George Gershwin (1898-1937) - Porgy and Bess
Артикул: CDVP 048622
EAN: 0886975917624
Состав: 3 CDs
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 16-11-2009
Лейбл: PepperCake
Исполнители: Alexander Roberta, soprano / Александр Роберта, сопрано Lemalu Jonathan, baritone / Лемалу Джонатан, баритон Baker Gregg, baritone / Бейкер Грегг, баритон Kabatu Isabelle, soprano / Кабату Изабелла, сопрано
Исполнители: Alexander Roberta, soprano / Александр Роберта, сопрано Lemalu Jonathan, baritone / Лемалу Джонатан, баритон Baker Gregg, baritone / Бейкер Грегг, баритон Kabatu Isabelle, soprano / Кабату Изабелла, сопрано Forest Michael, tenor / Форест Майкл, тенор Simpson Angela Renée, soprano / Симпсон Анджела Рене, сопрано Nwobilo Bibiana, soprano / Нвобило Бибиана, сопрано Clarke Rodney Earl, baritone / Кларк Родни Эрл, баритон Moore Previn, tenor / Мур Превин, тенор George Gershwin (1898-1937) / George Gershwin (1898-1937)
Композиторы: Gershwin, George / Гершвин Джорж
Оркестры/Хоры: Chamber Orchestra of Europe (COE) / Камерный оркестр Европы Arnold-Schönberg-Chor / Арнольд-Шёнберг-хор
Жанры: Classical Modern Opera Operette Stage & Screen Опера, интермедия, серената
Это, пожалуй, самая оригинальная интерпретация "Порги и Бесс": Харнонкур оркеструет с оригинальными африканскими барабанами, а хору Арнольда Шёнберга пришлось репетировать диалект "галла" - два примера аутентичности, которую он отмечает вместе с Камерным оркестром Европы.
FonoForum 01/10: "Харнонкур и преданная группа певцов Певцов, включая великолепный Хор Арнольда Шенберга, позволяют ему и здесь реветь, ликовать, причитать, танцевать и свинговать"Треклист
2 Summertime and the livin' is easy
3 Seems like these bones don't give me nothin' but boxcars tonight
4 Lissen to yo daddy warn you... Oh, a woman is a sometime thing
5 Here's the ol' crap shark!... No, no, brudder
6 Here comes Big Boy!
7 Six to make!
8 Jesus, he's killed him!... That you, Sportin' Life?
9 Where is brudder Robbins?
10 Come on sister... Overflow, overflow
11 Um! A saucer-buryin' set up, I see
12 My man's gone now
13 How de saucer stan' now, my sister?
14 Oh, the train is at the station
15 Oh, I'm a'goi' out to the Blackfish banks (2. Akt)
16 Mus' be you mens forgot about de picnic... Oh, I got plenty o' nuttin'
17 I got plenty o' nuttin'
18 Lissen there what I tells you
19 I hates yo' struttin' style
20 Mornin', Lawyer, lookin' for somebody?
2 Summertime and the livin' is easy
3 Seems like these bones don't give me nothin' but boxcars tonight
4 Lissen to yo daddy warn you... Oh, a woman is a sometime thing
5 Here's the ol' crap shark!... No, no, brudder
6 Here comes Big Boy!
7 Six to make!
8 Jesus, he's killed him!... That you, Sportin' Life?
9 Where is brudder Robbins?
10 Come on sister... Overflow, overflow
11 Um! A saucer-buryin' set up, I see
12 My man's gone now
13 How de saucer stan' now, my sister?
14 Oh, the train is at the station
15 Oh, I'm a'goi' out to the Blackfish banks (2. Akt)
16 Mus' be you mens forgot about de picnic... Oh, I got plenty o' nuttin'
17 I got plenty o' nuttin'
18 Lissen there what I tells you
19 I hates yo' struttin' style
20 Mornin', Lawyer, lookin' for somebody?
21 Boy! Come here, boy!
22 Buzzard keep on flyin' over
1 'Lo, Bess, goin' to de picnic?
2 Honey, we sure goin' strut our stuff today!
3 Bess, you is my woman now
4 Oh, I can't sit down
5 I ain't got no shame doin' what I like to do!
6 It ain't necessarily so
7 Shame on all you sinners
8 Crown!... You know very well dis Crown!
9 Oh, what you want wid Bess?
10 Honey, dat's all de breakfast I got time for
11 Well, if it ain' ole Peter
12 Oh, Doctor Jesus
13 Oh dey's so fresh an' fine
14 I'm talkin' about devil crabs
15 Porgy, Porgy, dat you there, ain' it?
16 If dere war'nt no Crown
17 Why you been out on that wharf so long, Clara?
18 Oh, de Lawd shake de Heavens an' de Lawd rock de groun'
19 One of dese mornin's you goin' to rise up singin'
20 Oh, dere's somebody knockin'at de do'
21 You is a nice parcel of Christians
22 A red-headed woman make a choo-choo jump its track
23 Oh! Jake's boat in de river upside down!
24 All right, I'm goin' out to get Clara.. Oh, Doctor Jesus
1 Clara, Clara, don't you be downhearted... You low-life skunk, ain' you got no shame (3. Akt)
2 Summertime
3 Wait for us at the corner, Al
4 Oh, Gawd! They goin' make him look on Crown's face!
5 There's a boat dat's leavin' soon for New York
6 Introduction
7 Symphony of Noise
8 Good mornin', sistuh!... It's Porgy comin' home
9 Dem white folks sure ain' put nuttin' over on this baby
10 Here Mingo, what's de matter wid you all?
11 Maria, Maria, where's Bess?
12 Where Bess gone?
13 Oh Lawd, I'm on my way