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Музыка и песни Clarendonians, The / Clarendonians, The на CD
Артикул: CDVP 028107
EAN: 5050159913497
Состав: 4 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2003
Лейбл: Universal Music Group International (UMGI)
Исполнители: Marley, Bob (Marley, Robert Nesta) / Marley, Bob (Marley, Robert Nesta) Isaacs, Gregory / Isaacs, Gregory U-Roy / U-Roy Brown, Dennis / Brown, Dennis
Исполнители: Marley, Bob (Marley, Robert Nesta) / Marley, Bob (Marley, Robert Nesta) Isaacs, Gregory / Isaacs, Gregory U-Roy / U-Roy Brown, Dennis / Brown, Dennis Black Uhuru / Black Uhuru Cliff, Jimmy (Chambers, James) / Cliff, Jimmy (Chambers, James) Aitken, Laurel / Aitken, Laurel Edwards, Jackie / Edwards, Jackie Dekker, Desmond / Деккер, Десмонд Ranglin, Ernest / Ranglin, Ernest Ellis, Alton / Ellis, Alton Perry, Lee "Scratch" (Perry, Rainford Hugh) / Perry, Lee "Scratch" (Perry, Rainford Hugh) Millie / Millie Rose, Michael / Rose, Michael Boothe, Ken / Boothe, Ken Thompson, Linval / Thompson, Linval Upsetters, The / Upsetters, The Scott, Tony / Scott, Tony Pioneers, The / Pioneers, The Gray, Owen / Грэй, Оуэн Big Youth / Big Youth Untouchables / Untouchables Brother Dan Allstars / Brother Dan Allstars Landis, Joya / Landis, Joya Dandy / Денди Tribe, Tony / Tribe, Tony Holt, John / Holt, John Maytals, The / Maytals, The Coloured Raisins / Coloured Raisins Slickers / Slickers Greyhound / Greyhound Donaldson, Eric / Donaldson, Eric Shervington, Pluto / Shervington, Pluto Ray, Danny / Ray, Danny Bunny & Ricky / Bunny & Ricky Trinity (Brammer, Wade) / Trinity (Brammer, Wade) Ethiopians, The / Ethiopians, The Emperor Rosko / Emperor Rosko English, Scott / English, Scott Hot Shots / Hot Shots Jamaica Jam / Jamaica Jam Troy, Doris / Troy, Doris Sporty, King / Спорти, Кинг Gibbs, Leroy / Гиббс, Лерой Clarendonians, The / Clarendonians, The Gaylads / Гейлэдс Sensations / Сенсейшенс Aces, The / Aces, The Brevett, Tony / Brevett, Tony Bernard, Jackie / Bernard, Jackie Jah Woosh / Джа Ууш Soul Syndicate, The / Soul Syndicate, The Prince Far I and The Arabs / Prince Far I and The Arabs I-Roy (Reid, Roy Samuel) / I-Roy (Reid, Roy Samuel) Andy, Horace (Hinds, Horace) / Andy, Horace (Hinds, Horace) Judge Dread (Hughes, Alexander Minto) / Judge Dread (Hughes, Alexander Minto) Symarip (The Bees; The Pyramids; Seven Letters; Zubaba) / Symarip (The Bees; The Pyramids; Seven Letters; Zubaba) Faith, Horace (Smith, Horace) / Faith, Horace (Smith, Horace) Boy Friday (Livingstone, Dandy) / Boy Friday (Livingstone, Dandy) McPhatter, Clyde Lensley / McPhatter, Clyde Lensley Sims, Zoot (Sims, John Haley "Zoot") / Sims, Zoot (Sims, John Haley "Zoot")
Жанры: Регги
Артикул: CDVP 028531
EAN: 5050159902927
Состав: 3 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2002
Лейбл: Trojan Records
Исполнители: Crystalites, The / Crystalites, The Murvin, Junior (Smith, Murvin Junior) / Murvin, Junior (Smith, Murvin Junior) Emotions, The / Emotions, The McKay, Freddie / McKay, Freddie
Исполнители: Crystalites, The / Crystalites, The Murvin, Junior (Smith, Murvin Junior) / Murvin, Junior (Smith, Murvin Junior) Emotions, The / Emotions, The McKay, Freddie / McKay, Freddie Viceroys, The / Viceroys, The Clarendonians, The / Clarendonians, The Gaylads / Гейлэдс Al and The Vibrators / Al and The Vibrators Stranger and Gladdy / Stranger and Gladdy Taitt, Lynn / Taitt, Lynn Lloyd and Glen / Lloyd and Glen Soul Tops / Soul Tops Butler, Leslie & The Gaytones / Butler, Leslie & The Gaytones Hamlins / Hamlins Ossie, Count / Осси, Каунт Bunny & Ruddy / Bunny & Ruddy Beckford, Theophilus / Beckford, Theophilus Marshall, Larry / Marshall, Larry Progressions (Hearse-Jones, Carl) / Progressions (Hearse-Jones, Carl) Moodie, Amiel & The Dandemites / Moodie, Amiel & The Dandemites Gardiner, Boris and The Keys / Gardiner, Boris and The Keys Mellotones / Mellotones Francis, Winston / Francis, Winston Lloyd and Randolph / Lloyd and Randolph Drumbago & The Blenders / Драмбаго & Блендерз Visions / Visions Beltones / Beltones Royals, The / Royals, The Shield, Trevor / Shield, Trevor Mills, Rudy / Mills, Rudy Conquerors / Conquerors Bleechers / Bleechers Silvertones / Silvertones Rulers / Rulers Taylor, Vic / Taylor, Vic Butler, Radcliffe / Butler, Radcliffe Keith and Tex / Keith and Tex White, (Tony) Joe / White, (Tony) Joe
Жанры: Reggae Rocksteady
Артикул: CDVP 028539
EAN: 0766126101297
Состав: 3 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-1999
Лейбл: Trojan Records
Исполнители: Harriott, Derrick / Harriott, Derrick Edwards, Jackie / Edwards, Jackie Morgan, Derrick / Morgan, Derrick Techniques / Techniques
Исполнители: Harriott, Derrick / Harriott, Derrick Edwards, Jackie / Edwards, Jackie Morgan, Derrick / Morgan, Derrick Techniques / Techniques Bennett, Lorna / Bennett, Lorna McKay, Freddie / McKay, Freddie Boothe, Ken / Boothe, Ken Eccles, Clancy / Eccles, Clancy Bennett, Val / Bennett, Val Pioneers, The / Pioneers, The Brother Dan Allstars / Brother Dan Allstars Holt, John / Holt, John Maytals, The / Maytals, The Clarendonians, The / Clarendonians, The Jivers, The / Джайверс Silverstars / Silverstars Dynamites, The / Dynamites, The Evans, Tyrone / Evans, Tyrone Beverley's All Stars / Beverley's All Stars Hot Rod / Hot Rod Edwards, Rupie / Edwards, Rupie Barons, The / Barons, The Bond, Joyce / Bond, Joyce Deltones, The / Deltones, The Rhoden, Pat / Rhoden, Pat Cimarons, The / Cimarons, The Griffiths, Marcia / Griffiths, Marcia Brown, Teddy / Brown, Teddy Simon, Tito / Simon, Tito Hinds, Donna / Hinds, Donna Biggs, Barry / Biggs, Barry Thomas, Nicky / Thomas, Nicky Honey Boy / Honey Boy Paul, Eugene / Paul, Eugene White, (Tony) Joe / White, (Tony) Joe
Жанры: Compilation Ska
Артикул: CDVP 028570
EAN: 5050159923823
Состав: 3 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2005
Лейбл: Trojan Records
Исполнители: Originals, The / Originals, The Drummond, Don / Драммонд, Дон (тромбон) Ellis, Alton / Ellis, Alton Brooks, Baba / Brooks, Baba
Исполнители: Originals, The / Originals, The Drummond, Don / Драммонд, Дон (тромбон) Ellis, Alton / Ellis, Alton Brooks, Baba / Brooks, Baba Techniques / Techniques Upsetters, The / Upsetters, The Maytals, The / Maytals, The Slickers / Slickers Clarendonians, The / Clarendonians, The Sensations / Сенсейшенс Stranger and Gladdy / Stranger and Gladdy Silvertones / Silvertones Four Aces, The / Four Aces, The Delkins / Делкинс Cherry Pies / Cherry Pies McLean, Freddie / McLean, Freddie Virtues, The / Virtues, The Ambassadors, The / Ambassadors, The McCook, Tommy / McCook, Tommy Briscoe, Lloyd / Briscoe, Lloyd Rio Grandes / Rio Grandes Sneer Towners / Sneer Towners Samuels, Winston / Samuels, Winston Sterling, Lester / Sterling, Lester Billy & Bobby / Billy & Bobby Perkins, Eddie / Perkins, Eddie Todd, Patsy / Todd, Patsy Three Tops / Three Tops Dotty & Bonny / Дотти & Бонни Fugitives, The / Fugitives, The X Rays / X Rays Lord Briscoe / Lord Briscoe White, (Tony) Joe / White, (Tony) Joe
Жанры: Ska
Артикул: CDVP 258294
EAN: 0689492034023
Состав: 1 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2005
Лейбл: Pressure Sounds (LP)
Исполнители: Drummond, Don / Драммонд, Дон (тромбон) Boothe, Ken / Boothe, Ken Ace, Charlie / Ace, Charlie Clarendonians, The / Clarendonians, The
Исполнители: Drummond, Don / Драммонд, Дон (тромбон) Boothe, Ken / Boothe, Ken Ace, Charlie / Ace, Charlie Clarendonians, The / Clarendonians, The Marshall, Larry / Marshall, Larry McCook, Tommy / McCook, Tommy Pratt, Phil / Pratt, Phil Thrillers, The / Thrillers, The Morris, Helmsley / Morris, Helmsley Austin, Peter / Austin, Peter Cool Cats, The / Cool Cats, The Boothe, Milton / Boothe, Milton Andy, Horace (Hinds, Horace) / Andy, Horace (Hinds, Horace) Lewis, Alva "Reggie" / Lewis, Alva "Reggie" Phil Pratt Allstars, The / Phil Pratt Allstars, The Gordon, Vin (Trommie; Don D. Junior; Don Drummond Jr.) / Gordon, Vin (Trommie; Don D. Junior; Don Drummond Jr.) Leslie, Alvin / Leslie, Alvin
Жанры: Регги
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