Артикул: CDVP 3763637
EAN: 5060340150143
Состав: 2 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Ouvertüre: Largo - Allegro (aus Rinaldo und Armida von John Eccles)
Rezitativ: Behold auspicious flashes rise (1. Akt)
Arie: Lucky omens bless our rites (aus From this happy day von John Eccles)
Rezitativ: Daughter, obey, hear, and obey
Arie: Ah me! What refuge now is left me?
Arie: See, she blushing turns her eyes
Arie: Hymen haste, thy torch prepare
Rezitativ: Alas! She yields, and has undone me
Quartett: Why dost thou thus untimely grieve?
Rezitativ: Avert these omens, all ye pow'rs!
Trio: Avert these omens, all ye pow'rs!
Rezitativ: Again auspicious flashes rise
Rezitativ: Cease your vows
Rezitativ: O Athamas, what torture hast thou born!
Arie: Turn, hopeless lover, turn thy eyes
Rezitativ: She weeps!
Arie: Such unavailing mercy is in beauty found
Rezitativ: Ah me, too much afflicted!
Rezitativ: Behold auspicious flashes rise (1. Akt)
Arie: Lucky omens bless our rites (aus From this happy day von John Eccles)
Rezitativ: Daughter, obey, hear, and obey
Arie: Ah me! What refuge now is left me?
Arie: See, she blushing turns her eyes
Arie: Hymen haste, thy torch prepare
Rezitativ: Alas! She yields, and has undone me
Quartett: Why dost thou thus untimely grieve?
Rezitativ: Avert these omens, all ye pow'rs!
Trio: Avert these omens, all ye pow'rs!
Rezitativ: Again auspicious flashes rise
Rezitativ: Cease your vows
Rezitativ: O Athamas, what torture hast thou born!
Arie: Turn, hopeless lover, turn thy eyes
Rezitativ: She weeps!
Arie: Such unavailing mercy is in beauty found
Rezitativ: Ah me, too much afflicted!
Ouvertüre: Largo - Allegro (aus Rinaldo und Armida von John Eccles)
Rezitativ: Behold auspicious flashes rise (1. Akt)
Arie: Lucky omens bless our rites (aus From this happy day von John Eccles)
Rezitativ: Daughter, obey, hear, and obey
Arie: Ah me! What refuge now is left me?
Arie: See, she blushing turns her eyes
Arie: Hymen haste, thy torch prepare
Rezitativ: Alas! She yields, and has undone me
Quartett: Why dost thou thus untimely grieve?
Rezitativ: Avert these omens, all ye pow'rs!
Trio: Avert these omens, all ye pow'rs!
Rezitativ: Again auspicious flashes rise
Rezitativ: Cease your vows
Rezitativ: O Athamas, what torture hast thou born!
Arie: Turn, hopeless lover, turn thy eyes
Rezitativ: She weeps!
Arie: Such unavailing mercy is in beauty found
Rezitativ: Ah me, too much afflicted!
Duett: You've undone me
Rezitativ: Ah, wretched prince, doom'd to disastrous love!
Rezitativ: See, see, Jove's priests and holy augurs come
Trio: Hail, Cadmus, hail!
Arie: Endless pleasure, endless love
Arie: Haste, haste, to sacrifice prepare
Chor: Cease your mourning!
Sinfonia (2. Akt)
Rezitativ: Iris, impatient of thy stay
Arie: There from mortal cares retiring
Arie: Thither Flora the Fair
Rezitativ: No more - I'll hear no more
Arie: Not one of curst Agenor's race I'll spare
Rezitativ: Hear, mighty queen
Arie: See, after the toils of an amorous fight
Arie: Come zephyrs, come, while Cupid sings
Arie: Dance of the zephyrs (aus A Sett of Aires made for the Queen's Coronation von John Eccles)
Arie: O sleep, why dost thou leave me?
Arie: Sleep forsaking
Rezitativ: Let me not another moment
Arie: Lay thy doubts and fears aside
Rezitativ: Nor was I absent
Arie: If cheerful hopes
Duett: If this be love, not you alone
Rezitativ: Ah me! - Why sighs my Semele?
Arie: With my frailty don't upbraid me
Rezitativ: Thy sex of Jove's the masterpiece
Arie: Thy needless fears remove
Rezitativ: By my command
Sinfonia (aus Rinaldo und Armida von John Eccles)
Sinfonia (3. Akt)
Rezitativ: Somnus, awake
Arie: Leave me, loathsome light
Rezitativ: Dull God, can'st thou attend the waters fall
Duett: Only love on sleep has pow'r
Rezitativ: Somnus, arise
Arie: More sweet is that name
Rezitativ: My will obey
Duett: Away let us haste
Arie: I love and am lov'd
Rezitativ: Thus shaped like Ino
Arie: Behold in this mirrour
Rezitativ: O ecstasy of happiness!
Arie: Ah charming all o'er!
Rezitativ: Be wise as you are beautiful
Arie: Unknowing your intent
Rezitativ: But how shall I attain to immortality?
Arie: Thus let my thanks be paid
Rezitativ: Rich odours fill the fragrant air
Arie: Come to my arms, my lovely fair
Arie: Tho' 'tis easie to please you
Arie: When I languish with anguish
Duett: I dare not - Ah fear not
Rezitativ: Oh Semele, why art thou thus insensible?
Arie: I ever am granting
Arie: Speak, speak your desire
Rezitativ: Swear by the stygian lake
Arie: Then cast off this human shape which you wear
Arie: Ah! take heed what you press
Arie: I'll be pleas'd with no less
Rezitativ und Arioso: Ah! Whither is she gone!
Arie: Above measure is the pleasure
Rezitativ: Ah me! too late I now repent
Rezitativ: Of my ill-boding dream
Arie: Apollo comes to relieve your care
Arie: From tyrannous love
Arie: Then mortals be merry
Chor: Then mortals be merry
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Rezitativ: Behold auspicious flashes rise (1. Akt)
Arie: Lucky omens bless our rites (aus From this happy day von John Eccles)
Rezitativ: Daughter, obey, hear, and obey
Arie: Ah me! What refuge now is left me?
Arie: See, she blushing turns her eyes
Arie: Hymen haste, thy torch prepare
Rezitativ: Alas! She yields, and has undone me
Quartett: Why dost thou thus untimely grieve?
Rezitativ: Avert these omens, all ye pow'rs!
Trio: Avert these omens, all ye pow'rs!
Rezitativ: Again auspicious flashes rise
Rezitativ: Cease your vows
Rezitativ: O Athamas, what torture hast thou born!
Arie: Turn, hopeless lover, turn thy eyes
Rezitativ: She weeps!
Arie: Such unavailing mercy is in beauty found
Rezitativ: Ah me, too much afflicted!
Duett: You've undone me
Rezitativ: Ah, wretched prince, doom'd to disastrous love!
Rezitativ: See, see, Jove's priests and holy augurs come
Trio: Hail, Cadmus, hail!
Arie: Endless pleasure, endless love
Arie: Haste, haste, to sacrifice prepare
Chor: Cease your mourning!
Sinfonia (2. Akt)
Rezitativ: Iris, impatient of thy stay
Arie: There from mortal cares retiring
Arie: Thither Flora the Fair
Rezitativ: No more - I'll hear no more
Arie: Not one of curst Agenor's race I'll spare
Rezitativ: Hear, mighty queen
Arie: See, after the toils of an amorous fight
Arie: Come zephyrs, come, while Cupid sings
Arie: Dance of the zephyrs (aus A Sett of Aires made for the Queen's Coronation von John Eccles)
Arie: O sleep, why dost thou leave me?
Arie: Sleep forsaking
Rezitativ: Let me not another moment
Arie: Lay thy doubts and fears aside
Rezitativ: Nor was I absent
Arie: If cheerful hopes
Duett: If this be love, not you alone
Rezitativ: Ah me! - Why sighs my Semele?
Arie: With my frailty don't upbraid me
Rezitativ: Thy sex of Jove's the masterpiece
Arie: Thy needless fears remove
Rezitativ: By my command
Sinfonia (aus Rinaldo und Armida von John Eccles)
Sinfonia (3. Akt)
Rezitativ: Somnus, awake
Arie: Leave me, loathsome light
Rezitativ: Dull God, can'st thou attend the waters fall
Duett: Only love on sleep has pow'r
Rezitativ: Somnus, arise
Arie: More sweet is that name
Rezitativ: My will obey
Duett: Away let us haste
Arie: I love and am lov'd
Rezitativ: Thus shaped like Ino
Arie: Behold in this mirrour
Rezitativ: O ecstasy of happiness!
Arie: Ah charming all o'er!
Rezitativ: Be wise as you are beautiful
Arie: Unknowing your intent
Rezitativ: But how shall I attain to immortality?
Arie: Thus let my thanks be paid
Rezitativ: Rich odours fill the fragrant air
Arie: Come to my arms, my lovely fair
Arie: Tho' 'tis easie to please you
Arie: When I languish with anguish
Duett: I dare not - Ah fear not
Rezitativ: Oh Semele, why art thou thus insensible?
Arie: I ever am granting
Arie: Speak, speak your desire
Rezitativ: Swear by the stygian lake
Arie: Then cast off this human shape which you wear
Arie: Ah! take heed what you press
Arie: I'll be pleas'd with no less
Rezitativ und Arioso: Ah! Whither is she gone!
Arie: Above measure is the pleasure
Rezitativ: Ah me! too late I now repent
Rezitativ: Of my ill-boding dream
Arie: Apollo comes to relieve your care
Arie: From tyrannous love
Arie: Then mortals be merry
Chor: Then mortals be merry
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