4 миллиона музыкальных записей на Виниле, CD и DVD

Фирма Full Time Hobby

Full Time Hobby
1 LP
Под заказ
4199 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 4019538

EAN: 5060626460027

Состав: 1 LP

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 02-11-2018

Лейбл: Full Time Hobby

Исполнители: The Saxophones / The Saxophones

Жанры: Pop  Rock 

После успеха первых двух EP "If You're On The Water" и "Aloha" супруги Алекси и Элисон делают следующий шаг со своей группой The Saxophones и анонсируют свой дебютный альбом "Songs Of The Saxophones".

Все песни были написаны зимой, когда супруги жили на хаусботе в районе залива Сан-Франциско. В итоге материал был записан в совершенно дождливом Портленде. Вдохновленные экзотикой и гавайскими альбомами 1950-х годов (Eden Abhez, Buddy Fo и Martin Denny), а также почти забытым итальянским поэтом-песенником Vittorio Impiglia 1970-х годов и разнообразными джазовыми записями Третьего потока и Западного побережья, Алекси и Элисон удалось создать необычный альбом из 10 "Songs Of The Saxophones".

"Я написал ее через несколько недель после смерти Чака Берри", - говорит Алекси о лид-сингле "Picture". "На мой слух, первый куплет звучит как постмодернистская "Riding Around in My Automobile". Иногда я пою ее с точки зрения молодого калифорнийского серфингиста, находящегося на грани того, чтобы усомниться в истинах, которые он считал безопасными. В другие моменты я думаю о том, как мой поиск смысла проявляется в стремлении к потреблению и творчеству"

Совет для всех поклонников Timber Timbre, Tindersticks, Low, Jan Garberek, Martin Denny, Acetone, Twin Peaks Original Soundtrack!

1 LP
Под заказ
11349 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 4018282

EAN: 5060626466913

Состав: 1 LP

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Лейбл: Full Time Hobby

Исполнители: Squirrel Flower / Squirrel Flower

Жанры: Folk  Folk, World, & Country  Indie Rock  Rock  Shoegaze 

Вновь обретя уверенность в себе как в продюсере и имея два предыдущих замечательных альбома, Элла Уильямс записала свой новый альбом Tomorrow's Fire в студии Drop Of Sun Studios в Эшвилле с известным инженером Алексом Фарраром (Wednesday, Indigo de Souza, Snail Mail). Уильямс и Фаррар записали многие инструменты, создали песни в течение первой недели, а затем собрали студийную группу. В работе приняли участие Мэтт МакКохан (Bon Iver), Сет Кауффман (Angel Olsen Band), Джейк Лендерман (MJ Lenderman, Wednesday) и Дэйв Хартли (The War on Drugs).

В качестве источников вдохновения для Tomorrow's Fire Уильямс называет таких исполнителей, как Джейсон Молина, Том Уэйтс и Брюс Спрингстин, - музыкантов, которые всегда знали, как проникнуть в чужое сознание, как рассказать историю жизни менее чем за четыре минуты. "Песни, которые я пишу, не всегда автобиографичны, но они всегда правдивы, - говорит Уильямс.

1 LP
Под заказ
9249 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 4016865

EAN: 5060626464353

Состав: 1 LP

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 29-04-2022

Лейбл: Full Time Hobby

Исполнители: Dana Gavanski / Dana Gavanski

Жанры: Avantgarde  Experimental  Indie Pop  Pop  Rock 

Находясь на пересечении интроверсии и экстраверсии, "When It Comes" является самым уязвимым альбомом Даны на сегодняшний день.

Канадско-сербская художница, не боящаяся крайностей, органично сочетает свою любовь к музыке 50-70-х годов с мифологией. Во время Во время лондонских сессий записи первоначальные идеи альбома были опробованы на игрушечном Casiotone Даны. Вместе со своим партнером Джеймсом Ховардом, они вернулись в студию TRC, чтобы вместе спродюсировать новые песни.

1 LP
Под заказ
7299 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 3792245

EAN: 5060626464346

Состав: 1 LP

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Лейбл: Full Time Hobby

Исполнители: Dana Gavanski / Dana Gavanski

Жанры: Alternative  Avantgarde  Experimental  Indie Pop  Rock 

Под заказ
5699 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 3771013

EAN: 5060626463073

Состав: 1 VINYL

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 04-02-2021

Лейбл: Full Time Hobby

Исполнители: Rose,Esther / Rose,Esther

Жанры: Singer / Songwriter 

1 CD
Под заказ
5999 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 3769548

EAN: 5060626463288

Состав: 1 CD

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Лейбл: Full Time Hobby


Жанры: Progressive Rock 

Под заказ
5699 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 3767621

EAN: 5060626463295

Состав: 1 VINYL

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Лейбл: Full Time Hobby

Исполнители: Spirogyra / Spirogyra

Жанры: Alternative 

Под заказ
27876 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 3767055

EAN: 5060626463219

Состав: 1 VINYL

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 06-11-2021

Лейбл: Full Time Hobby


Под заказ
27876 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 3767054

EAN: 5060626463202

Состав: 1 VINYL

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 06-11-2021

Лейбл: Full Time Hobby

Исполнители: Timber Timbre / Timber Timbre

Под заказ
7650 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 3767053

EAN: 5060626463196

Состав: 1 VINYL

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 06-11-2021

Лейбл: Full Time Hobby


Под заказ
9516 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 3758956

EAN: 5060626463110

Состав: LP

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 09-04-2021

Лейбл: Full Time Hobby

Исполнители: Tunng / Tunng

Жанры: Alternative 

Под заказ
8473 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 3758370

EAN: 5060626462915

Состав: 7"

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 19-02-2021

Лейбл: Full Time Hobby

Исполнители: Margot / Margot

Жанры: Alternative 

Лондонская группа Margot продолжает серию синглов с альбомом «Falling In Between Days», продолжением альбома «Walk With Me», выпущенного в июле. Оба трека вошли в г 7-дюймовый сингл, который вышел 19 февраля 2021 еода
Под заказ
7549 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 3758359

EAN: 5060626463103

Состав: LP

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 19-03-2021

Лейбл: Full Time Hobby

Жанры: Alternative 

Под заказ
5999 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 3755146

EAN: 5060626462694

Состав: CD

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 29-01-2021

Лейбл: Full Time Hobby

Исполнители: Besnard Lakes,The / Besnard Lakes,The

Жанры: Alternative 

The Besnard Lakes have passed through death and they're here to tell the tale. Nearly five years after their last lightning-tinted volley, the magisterial Montreal psych-rock band have sworn off compromise, split with their long-standing label, and completed a searing, 72-minute suite about the darkness of dying and the light on the other side. The Besnard Lakes Are The Last of the Great Thunderstorm Warnings is the group's sixth album and the first in more than 15 years to be released away from a certain midwestern American indie record company. After 2016's A Coliseum Complex Museum - which saw Jace Lasek and Olga Goreas attempting shorter, less sprawling songs - the Besnards and their label decided it was time to go their separate ways; with that decision came a question of whether to even continue the project at all. What use is a band with an instinct for long, tectonic tunes - rock songs with chthonic heft and ethereal grace, five or 10 or 18 minutes long? How do you sell that in an age of bite-sized streaming? How do you make it relevant? "Who gives a shit!" the Besnard Lakes realized. Ignited by their love for each other, for playing music together, the sextet found themselves unspooling the most uncompromising recording of their career. Despite all its grandeur, ...The Last of the Great Thunderstorm Warnings honours the very essence of punk rock: the notion that a band need only be relevant to itself. At last the Besnard Lakes have crafted a continuous long-form suite: nine tracks that could be listened together as one, like Spiritualized's Lazer Guided Melodies or even Dark Side of the Moon, overflowing with melody and harmony, drone and dazzle, the group's own unique weather.   Here now, the Besnard Lakes finally dispensed with the two/three-year album cycle, taking all the time they needed to conceive, compose, record and mix their opus. Some of its songs were old, resurrected from demos cast aside years ago. Others were literally woodshedded in the cabanon behind Lasek and Goreas's "Rigaud Ranch" - invented and reinvented, relishing this rougher sound. Some of that distortion makes its way into the final mix: an incandescent crackle that had receded from the Besnards' more recent output.   Rightly - nay, definitively! - The Besnard Lakes Are The Last of the Great Thunderstorm Warnings is a double LP. "Near Death" is the title of the first side. "Death," "After Death," and "Life" follow next. It's literally a journey into (and back from) the brink: the story of the Besnard Lakes' own odyssey but also a remembrance of others', especially the death of Lasek's father in 2019. Being on your deathbed is perhaps the most psychedelic trip you can go on: in Lasek's father's case, he surfaced from a morphine dream to talk about "a window" on his blanket, with "a carpenter inside, making intricate objects." That experience pervades the album, catching fire on the song "Christmas Can Wait"; elsewhere the band pays tribute to the late Mark Hollis and, on "The Father of Time Wakes Up," they mourn the death of Prince.   In these scorched and pitted times, as the world smoulders, there might be nothing less trendy than an hour-long psych-rock epic by a band of Canadian grandmasters. Then again, there might be nothing we need more. ...The Last of the Great Thunderstorm Warnings is a bright-blazing requiem: nine tunes that are one tune and six musicians who make one band - unleashed and unconstrained, piercing and technicolour. At the end of the golden day, the Besnard Lakes are right where they should be.
1 CD
Под заказ
5299 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 3753905

EAN: 5060626462557

Состав: 1 CD

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 06-11-2020

Лейбл: Full Time Hobby

Жанры: Folk, World, & Country 

Хит продаж
1 LP
Под заказ
8399 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 3724635

EAN: 5060626461765

Состав: 1 LP

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 22-05-2020

Лейбл: Full Time Hobby

Жанры: Indie Rock  Rock  Singer / Songwriter 

Katie Von Schleicher doesn’t hold back. Her music, drenched in layers of warmth and fuzz, mines depression, devotion, power, and anxiety without reserve. But if channeling weighty subject matter is a constant in Von Schleicher’s music, so too is transforming that material into sonic landscapes that defy expectations. On Von Schleicher’s second record, Consummation, she blasts past the lo-fi power ballads of her debut Shitty Hits (2017) with a severe expansion of her sonic palette; its 13 shape-shifting songs depict a deeply personal exploration of trauma. The result is both potent and listenable; strange and familiar; intense and entertaining—and, perhaps most of all, teeming with life. Von Schleicher pulls the listener in from the outset. The synths and drum machines of the album opener You Remind Me evoke a room depressurizing, signaling a crossover into unsettling, dream-like territory. Her self-assured voice floats above the fray, her lyrics pointed: “And now I can’t confine my rage.” The following songs vary in genre and tempo, ranging from a pulsating, electronic rocker (Brutality) to upbeat and jagged kraut (Wheel, Caged Sleep) and a melancholic, cosmic ballad (Gross). There’s even a brief, haunting crooner of a track (Strangest Thing). What they share is lyrical concision, emotional heft, and conscientious production. Consummation is, in part, inspired by an alternate interpretation of Hitchcock’s Vertigo. In 2018, Von Schleicher rewatched the seminal film and was struck by its largely unanalyzed subtext of abuse. She knew immediately that this hidden narrative, which spoke to her personal experience, would be the basis of her next album. While writing and engineering the record, she found sanctuary in the words of other women: namely, Carmen Maria Machado’s Her Body and Other Parties, Rachel Cusk’s Outline trilogy, and Rebecca Solnit’s A Field Guide to Getting Lost. The latter proved particularly influential: Soon after revisiting Vertigo, Von Schleicher stumbled upon Solnit’s lacerating take on the film
Под заказ
21937 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 3723886

EAN: 5060626461918

Состав: LP

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 08-05-2020

Лейбл: Full Time Hobby

Исполнители: Dana Gavanski / Dana Gavanski

Жанры: Alternative Rock 

Под заказ
6300 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 3723885

EAN: 5060626462267

Состав: 12"

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 14-08-2020

Лейбл: Full Time Hobby

Исполнители: Dana Gavanski / Dana Gavanski

Жанры: Alternative Rock 

Limited edition 12”, 500 black vinyl includes download code Following the release of Dana’s debut album “Yesterday Is Gone” in March 2020, Wind Songs brings together 5 cover tracks recorded in London shortly after, whilst in lockdown. Stream “I Talk To The Wind” now. The other 4 tracks will be slowly revealed over the next couple of months.As fierce as the inclement weather itself, the ethereal tones of Serbian-Canadian musician Dana Gavanski can stir a breeze and destroy like a storm. With her new covers EP Wind Songs Dana serendipitously teases her debut album from her new home in London across both sides of enforced isolation, to show an artist making the best of unfortunate circumstance and seeking comfort in the familiar strangers of her musical heroes. “Yesterday is Gone, my debut album, came into the world at a strange time,” says Dana, “I never expected to be unable to tour it until at least a year after its release but I’ve silently accepted it. I’m happy to hear of the ways it is reaching people. To read beautiful andthoughtful comments from friends and strangers. Also, in many ways, not being able to do so many things I was used to have shown me how excited I was about getting on the road and in turn, has helped me realise I should work on not taking things for granted.” With multiple festivals and shows across France, Germany, and North America on pause, Dana utilised solitude to form deeper connections with the artists who inspire her. With her Travis picking technique she has recorded her unique renditions of songs like a time capsule of her journey so far; from teenage years in Vancouver to kitchen table talk with her mother and grandma “baka” about love, life, sex, art, relationships, and psychology, and selling her records for a move to Montreal: “I kind of forgot about King Crimson for some time,” Dana says of her EP’s cover of their song, ‘I talk to the wind,’ “ and only got back into them early last year. Ian McDonald’s beautiful flute solos throughout the song, the mellow vocals and symphonic arrangements all come together to make it beautifully moody.” With echoes of Vashti Bunyan and a hint of airy wistfulness akin to Cate Le Bon, writing is how Dana makes sense of life’s bumps in the road. Her forthcoming album Yesterday Is Gone, which will get a full release in September, took shape after she returned from a writing residency in Banff, Alberta where she’d begun to learn the art of being alone with her emotions. Rooted in the intimacy of folk songwriting, it explores a different sonic texture and as a full band, Dana co- produced her record with Toronto
1 LP
Под заказ
8473 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 3723884

EAN: 5060626461130

Состав: 1 LP

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 01-11-2019

Лейбл: Full Time Hobby

Исполнители: Dana Gavanski / Dana Gavanski

Жанры: Folk  Folk, World, & Country  Singer / Songwriter 

Под заказ
7599 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 3723026

EAN: 5060626462175

Состав: LP

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 28-08-2020

Лейбл: Full Time Hobby


Жанры: Singer / Songwriter 

An introduction to Aidan Knight: As a songwriter, performer and producer based on Vancouver Island, Aidan has released 3 critically acclaimed albums (Versicolour, Small Reveal, and Each Other), toured with artists like Half Moon Run, Andy Shauf, James Vincent McMorrow, Villagers, Dan Mangan and more. Since the release of his 3rd LP (Each Other) he’s moved to Berlin and back, begun a home base studio for his production work, and celebrated the birth of his son with Julia, his wife and long-time creative partner)