2 миллиона музыкальных записей на Виниле, CD и DVD

Музыка и песни Traditional / Traditional

1 CD
Под заказ
18291 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 108875

EAN: 0053479026026

Состав: 1 CD

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 01-01-1999

Лейбл: Sono Luminus

Жанры: Камерная и инструментальная музыка 

Composer(s)Anonymous • Jones, Edward
Artist(s) Taylor, William, harp
Period(s) Classical (1750-1830)
Genre Classical Music
Category Instrumental
Label Sono Luminus
1 CD
Под заказ
6973 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 108876

EAN: 0053479000620

Состав: 1 CD

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 01-01-1998

Лейбл: Sono Luminus

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Жанры: Вокальный цикл  Духовная музыка (Страсти, Мессы, Реквиемы и т.д.)  Камерная и инструментальная музыка  Опера, интермедия, серената  Оркестровые произведения  Хоровые произведения / Произведения для хора и солистов 

Anonymous • Bach, Johann Sebastian • Bull, John • Busnoys, Antoine • Chaminade, Cecile • Falla, Manuel de • Ginastera, Alberto • Mangeant, Jacques • Narvaez, Luys de • Neusidler, Hans • Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista • Piazzolla, Astor • Popper, David • Root, George Frederick • Saint-Saens, Camille • Sarasate, Pablo de • Traditional
McComiskey, Billy, accordion • McMillan, Kevin, baritone • Alvarado, William, baritone • Diaz, Andres, cello • Mark, Andrew, cello • Bloemendal, Coenraad, cello • Schola Cantorum de Caracas, Choir • Alberto Grau Cantoria, Choir • Rafael Suarez Polyphonic Choir, Choir • Pomerium, Choir • McComiskey, Billy, concertina • Blachly, Alexander, Conductor • Labadie, Bernard, Conductor • Mata, Eduardo, Conductor • Wheaton, Paul, double bass • Violons du Roy, Les, Ensemble • Baltimore Consort, Ensemble • Rembrandt Trio, The, Ensemble • Camerata Bariloche, Ensemble • D.C. Hall's New Concert and Quadrille Band, Ensemble • Fraser, Alasdair, fiddle • Norman, Chris, flute • Flower, Edward, guitar • Brown, Joel, guitar • Bullock, Robin, guitar • McFarlane, Ronn, lute • Robbin, Catherine, mezzo-soprano • Angell, Cecilia, mezzo-soprano • Senn, Martha, mezzo-soprano • Dallas Symphony Orchestra • Simon Bolivar Symphony Orchestra of Venezuela • Guillou, Jean Victor Arthur, organ • Sanders, Samuel, piano • Tryon, Valerie, piano • Roschmann, Dorothea, soprano • Mora, Fernando de la, tenor • M'Dermott, Kevin, tenor • Barton, Rachel, violin • Tilney, Colin, virginal
Period(s) 20th Century • Baroque (1600-1750) • Renaissance (1400-1600) • Romantic
Genre Classical Music • World
Category Chamber Music • Choral - Sacred • Choral - Secular • Instrumental • Opera • Orchestral • Vocal • World
Label Sono Luminus
1 CD
Под заказ
13903 руб.
Anonymous • Bevin, Elway • Byrd, William • Coprario, John • Dixon, William • Dowland, John • Finger, Gottfried • Gibbons, Orlando • Johnson, Robert • Morley, Thomas • Playford, John • Simpson, Thomas • Traditional
Artist(s) Hesperus, Ensemble
Period(s) Baroque (1600-1750) • Renaissance (1400-1600)
Genre Classical Music
Category Chamber Music
Label Sono Luminus
1 CD
Под заказ
4199 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 108997

EAN: 0053479026422

Состав: 1 CD

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 01-01-1999

Лейбл: Sono Luminus

Жанры: Камерная и инструментальная музыка 

Dow, Daniel • Forbes, William • MacCrimmon, Patrick Mor • McGibbon, William • Purcell, Henry • Traditional
Artist(s) Risk, Laura, fiddle • Schwab, Jacqueline, piano
Period(s) Baroque (1600-1750)
Genre Classical Music
Category Chamber Music
Label Sono Luminus
1 CD
Под заказ
12013 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 108998

EAN: 0053479000521

Состав: 1 CD

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 01-01-1993

Лейбл: Sono Luminus

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Жанры: Вокальный цикл  Камерная и инструментальная музыка  Оркестровые произведения 

Anonymous • Arensky, Anton Stepanovich • Bach, Johann Sebastian • Brahms, Johannes • Chopin, Fryderyk • Copland, Aaron • Dowland, John • Handel, George Frideric • Haydn, Franz Joseph • Johnson, John • Schubert, Franz • Skinner, James Scott • Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Il'yich • Traditional
Braun, Victor, baritone • Morgan, Ann Marie, bass viol • Perick, Christof, Conductor • Mata, Eduardo, Conductor • Lafayette String Quartet, Ensemble • Baltimore Consort, Ensemble • Rembrandt Trio, The, Ensemble • Sutherland, Pete, fiddle • Bullock, Robin, fiddle • Norman, Chris, flute • Bullock, Robin, guitar • Bass, Howard, lute • McFarlane, Ronn, lute • Dallas Symphony Orchestra • Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra • Philomel Baroque Orchestra • Guillou, Jean Victor Arthur, organ • Kubalek, Antonin, piano • Moravec, Ivan, piano • Bullock, Robin, sitar • Baird, Julianne, soprano • Morgan, Ann Marie, viola da gamba
Period(s) 20th Century • Baroque (1600-1750) • Classical (1750-1830) • Renaissance (1400-1600) • Romantic
Genre Classical Music • World
Category Chamber Music • Instrumental • Orchestral • Vocal • World
Label Sono Luminus
1 CD
Под заказ
14511 руб.
Anonymous • Encina, Juan del • Fernandes, Alonso • Fogliano, Giacomo • Guglielmo Ebreo da Pesaro, • Jagoda, Flori • Mudarra, Alonso • Narvaez, Luys de • Ortega • Ortiz, Diego • Traditional • Vasquez, Juan
Artist(s) Rondinella, La, Ensemble
Period(s) Renaissance (1400-1600)
Genre Classical Music
Category Chamber Music • Instrumental • Vocal
Label Sono Luminus
1 CD
Под заказ
17562 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 109148

EAN: 0053479025029

Состав: 1 CD

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 01-01-1997

Лейбл: Sono Luminus

Composer(s)Harty, Hamilton • Packham, Brian Christopher • Traditional
Bullock, Robin, cittern • Hasaj, Fernando, Conductor • Kolodner, Ken, dulcimer • Camerata Bariloche, Ensemble • Norman, Chris, flute
Period(s) 20th Century
Genre World
Category World
Label Sono Luminus
1 CD
Под заказ
8199 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 109225

EAN: 0751758011526

Состав: 1 CD

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 01-01-1994

Лейбл: Sono Luminus

Композиторы: Traditional / Traditional

Blake, Norman • Bullock, Robin • Dearth, Greg • MacLean, Dougie • Monroe, Bill • Murphy, Denis • Norman, Chris • Paris, Frederic • Traditional
Artist(s) Helicon, Ensemble • Epstein, Freyda, viola
Period(s) 20th Century • Contemporary
Genre World
Category World
Label Sono Luminus
1 CD
Под заказ
6298 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 109278

EAN: 4260158915052

Состав: 1 CD

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 01-01-2008

Лейбл: Glor Classics

Композиторы: Traditional / Traditional

Дирижеры: Daus Joshard / Даус Йосхард

Жанры: Духовная музыка (Страсти, Мессы, Реквиемы и т.д.)  Хоровые произведения / Произведения для хора и солистов 

Composer(s)Anonymous • Traditional
Artist(s) Europe Choir Academy, Choir • Daus, Joshard, Conductor • Heinz Kretzschmar Ensemble, Ensemble
Genre Classical Music
Category Choral - Sacred • Choral - Secular
Label Glor Classics
1 CD
Под заказ
8436 руб.
Budriunas, Bronius • Gruber, Franz Xaver • Guerrero, Francisco • Malecki, Maciej • Naujalis, Jouzas • Poulenc, Francis • Schumann, Georg • Sedas, J. • Sinius, J. • Traditional • Victoria, Tomas Luis de
Daus, Joshard, Conductor • Heras-Casado, Pablo, Conductor • Gylys, Povilas, Conductor • Delimat, Wieslaw, Conductor • Europa Chor Akademie, Ensemble
Period(s) 20th Century • Contemporary • Renaissance (1400-1600) • Romantic
Genre Classical Music
Category Choral - Sacred
Label Glor Classics
1 CD
Под заказ
5449 руб.
Adson, John • Anonymous • Banchieri, Adriano • Busnoys, Antoine • Crecquillon, Thomas • Dowland, John • Erbach, Christian • Finck, Heinrich • Greiter, Matthias • Grillo, Giovanni Battista • Hassler, Hans Leo • Isaac, Heinrich • Isaac, Heinricus • Lasso, Orlando di • Luzzaschi, Luzzasco • Monteverdi, Claudio • Morley, Thomas • Peuerl, Paul • Philidor, Pierre Danican • Posch, Isaac • Scheidt, Samuel • Schein, Johann Hermann • Traditional • Walter, Johann • Wilbye, John
Artist(s) New York Kammermusiker, Ensemble
Period(s) Baroque (1600-1750) • Renaissance (1400-1600)
Genre Classical Music
Category Chamber Music
Label Sono Luminus
1 CD
Под заказ
12013 руб.
Anonymous • Berlin, Irving • Bernard, Felix • Connor, Tommy • Gruber, Franz Xaver • Harline, Leigh • Karl, Collman • Liljefors, Ruben • Marks, Johnny • Nordqvist, Gustaf • Olander, Johanna • Pierpont, James Lord • Tegner, Alice • Traditional
Artist(s) Hedrenius, Dicken, trombone
Period(s) 20th Century • Romantic
Genre Contemporary Jazz
Category Contemporary Jazz
Label Sittel Records
1 CD
Под заказ
3349 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 109487

EAN: 0053479000927

Состав: 1 CD

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 01-01-1997

Лейбл: Sono Luminus

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Жанры: Вокальный цикл  Духовная музыка (Страсти, Мессы, Реквиемы и т.д.)  Камерная и инструментальная музыка  Оркестровые произведения  Хоровые произведения / Произведения для хора и солистов 

Anonymous • Bach, Johann Sebastian • Bull, John • Busnoys, Antoine • Dowland, John • Frescobaldi, Girolamo Alessandro • Gesualdo, Carlo • Gibbons, Orlando • Haydn, Franz Joseph • Johnson, Robert • Monteverdi, Claudio • Morley, Thomas • Neusidler, Hans • Ortiz, Diego • Praetorius, Michael • Traditional
Kosloski, Alice, alto • George, Edwin, bagpipe • McMillan, Kevin, baritone • Pomerium, Choir • Cuddek, Mark, cittern • Cudek, Mark, cittern • Blachly, Alexander, Conductor • Labadie, Bernard, Conductor • Hsu, John, Conductor • Lipkis, Larry, crumhorn • Violons du Roy, Les, Ensemble • Apollo Ensemble, Ensemble • Baltimore Consort, Ensemble • Rondinella, La, Ensemble • Haydn Baryton Trio, The, Ensemble • Altramar Medieval Music Ensemble, Ensemble • Chancey, Tina, fiddle • Norman, Chris, flute • Taylor, William, harp • Tilney, Colin, harpsichord • Chancey, Tina, kamanche • MacKillop, Rob, lute • McFarlane, Ronn, lute • Chancey, Tina, percussion • Chancey, Tina, rebec • George, Edwin, recorder • Chancey, Tina, recorder • LaRue, Custer, soprano • Roschmann, Dorothea, soprano • Baird, Julianne, soprano • Chancey, Tina, treble viol • Ballard, Mary Anne, viol • Tilney, Colin, virginal
Period(s) Baroque (1600-1750) • Classical (1750-1830) • Renaissance (1400-1600)
Genre Classical Music • World
Category Chamber Music • Choral - Sacred • Choral - Secular • Instrumental • Orchestral • Vocal • World
Label Sono Luminus
1 CD
Под заказ
12621 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 109494

EAN: 7330658000637

Состав: 1 CD

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 01-01-2008

Лейбл: Sittel Records

Composer(s)Hogman, John • Strayhorn, Billy • Traditional
Artist(s) John Hogman Quartet, Ensemble
Genre Contemporary Jazz
Category Contemporary Jazz
Label Sittel Records
1 CD
Под заказ
10123 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 109498

EAN: 7330658000460

Состав: 1 CD

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 01-01-2008

Лейбл: Sittel Records

Davis, Miles • Duke, Vernon • Feldman, Victor • Gershwin, Ira • Pettersson, Andreas • Pettersson, Andreas • Traditional • Walton, Cedar
Artist(s) Andreas Pettersson Quintet, Ensemble
Period(s) 20th Century
Genre Contemporary Jazz
Category Contemporary Jazz
Label Sittel Records
1 CD
Под заказ
14646 руб.
Anonymous • Cruger, Johannes • Drese, Adam • Herman, Nikolaus • Hille, Johann Georg • Krieger, Adam • Pezold, Gustav • Praetorius, Michael • Sermisy, Claudin de • Traditional
Artist(s) Solistenensemble, Das, Choir • Schnitter, Gerhard, Conductor • Solistenensemble, Das, Ensemble
Period(s) Baroque (1600-1750) • Classical (1750-1830) • Renaissance (1400-1600)
Genre Classical Music
Category Choral - Sacred
Label Haenssler Classic
1 CD
Под заказ
7873 руб.
Anonymous • Castellanos, Rafael Antonio • Hidalgo, Juan • Murcia, Santiago de • Orejon y Aparicio, Jose de • Sanz, Gaspar • Serqueira de Lima, Juan • Zarate, Vicente Ortiz de • Zumaya, Manuel de
Artist(s) Chatham Baroque, Ensemble • Mallon, Danny, percussion • Allred, Carol Ann, soprano
Period(s) Baroque (1600-1750)
Genre Classical Music
Category Chamber Music • Vocal
Label Sono Luminus
1 CD
Под заказ
3349 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 109562

EAN: 0053479090621

Состав: 1 CD

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 01-01-2009

Лейбл: Sono Luminus

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Жанры: Вокальные ансамбли  Вокальный цикл  Духовная музыка (Страсти, Мессы, Реквиемы и т.д.)  Камерная и инструментальная музыка  Оркестровые произведения 

Anonymous • Bach, Johann Sebastian • Bernstein, Leonard • Daughter of Ioannes Kladas, • Handel, George Frideric • Hovhaness, Alan • Josquin des Prez • Ockeghem, Johannes • Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da • Rheinberger, Joseph Gabriel • Shvedov, Konstantin Nikolaevich • Thompson, Randall • Victoria, Tomas Luis de • Vivaldi, Antonio
Boston Trinity Church Choir, Choir • Capella Alamire, Choir • Vienna Vocal Consort, Choir • Saint Clement's Choir, Philadelphia, Choir • Slavyanka Men's Russian Chorus, Choir • Shipovalnikov, Aleksei, Conductor • Labadie, Bernard, Conductor • Jones, Brian, Conductor • Funfgeld, Greg, Conductor • Stratton, Kerry, Conductor • Urquhart, Peter, Conductor • Conte, Peter Richard, Conductor • Smith, Stephen, Conductor • Upadhyaya, Vijay, Conductor • Sykes, Belinda, contralto • Sarband, Ensemble • Violons du Roy, Les, Ensemble • Solid Brass, Ensemble • Proteus 7, Ensemble • Ensemble Corund, Ensemble • Taylor, William, harp • MacKillop, Rob, lute • Robbin, Catherine, mezzo-soprano • Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra • Bach Festival Orchestra • Monoyios, Ann, soprano • Roschmann, Dorothea, soprano • El-Hage, Fadia, vocals
Period(s) 20th Century • Baroque (1600-1750) • Medieval • Renaissance (1400-1600) • Romantic
Genre Classical Music
Category Chamber Music • Choral - Sacred • Orchestral • Vocal • Vocal Ensemble • Wind Ensemble/Band Music
Label Sono Luminus
1 CD
Под заказ
6699 руб.
Ascher, Joseph • Beethoven, Ludwig van • Bloom, Peter H. • Foster, Stephen C. • Helmsmueller, Fred B. • Hutchinson, Jesse • Kittredge, Walter • Lover, Samuel • Root, George Frederick • Skedaddles, • Smith, John Stafford • Steffe, William • Traditional • Tucker, Henry • Work, Henry Clay
Artist(s) D.C. Hall's New Concert and Quadrille Band, Ensemble • M'Dermott, Kevin, tenor • M'Dermott, Kevin, vocals
Period(s) Classical (1750-1830) • Romantic
Genre Classical Music
Category Chamber Music • Vocal
Label Sono Luminus