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Музыка и песни Clannad & Bono / Clannad & Bono на CD
Артикул: CDVP 131956
EAN: 0828767522821
Состав: 3 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2006
Лейбл: Sony BMG Music Entertainment
Исполнители: Brightman, Sarah / Brightman, Sarah Moore, Gary (Moore, Robert William Gary) / Moore, Gary (Moore, Robert William Gary) Bush, Kate / Bush, Kate Arkenstone, David / Arkenstone, David
Исполнители: Brightman, Sarah / Brightman, Sarah Moore, Gary (Moore, Robert William Gary) / Moore, Gary (Moore, Robert William Gary) Bush, Kate / Bush, Kate Arkenstone, David / Arkenstone, David Gallagher, Rory / Gallagher, Rory Corrs, The / Corrs, The Vangelis (Papathanassiou, Evangelos Odyssey) / Vangelis (Papathanassiou, Evangelos Odyssey) All About Eve / All About Eve Secret Garden / Secret Garden Clannad / Clannad Chieftains, The / Chieftains, The Within Temptation / Within Temptation Runrig / Runrig Dúné (band) / Dúné (band) Rhei, Panta / Rhei, Panta Kennedy, Brian / Kennedy, Brian Cantara / Cantara Capercaillie / Capercaillie Celtus / Celtus Clannad & Bono / Clannad & Bono Spillane, Davy / Spillane, Davy Dunning, Brian / Dunning, Brian Ivers, Eileen / Ivers, Eileen Fairground Attraction / Fairground Attraction Galway, James / Galway, James Johnson, Jeff / Johnson, Jeff Lynne, Lisa / Lynne, Lisa Brennan, Maire / Brennan, Maire Coulter, Phil / Coulter, Phil Nightnoise (band) / Nightnoise (band)
Композиторы: Oldfield, Mike / Олдфилд Майк
Жанры: Поп
Артикул: CDVP 133262
EAN: 0886977531224
Состав: 4 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2011
Лейбл: Sony BMG Music Entertainment
Исполнители: Arkenstone, David / Arkenstone, David Oldfield, Sally / Oldfield, Sally Whittaker, Roger (Roger Henry Brough) / Whittaker, Roger (Roger Henry Brough) McEvoy, Eleanor / McEvoy, Eleanor
Исполнители: Arkenstone, David / Arkenstone, David Oldfield, Sally / Oldfield, Sally Whittaker, Roger (Roger Henry Brough) / Whittaker, Roger (Roger Henry Brough) McEvoy, Eleanor / McEvoy, Eleanor Cunningham, Phil / Cunningham, Phil Moore, Christy / Moore, Christy Minogue, Aine / Minogue, Aine Kennedy, Brian / Kennedy, Brian Cantara / Cantara Capercaillie / Capercaillie Nunez, Carlos / Nunez, Carlos Celtus / Celtus Chieftains The Young Dubliners / Chieftains The Young Dubliners Clannad & Bono / Clannad & Bono Spillane, Davy / Spillane, Davy Dunning, Brian / Dunning, Brian Ivers, Eileen / Ivers, Eileen Fairground Attraction / Fairground Attraction Wright, Finbar / Wright, Finbar Galway, James / Galway, James Johnson, Jeff / Johnson, Jeff Lynne, Lisa / Lynne, Lisa Brennan, Maire / Brennan, Maire Mc Laughlin, Mary / Mc Laughlin, Mary October Project / October Project Coulter, Phil / Coulter, Phil Clancy Brothers, The / Clancy Brothers, The Gallowglass Ceili Band, The / Gallowglass Ceili Band, The Incredible E. G. O'Reilly, The / Incredible E. G. O'Reilly, The Young Dubliners, The / Young Dubliners, The Walden, W.G. Snuffy / Walden, W.G. Snuffy Coulter, William / Coulter, William Nightnoise (band) / Nightnoise (band)
Жанры: Рок
Артикул: CDVP 3463696
EAN: 0190758204420
Состав: 4 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2018
Лейбл: Sony BMG Music Entertainment
Исполнители: Deep Purple / Deep Purple Scorpions / Scorpions Meat Loaf (Aday, Michael Lee) / Meat Loaf (Aday, Michael Lee) Cooper, Alice (Furnier, Vincent Damon) / Cooper, Alice (Furnier, Vincent Damon)
Исполнители: Deep Purple / Deep Purple Scorpions / Scorpions Meat Loaf (Aday, Michael Lee) / Meat Loaf (Aday, Michael Lee) Cooper, Alice (Furnier, Vincent Damon) / Cooper, Alice (Furnier, Vincent Damon) Electric Light Orchestra (ELO); (Jeff Lynne's ELO) / Electric Light Orchestra (ELO); (Jeff Lynne's ELO) Europe (band) / Europe (band) Lauper, Cyndi (Lauper, Cynthia Ann Stephanie) / Lauper, Cyndi (Lauper, Cynthia Ann Stephanie) Cheap Trick / Cheap Trick Smith, Patti / Smith, Patti Alan Parsons Project, The / Alan Parsons Project, The Judas Priest / Judas Priest Heart (band) / Heart (band) Scaggs, Boz (Scaggs, William Royce) / Scaggs, Boz (Scaggs, William Royce) REO Speedwagon / REO Speedwagon Foreigner (band) / Foreigner (band) Toto (group) / Toto (group) Jennifer / Дженнифер Boston (band) / Boston (band) Bolton, Michael / Bolton, Michael Great White (band) / Great White (band) Rush, Jennifer / Rush, Jennifer Kansas / Kansas Carmen, Eric / Carmen, Eric Swayze, Patrick / Swayze, Patrick Nilsson, Harry (Nilsson III, Harry Edward) / Nilsson, Harry (Nilsson III, Harry Edward) Mr. Mister (band) / Mr. Mister (band) Vannelli, Gino / Vannelli, Gino Return / Return Spector, Ronnie / Spector, Ronnie Survivor / Survivor Bad English / Bad English Soul Asylum / Soul Asylum Outfield, The / Outfield, The Medley, Bill / Medley, Bill Martika (Marrero, Marta) / Martika (Marrero, Marta) Perry, Steve / Perry, Steve Clannad & Bono / Clannad & Bono FireHouse (band) / FireHouse (band) Loggins, Kenny / Loggins, Kenny Farnham, John / Farnham, John Loverboy (band) / Loverboy (band) Young, Paul / Young, Paul Warrant (Warrant 96) / Warrant (Warrant 96) Quiet Riot / Quiet Riot Money, Eddie / Money, Eddie Johnson, Don (Johnson, Donnie Wayne "Don") / Johnson, Don (Johnson, Donnie Wayne "Don") Scandal / Scandal Fiction Factory (band) / Fiction Factory (band) Santana / Santana Tyler, Bonnie (Hopkins, Gaynor) / Tyler, Bonnie (Hopkins, Gaynor) Bruce Hornsby and The Range / Bruce Hornsby and The Range
Композиторы: Joel, Billy / Джоэл Билли
Жанры: Ballad Compilation
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