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- Музыка и песни Brown, Busty / Brown, Busty на CD
Музыка и песни Brown, Busty / Brown, Busty на CD
Артикул: CDVP 028099
EAN: 0766126101020
Состав: 3 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Лейбл: Universal Music Group International (UMGI)
Исполнители: Cables, The / Cables, The Brown, Dennis / Brown, Dennis Heptones, The / Heptones, The Perry, Lee "Scratch" (Perry, Rainford Hugh) / Perry, Lee "Scratch" (Perry, Rainford Hugh)
Исполнители: Cables, The / Cables, The Brown, Dennis / Brown, Dennis Heptones, The / Heptones, The Perry, Lee "Scratch" (Perry, Rainford Hugh) / Perry, Lee "Scratch" (Perry, Rainford Hugh) Graham, Leo / Graham, Leo Observers / Observers Reggae Crusaders / Reggae Crusaders Barker, Dave / Barker, Dave Ravers / Ravers Classics, The / Classics, The Horsemouth / Horsemouth Lord Sassafrass / Lord Sassafrass Upsetters, The / Upsetters, The Eccles, Clancy / Eccles, Clancy Dynamics / Динамикс Brown, Busty / Brown, Busty Fabulous Flames / Fabulous Flames Richards, Cynthia / Richards, Cynthia King, Stitt / King, Stitt Maytones, The / Maytones, The Paulette & Gee / Paulette & Gee Ace, Charlie / Ace, Charlie Brown, Trevor / Brown, Trevor Scott, Tony / Scott, Tony Bennett, Val / Bennett, Val Blake, Winston / Blake, Winston Scotty / Scotty Shirley, Roy / Shirley, Roy Collins, Ansel / Collins, Ansel Byles, Junior / Byles, Junior I-Roy (Reid, Roy Samuel) / I-Roy (Reid, Roy Samuel) Romeo, Max (Smith, Maxwell Livingston) / Romeo, Max (Smith, Maxwell Livingston) Niney the Observer (Holness, Winston; Boswell, George) / Niney the Observer (Holness, Winston; Boswell, George)
Жанры: Регги
Артикул: CDVP 038514
EAN: 5050159908127
Состав: 2 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2008
Лейбл: Universal Music Group International (UMGI)
Исполнители: Morgan, Derrick / Morgan, Derrick Lee, Bunny / Lee, Bunny Brown, Busty / Brown, Busty Alphonso, Roland / Alphonso, Roland
Исполнители: Morgan, Derrick / Morgan, Derrick Lee, Bunny / Lee, Bunny Brown, Busty / Brown, Busty Alphonso, Roland / Alphonso, Roland Dice The Boss / Дайс зэ Босс Corporation / Corporation Dandy / Денди Prophets / Prophets Hot Rod / Hot Rod Cimarons, The / Cimarons, The McCook, Tommy / McCook, Tommy Rudies, The / Rudies, The Charmers, Lloyd / Charmers, Lloyd Medetators, The / Medetators, The Victors / Victors Bryan, Karl / Bryan, Karl Ellis, Hortense / Ellis, Hortense Hippy Boys, The / Hippy Boys, The Soul Twins / Soul Twins Reggae Boys / Reggae Boys Adams, Glen / Adams, Glen King Horror (Davey, Lord) / King Horror (Davey, Lord) Riley, Desmond / Riley, Desmond Sir Collins / Sir Collins Music Doctors / Music Doctors Mansano, Joe / Mansano, Joe
Жанры: Регги
Артикул: CDVP 038670
EAN: 0602527005652
Состав: 2 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 25-05-2009
Лейбл: Universal Music Group International (UMGI)
Исполнители: Isaacs, Gregory / Isaacs, Gregory Toots and The Maytals / Toots and The Maytals Harriott, Derrick / Harriott, Derrick Brown, Dennis / Brown, Dennis
Исполнители: Isaacs, Gregory / Isaacs, Gregory Toots and The Maytals / Toots and The Maytals Harriott, Derrick / Harriott, Derrick Brown, Dennis / Brown, Dennis Edwards, Jackie / Edwards, Jackie Ellis, Alton / Ellis, Alton Uniques / Uniques Heptones, The / Heptones, The Cadogan, Susan / Cadogan, Susan Wilson, Delroy / Wilson, Delroy Boothe, Ken / Boothe, Ken Kelly, Pat / Kelly, Pat Barker, Dave / Barker, Dave Brown, Busty / Brown, Busty Holt, John / Holt, John Gaylads / Гейлэдс Marshall, Larry / Marshall, Larry Beltones / Beltones Silvertones / Silvertones Dunkley, Errol / Данкли, Эррол Melodians, The / Melodians, The Fab Five Inc. / Fab Five Inc. Campbell, Cornell / Campbell, Cornell Andy, Horace (Hinds, Horace) / Andy, Horace (Hinds, Horace) Keith and Tex / Keith and Tex
Жанры: Регги
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