely, Jimmy / Wakely, Jimmy Valli, Frankie / Valli, Frankie Pausini, Laura Alice Rossella / Pausini, Laura Alice Rossella Rogers, Kenny / Rogers, Kenny Booker T and The MG's / Booker T and The MG's Spinners, The / Spinners, The Lee, Brenda / Lee, Brenda Bell, William / Bell, William Thomas, Carla / Thomas, Carla Darin, Bobby (Cassotto, Walden Robert «Bobby») / Darin, Bobby (Cassotto, Walden Robert «Bobby») Lynn, Vera (Welch, Vera Margaret) / Lynn, Vera (Welch, Vera Margaret) Pogues, The / Pogues, The Impressions, The / Impressions, The Eder, Linda / Eder, Linda Faith, Adam / Faith, Adam Monro, Matt (Parsons, Terence Edward) / Monro, Matt (Parsons, Terence Edward) Sledge, Percy / Sledge, Percy Wizzard / Wizzard Everly Brothers, The / Everly Brothers, The Pretenders, The / Pretenders, The Jenkins, Katherine / Дженкинс, Катрин Carter, Carlene / Картер, Карлин Lewis, Donna / Lewis, Donna Mud / Mud Drifters (band) / Drifters (band) Cadillacs, The / Cadillacs, The Aplin, Gabrielle / Aplin, Gabrielle Straight No Chaser (SNC) (band) / Straight No Chaser (SNC) (band) Aztec Camera (band) / Aztec Camera (band) Burke, Solomon (The King of Rock 'N Soul; Bishop of Soul, The; King Solomon; Wonder Boy preacher, The; Lord Solomon); (McDonald, James Solomon) / Burke, Solomon (The King of Rock 'N Soul; Bishop of Soul, The; King Solomon; Wonder Boy preacher, The; Lord Solomon); (McDonald, James Solomon) Seal (Olusegun Adeola, Samuel Henry) / Seal (Olusegun Adeola, Samuel Henry) Allen, Lily ( Allen, Lily Rose Beatrice) / Allen, Lily ( Allen, Lily Rose Beatrice) Shelton, Blake (Shelton, Blake Tollison) / Shelton, Blake (Shelton, Blake Tollison) Wombats, The / Wombats, The Echosmith / Echosmith Day, Andra (Batie, Cassandra Monique) / Day, Andra (Batie, Cassandra Monique) Perri, Christina / Perri, Christina
Артикул: CDVP 3373394
EAN: 0190295734343
Состав: 5 CDs
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 17-11-2017
Лейбл: Rhino Entertainment
Исполнители: Jo Sumi, soprano / Йо Суми, сопрано Coldplay / Колдплэй Jamelia (Davis, Jamelia Niela) / Jamelia (Davis, Jamelia Niela) Jethro Tull / Jethro Tull
Исполнители: Jo Sumi, soprano / Йо Суми, сопрано Coldplay / Колдплэй Jamelia (Davis, Jamelia Niela) / Jamelia (Davis, Jamelia Niela) Jethro Tull / Jethro Tull Minogue, Kylie / Minogue, Kylie Pet Shop Boys / Pet Shop Boys Cogan, Alma / Коган, Альма Chicago / Chicago Richard, Cliff (Webb, Harry Rodger) / Richard, Cliff (Webb, Harry Rodger) Boyzone / Boyzone Darkness, The / Дакнес Rea, Chris / Rea, Chris Redding, Otis / Redding, Otis Take 6 / Take 6 Foghat / Foghat Vandross, Luther / Vandross, Luther Hot Chocolate / Hot Chocolate Wakely, Jimmy / Wakely, Jimmy Valli, Frankie / Valli, Frankie Jarreau, Al (Alwin Lopez) / Jarreau, Al (Alwin Lopez) Booker T and The MG's / Booker T and The MG's Spinners, The / Spinners, The Lee, Brenda / Lee, Brenda Jones, Aled / Jones, Aled Bell, William / Bell, William Thomas, Carla / Thomas, Carla Darin, Bobby (Cassotto, Walden Robert «Bobby») / Darin, Bobby (Cassotto, Walden Robert «Bobby») Joseph, Margie / Джозеф, Марджи Impressions, The / Impressions, The Third Eye Blind / Third Eye Blind Four Seasons, The / Four Seasons, The Libera / Libera Eder, Linda / Eder, Linda Faith, Adam / Faith, Adam Sledge, Percy / Sledge, Percy Wizzard / Wizzard Everly Brothers, The / Everly Brothers, The Pretenders, The / Pretenders, The En Vogue / En Vogue Jenkins, Katherine / Дженкинс, Катрин Sweat, Keith / Sweat, Keith Yoakam, Dwight / Yoakam, Dwight Baseballs, The / Бейсболлс Curtis, King (Ousley, Curtis) / Curtis, King (Ousley, Curtis) Lewis, Donna / Lewis, Donna Montgomery, John Michael / Montgomery, John Michael Rumer (Joyce, Sarah) / Rumer (Joyce, Sarah) Scouting For Girls / Scouting For Girls Paige, Elaine / Paige, Elaine Doolittle, Eliza (Caird, Eliza Sophie) / Doolittle, Eliza (Caird, Eliza Sophie) Mud / Mud Corr, Ida / Corr, Ida Drifters (band) / Drifters (band) Cadillacs, The / Cadillacs, The Aplin, Gabrielle / Aplin, Gabrielle Hucknall, Mick / Hucknall, Mick Hep Stars, The / Hep Stars, The Aztec Camera (band) / Aztec Camera (band) Burke, Solomon (The King of Rock 'N Soul; Bishop of Soul, The; King Solomon; Wonder Boy preacher, The; Lord Solomon); (McDonald, James Solomon) / Burke, Solomon (The King of Rock 'N Soul; Bishop of Soul, The; King Solomon; Wonder Boy preacher, The; Lord Solomon); (McDonald, James Solomon) Allen, Lily ( Allen, Lily Rose Beatrice) / Allen, Lily ( Allen, Lily Rose Beatrice) Wombats, The / Wombats, The Ceelo Green (Cee-Lo); (Callaway, Thomas DeCarlo) / Ceelo Green (Cee-Lo); (Callaway, Thomas DeCarlo)
Жанры: Rock Weihnachten
Артикул: CDVP 1045899
EAN: 0029667056328
Состав: 1 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Лейбл: Ace Records
Исполнители: Thomas, Carla / Thomas, Carla
Артикул: CDVP 3482057
EAN: 0603497859139
Состав: 1 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 22-06-2018
Лейбл: Atlas Recordings
Исполнители: Franklin, Aretha / Franklin, Aretha Redding, Otis / Redding, Otis Sam and Dave / Sam and Dave Conley, Arthur / Conley, Arthur
Исполнители: Franklin, Aretha / Franklin, Aretha Redding, Otis / Redding, Otis Sam and Dave / Sam and Dave Conley, Arthur / Conley, Arthur Floyd, Eddie / Floyd, Eddie King, Ben E. (Nelson, Benjamin Earl) / King, Ben E. (Nelson, Benjamin Earl) Pickett, Wilson / Pickett, Wilson Bar-Kays, The / Bar-Kays, The Thomas, Carla / Thomas, Carla Mad Lads, The / Mad Lads, The Lynn, Barbara / Lynn, Barbara Sledge, Percy / Sledge, Percy Drells, The / Drells, The Jeanne And The Darlings / Jeanne And The Darlings Soul Brothers Inc. / Soul Brothers Inc. Burke, Solomon (The King of Rock 'N Soul; Bishop of Soul, The; King Solomon; Wonder Boy preacher, The; Lord Solomon); (McDonald, James Solomon) / Burke, Solomon (The King of Rock 'N Soul; Bishop of Soul, The; King Solomon; Wonder Boy preacher, The; Lord Solomon); (McDonald, James Solomon)
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