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- Музыка и песни Aṣa ( Elemide, Bukola) / Aṣa ( Elemide, Bukola) на CD
Музыка и песни Aṣa ( Elemide, Bukola) / Aṣa ( Elemide, Bukola) на CD
Артикул: CDVP 1620931
EAN: 3298490917572
Состав: 1 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2014
Лейбл: Naïve
Исполнители: Aznavour, Charles (Aznavurjian, Shahnour Varenagh) / Aznavour, Charles (Aznavurjian, Shahnour Varenagh) Martin, Dean (Crocetti, Dino Paul) / Martin, Dean (Crocetti, Dino Paul) Presley, Elvis / Presley, Elvis Sinatra, Frank / Sinatra, Frank
Исполнители: Aznavour, Charles (Aznavurjian, Shahnour Varenagh) / Aznavour, Charles (Aznavurjian, Shahnour Varenagh) Martin, Dean (Crocetti, Dino Paul) / Martin, Dean (Crocetti, Dino Paul) Presley, Elvis / Presley, Elvis Sinatra, Frank / Sinatra, Frank London, Julie / London, Julie Otter Anne Sofie von, mezzo / Оттер Анна Софи фон, меццо Armstrong, Louis / Armstrong, Louis Fitzgerald, Ella / Fitzgerald, Ella Cole, Nat King (Coles, Nathaniel Adams) / Cole, Nat King (Coles, Nathaniel Adams) Krall, Diana / Krall, Diana Tikaram, Tanita / Tikaram, Tanita Platters, The / Platters, The Faithfull, Marianne / Faithfull, Marianne Monroe, Marilyn / Monroe, Marilyn Bruni, Carla / Bruni, Carla Sledge, Percy / Sledge, Percy Emerald, Caro (Leeuw, Caroline Esmeralda van der) / Emerald, Caro (Leeuw, Caroline Esmeralda van der) Pink Martini / Pink Martini Ducros, Anne / Ducros, Anne Lazarus, Sara Louise / Lazarus, Sara Louise Melua, Katie / Melua, Katie Strong, Anthony / Strong, Anthony Noguerra Héléna, vocal / Ногерра Элен Jude (Christodal, Jude) / Jude (Christodal, Jude) Lima, Aline de / Lima, Aline de Aṣa ( Elemide, Bukola) / Aṣa ( Elemide, Bukola) Davis, Jr., Samuel George «Sammy» / Davis, Jr., Samuel George «Sammy» Womack, Bobby (Womack, Robert Dwayne) / Womack, Bobby (Womack, Robert Dwayne) Lee, Peggy (Egstrom, Norma Deloris) / Lee, Peggy (Egstrom, Norma Deloris) Vaughan, Sarah ("Sassy"; "The Divine One"; "Sailor"); (Vaughan, Sarah Lois) / Vaughan, Sarah ("Sassy"; "The Divine One"; "Sailor"); (Vaughan, Sarah Lois)
Артикул: CDVP 204799
EAN: 3298491451372
Состав: 1 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2007
Лейбл: Naive Classique
Исполнители: Aṣa ( Elemide, Bukola) / Aṣa ( Elemide, Bukola)
Артикул: CDVP 204800
EAN: 3298498221114
Состав: 1 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2010
Лейбл: Naive Classique
Исполнители: Aṣa ( Elemide, Bukola) / Aṣa ( Elemide, Bukola)
Жанры: Pop International
Артикул: CDVP 243680
EAN: 3298490916537
Состав: 2 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Лейбл: Naive Classique
Исполнители: Ledisi / Ledisi Sinclar, Bob (Friant, Christophe le) / Sinclar, Bob (Friant, Christophe le) Stone, Angie / Stone, Angie Metric / Metric
Исполнители: Ledisi / Ledisi Sinclar, Bob (Friant, Christophe le) / Sinclar, Bob (Friant, Christophe le) Stone, Angie / Stone, Angie Metric / Metric Santigold / Santigold Lidell, Jamie / Lidell, Jamie Nkaké, Sandra / Nkaké, Sandra Bamboos, The / Bamboos, The Russell, Alice / Russell, Alice Lindstrom / Lindstrom Omar (Lye-Fook, Omar) / Omar (Lye-Fook, Omar) Williams, Andre / Williams, Andre Son of Dave / Son of Dave Glass Candy / Glass Candy Aṣa ( Elemide, Bukola) / Aṣa ( Elemide, Bukola) Anthony Joseph and The Spasm Band / Anthony Joseph and The Spasm Band Anoraak (Rivière, Frédéric) / Anoraak (Rivière, Frédéric) Munk and James Murphy / Munk and James Murphy Köhncke, Justus / Köhncke, Justus Herbaliser, The / Herbaliser, The Datarock / Datarock DatA / DatA Poni Hoax / Poni Hoax Boratto, Gui / Boratto, Gui Annie (Berge Strand, Anne Lilia) / Annie (Berge Strand, Anne Lilia) Kim Kyu Jong / Kim Kyu Jong Kim (Almarcha, Kim) / Kim (Almarcha, Kim) Jones, Sharon (Lafaye) / Jones, Sharon (Lafaye) Keziah Jones (Sanyaolu, lufemi) / Keziah Jones (Sanyaolu, lufemi) Spanky Wilson and The Quantic Soul Orchestra / Spanky Wilson and The Quantic Soul Orchestra Gray, Macy (McIntyre, Natalie Renée) / Gray, Macy (McIntyre, Natalie Renée) Joseph, Anthony / Joseph, Anthony Dap-Kings, The / Dap-Kings, The
Композиторы: Monk, Meredith / Монк Мередит
Артикул: CDVP 252150
EAN: 3298498189117
Состав: CD/DVD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2009
Лейбл: Naive Classique
Исполнители: Aṣa ( Elemide, Bukola) / Aṣa ( Elemide, Bukola)
Жанры: Pop International
Артикул: CDVP 512522
EAN: 3298490917190
Состав: 2 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2012
Лейбл: Naive Classique
Исполнители: London, Julie / London, Julie Fitzgerald, Ella / Fitzgerald, Ella Christy, June (Luster, Shirley) / Christy, June (Luster, Shirley) Kent, Stacey / Kent, Stacey
Исполнители: London, Julie / London, Julie Fitzgerald, Ella / Fitzgerald, Ella Christy, June (Luster, Shirley) / Christy, June (Luster, Shirley) Kent, Stacey / Kent, Stacey Maria, Tânia (Correa Reis, Tânia Maria) / Maria, Tânia (Correa Reis, Tânia Maria) Krall, Diana / Krall, Diana Tikaram, Tanita / Tikaram, Tanita Peyroux, Madeleine / Peyroux, Madeleine Faithfull, Marianne / Faithfull, Marianne Monroe, Marilyn / Monroe, Marilyn Bonfá, Luiz Floriano / Bonfá, Luiz Floriano NdegéOcello, Me'Shell (Johnson, Michelle Lynn) / NdegéOcello, Me'Shell (Johnson, Michelle Lynn) Montcalm, Térez / Montcalm, Térez Brönner, Till / Brönner, Till Kitt, Eartha (Mae) / Kitt, Eartha (Mae) Ndidi O (Onukwulu, Ndidi) / Ndidi O (Onukwulu, Ndidi) Pink Martini / Pink Martini Agossi, Mina / Agossi, Mina Ducros, Anne / Ducros, Anne Lazarus, Sara Louise / Lazarus, Sara Louise Melua, Katie / Melua, Katie Aṣa ( Elemide, Bukola) / Aṣa ( Elemide, Bukola) Trio Esperança / Trio Esperança Moreno, Gaby (Moreno Bonilla, Maria Gabriela) / Moreno, Gaby (Moreno Bonilla, Maria Gabriela) Imany (Mladjao, Nadia) / Imany (Mladjao, Nadia) McComb, Liz / McComb, Liz Martin, Rebecca / Martin, Rebecca Lee, Peggy (Egstrom, Norma Deloris) / Lee, Peggy (Egstrom, Norma Deloris) Cardoso, Elizete (Cardoso, Elizeth Moreira) / Cardoso, Elizete (Cardoso, Elizeth Moreira) Vaughan, Sarah ("Sassy"; "The Divine One"; "Sailor"); (Vaughan, Sarah Lois) / Vaughan, Sarah ("Sassy"; "The Divine One"; "Sailor"); (Vaughan, Sarah Lois) Simone, Nina (Waymon, Eunice Kathleen) / Simone, Nina (Waymon, Eunice Kathleen)
Композиторы: Washington, Dinah (Jones, Ruth Lee) / Вашингтон Дина (Джонс Рут Ли)
Артикул: CDVP 642448
EAN: 3298490917343
Состав: 2 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2013
Лейбл: Naïve
Исполнители: Charles (Robinson), Ray / Charles (Robinson), Ray Franklin, Aretha / Franklin, Aretha Sam and Dave / Sam and Dave Cooke, Sam / Кук, Сэм (Кук Сэмюэль)
Исполнители: Charles (Robinson), Ray / Charles (Robinson), Ray Franklin, Aretha / Franklin, Aretha Sam and Dave / Sam and Dave Cooke, Sam / Кук, Сэм (Кук Сэмюэль) Tex, Joe / Tex, Joe Jarreau, Al (Alwin Lopez) / Jarreau, Al (Alwin Lopez) Temptations, The / Temptations, The James, Etta (Hawkins, Jamesetta) / James, Etta (Hawkins, Jamesetta) Neville, Aaron / Neville, Aaron Diana / Diana Sledge, Percy / Sledge, Percy Scott-Heron, Gil / Scott-Heron, Gil Nkaké, Sandra / Nkaké, Sandra Omar (Lye-Fook, Omar) / Omar (Lye-Fook, Omar) Drifters (band) / Drifters (band) Farlowe, Chris / Farlowe, Chris Ike and Tina Turner / Ike and Tina Turner Aṣa ( Elemide, Bukola) / Aṣa ( Elemide, Bukola) Jackson Five, The / Jackson Five, The Omar and Angie Stone / Omar and Angie Stone Womack, Bobby (Womack, Robert Dwayne) / Womack, Bobby (Womack, Robert Dwayne) Earth and Fire (band) / Earth and Fire (band) Burke, Solomon (The King of Rock 'N Soul; Bishop of Soul, The; King Solomon; Wonder Boy preacher, The; Lord Solomon); (McDonald, James Solomon) / Burke, Solomon (The King of Rock 'N Soul; Bishop of Soul, The; King Solomon; Wonder Boy preacher, The; Lord Solomon); (McDonald, James Solomon) Brown, James (Brown, Jr., James Joseph) / Brown, James (Brown, Jr., James Joseph)
Композиторы: Mayfield, Curtis / Мэйфилд Куртис
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