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Музыка и песни Casuals, The / Casuals, The на CD
Артикул: CDVP 028436
EAN: 0602498426708
Состав: 3 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 06-03-2008
Лейбл: Universal Music Group International (UMGI)
Исполнители: Walker, Scott / Walker, Scott Berry, Dave / Berry, Dave Armstrong, Louis / Armstrong, Louis Eckstine, Billy / Eckstine, Billy
Исполнители: Walker, Scott / Walker, Scott Berry, Dave / Berry, Dave Armstrong, Louis / Armstrong, Louis Eckstine, Billy / Eckstine, Billy Harrison Charles, organ / Харрисон Чарлз, орган Jackson, Michael / Jackson, Michael Richie, Lionel (Richie, Jr., Lionel Brockman) / Richie, Lionel (Richie, Jr., Lionel Brockman) Ross, Diana (Ross, Diana Ernestine Earle) / Ross, Diana (Ross, Diana Ernestine Earle) 10CC / 10CC White, Barry / White, Barry Springfield, Dusty (O'Brien, Mary Isabel Catherine Bernadette) / Springfield, Dusty (O'Brien, Mary Isabel Catherine Bernadette) Moody Blues, The / Moody Blues, The The Mamas and The Papas / The Mamas and The Papas Paris, Mica (Wallen, Michelle) / Paris, Mica (Wallen, Michelle) Downing, Will / Даунинг, Уилл Knight, Gladys / Knight, Gladys Roussos, Demis (Αρτέμιος Ρούσσος); (Ventouris-Roussos, Artemios ) / Roussos, Demis (Αρτέμιος Ρούσσος); (Ventouris-Roussos, Artemios ) Coolidge, Rita / Coolidge, Rita Four Pennies / Four Pennies Wakely, Jimmy / Wakely, Jimmy Commodores, The / Commodores, The Charlene (D'Angelo Oliver, Charlene Marilynn) / Charlene (D'Angelo Oliver, Charlene Marilynn) Bilk, Acker / Bilk, Acker Stylistics / Stylistics Young, Faron / Young, Faron Russell, Brenda / Russell, Brenda Osbourne, Jeffrey / Osbourne, Jeffrey Greenwood, Lee / Гринвуд, Ли Hyland, Brian / Hyland, Brian Sarstedt, Robin / Sarstedt, Robin Alessi Brothers / Alessi Brothers Fame, Georgie (Powell, Clive) / Fame, Georgie (Powell, Clive) Newley, Anthony / Newley, Anthony Lee, Brenda / Lee, Brenda Matthew's Southern Comfort (band) / Matthew's Southern Comfort (band) Faithfull, Marianne / Faithfull, Marianne Holman, Eddie / Holman, Eddie Chamberlain, Richard / Chamberlain, Richard Bachelors / Bachelors Wilde, Marty (Smith, Reginald Leonard) / Wilde, Marty (Smith, Reginald Leonard) Ruby & Romantics, The / Ruby & Romantics, The Merseybeats / Merseybeats Laine, Cleo / Laine, Cleo Shelton, Anne / Shelton, Anne Skellern, Peter / Skellern, Peter Rowles, John / Rowles, John Peters & Lee / Peters & Lee Buddy Holly and The Crickets / Buddy Holly and The Crickets Kool and The Gang / Kool and The Gang Casuals, The / Casuals, The Williams, Don (Williams, Donald R.) / Williams, Don (Williams, Donald R.) Burgh, Chris de (Davison, Christopher John) / Burgh, Chris de (Davison, Christopher John)
Композиторы: Bacharach, Burt / Бакара (Бакарах) Бёрт
Артикул: CDVP 059243
EAN: 8717423050186
Состав: 3 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Лейбл: EMI Россия
Исполнители: Presley, Elvis / Presley, Elvis Fontana, Wayne / Fontana, Wayne Fleetwood Mac / Fleetwood Mac Knight, Gladys / Knight, Gladys
Исполнители: Presley, Elvis / Presley, Elvis Fontana, Wayne / Fontana, Wayne Fleetwood Mac / Fleetwood Mac Knight, Gladys / Knight, Gladys Pips, The / Pips, The New Seekers, The / New Seekers, The Searchers, The / Searchers, The Herman's Hermits / Herman's Hermits King, Ben E. (Nelson, Benjamin Earl) / King, Ben E. (Nelson, Benjamin Earl) Pickett, Wilson / Pickett, Wilson Platters, The / Platters, The Donovan (Leitch, Donovan Phillips) / Donovan (Leitch, Donovan Phillips) Amen Corner / Amen Corner Darin, Bobby (Cassotto, Walden Robert «Bobby») / Darin, Bobby (Cassotto, Walden Robert «Bobby») Davis, Skeeter (Penick, Mary Frances) / Davis, Skeeter (Penick, Mary Frances) Tymes, The / Tymes, The Crystals, The / Crystals, The Shirelles, The / Shirelles, The Sledge, Percy / Sledge, Percy Middle of the Road / Middle of the Road Bay City Rollers / Bay City Rollers Troggs, The / Troggs, The Casuals, The / Casuals, The Brotherhood of Man (band) / Brotherhood of Man (band) Gilberto, Astrud (Weinert, Astrud) / Gilberto, Astrud (Weinert, Astrud) Lee, Peggy (Egstrom, Norma Deloris) / Lee, Peggy (Egstrom, Norma Deloris) Clark, Petula (Clark, Petula Sally Olwen) / Clark, Petula (Clark, Petula Sally Olwen) Vaughan, Sarah ("Sassy"; "The Divine One"; "Sailor"); (Vaughan, Sarah Lois) / Vaughan, Sarah ("Sassy"; "The Divine One"; "Sailor"); (Vaughan, Sarah Lois)
Артикул: CDVP 188203
EAN: 8712155109041
Состав: 5 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2010
Лейбл: Weton Wesgram
Исполнители: Berry, Dave / Berry, Dave Fontana, Wayne / Fontana, Wayne Limahl (Hamill, Christopher) / Limahl (Hamill, Christopher) Animals, The / Animals, The
Исполнители: Berry, Dave / Berry, Dave Fontana, Wayne / Fontana, Wayne Limahl (Hamill, Christopher) / Limahl (Hamill, Christopher) Animals, The / Animals, The Matchbox Twenty / Matchbox Twenty Mr. Big (band) / Mr. Big (band) Charlene (D'Angelo Oliver, Charlene Marilynn) / Charlene (D'Angelo Oliver, Charlene Marilynn) Martha & the Vandellas / Martha & the Vandellas Newley, Anthony / Newley, Anthony Davis, Billie / Дэвис, Билли Poole, Brian & The Tremeloes / Poole, Brian & The Tremeloes Bachelors / Bachelors Merseybeats / Merseybeats Denver, Karl / Denver, Karl Roe, Tommy / Roe, Tommy Preston, Johnny / Preston, Johnny Ivy League / Ivy League Heinz / Heinz Kramer, Billy J / Kramer, Billy J Williams, Danny / Williams, Danny Middle of the Road / Middle of the Road Bay City Rollers / Bay City Rollers Bucks Fizz / Bucks Fizz Nolans, The / Nolans, The Love Affair / Love Affair Thomas, Evelyn / Thomas, Evelyn Gibson Brothers, The / Gibson Brothers, The Fantastics, The / Fantastics, The Drifters (band) / Drifters (band) Gerry and The Peacemakers / Gerry and The Peacemakers Troggs, The / Troggs, The Casuals, The / Casuals, The Odyssey (band) / Odyssey (band) Bad Manners (band) / Bad Manners (band) Tams (band) / Tams (band) Dollar (band) / Dollar (band)
Жанры: Поп
Артикул: CDVP 188211
EAN: 8717423030829
Состав: 5 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 24-10-2006
Лейбл: Weton Wesgram
Исполнители: Martin, Dean (Crocetti, Dino Paul) / Martin, Dean (Crocetti, Dino Paul) Fontana, Wayne / Fontana, Wayne Eckstine, Billy / Eckstine, Billy Springfield, Dusty (O'Brien, Mary Isabel Catherine Bernadette) / Springfield, Dusty (O'Brien, Mary Isabel Catherine Bernadette)
Исполнители: Martin, Dean (Crocetti, Dino Paul) / Martin, Dean (Crocetti, Dino Paul) Fontana, Wayne / Fontana, Wayne Eckstine, Billy / Eckstine, Billy Springfield, Dusty (O'Brien, Mary Isabel Catherine Bernadette) / Springfield, Dusty (O'Brien, Mary Isabel Catherine Bernadette) Holloway, Brenda / Holloway, Brenda Anderson, Lynn / Anderson, Lynn Searchers, The / Searchers, The Four Pennies / Four Pennies Wakely, Jimmy / Wakely, Jimmy Matchbox Twenty / Matchbox Twenty Mr. Big (band) / Mr. Big (band) Charlene (D'Angelo Oliver, Charlene Marilynn) / Charlene (D'Angelo Oliver, Charlene Marilynn) Supremes, The / Supremes, The Marvelettes, The / Marvelettes, The Wells, Mary / Wells, Mary Ruffin, Jimmy / Ruffin, Jimmy Poole, Brian & The Tremeloes / Poole, Brian & The Tremeloes Bachelors / Bachelors Merseybeats / Merseybeats Henry, Clarence 'Frogman' / Henry, Clarence 'Frogman' Applejacks / Applejacks Tymes, The / Tymes, The Staton, Candi (Staton-Sussewell, Canzetta) / Staton, Candi (Staton-Sussewell, Canzetta) Bristol, Johnny / Bristol, Johnny Ivy League / Ivy League Diana / Diana Sledge, Percy / Sledge, Percy Williams, Danny / Williams, Danny Ocean, Billy (Charles, Leslie Sebastian) / Ocean, Billy (Charles, Leslie Sebastian) Melvin, Harold / Melvin, Harold Bucks Fizz / Bucks Fizz Drifters (band) / Drifters (band) Gerry and The Peacemakers / Gerry and The Peacemakers Kool and The Gang / Kool and The Gang Troggs, The / Troggs, The Casuals, The / Casuals, The Odyssey (band) / Odyssey (band) Tams (band) / Tams (band) Three Degrees (band) / Three Degrees (band) Starr, Edwin (Hatcher, Charles Edwin) / Starr, Edwin (Hatcher, Charles Edwin) Legrand, Michel (LeGrand, Michel); (Legrand, Michel Jean) / Legrand, Michel (LeGrand, Michel); (Legrand, Michel Jean) Dollar (band) / Dollar (band)
Жанры: Поп
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