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- Музыка и песни Incredible Bongo Band / Incredible Bongo Band на CD
Музыка и песни Incredible Bongo Band / Incredible Bongo Band на CD
Артикул: CDVP 154849
EAN: 3596971319120
Состав: 2 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2009
Лейбл: Wagram Music
Исполнители: Collins, Lyn / Collins, Lyn White, Barry / White, Barry Grandmaster Flash / Grandmaster Flash Captain Sensible / Captain Sensible
Исполнители: Collins, Lyn / Collins, Lyn White, Barry / White, Barry Grandmaster Flash / Grandmaster Flash Captain Sensible / Captain Sensible Ruffin, David / Ruffin, David Sugarhill Gang / Sugarhill Gang Stretch / Stretch Shalamar / Shalamar Pendergrass, Teddy / Pendergrass, Teddy Imagination, The / Imagination, The Scott-Heron, Gil / Scott-Heron, Gil Lakeside / Lakeside D'angio, Pino (Chierchia, Giuseppe) / D'angio, Pino (Chierchia, Giuseppe) Traks / Traks Delegation (band) / Delegation (band) Incredible Bongo Band / Incredible Bongo Band Odyssey (band) / Odyssey (band)
Жанры: Фанк
Артикул: CDVP 154895
EAN: 3596972028625
Состав: 2 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Лейбл: Wagram Music
Исполнители: Green, Al / Green, Al Turner, Ike / Turner, Ike Parliament / Parliament Doggett, Bill / Doggett, Bill
Исполнители: Green, Al / Green, Al Turner, Ike / Turner, Ike Parliament / Parliament Doggett, Bill / Doggett, Bill Average White Band / Average White Band B.t. Express / B.t. Express Chairmen of The Board / Chairmen of The Board Ballard, Hank / Ballard, Hank Incredible Bongo Band / Incredible Bongo Band Latin Breed / Latin Breed Johnson, Syl / Johnson, Syl Chefs, The / Chefs, The Groove Merchants, The / Groove Merchants, The Pharaohs, The / Pharaohs, The Mcgee, Tommy / Mcgee, Tommy Young Senators / Young Senators Thomas, Jr., Rufus / Thomas, Jr., Rufus
Композиторы: Mayfield, Curtis / Мэйфилд Куртис
Жанры: Фанк
Артикул: CDVP 164607
EAN: 0602527952895
Состав: 1 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2012
Лейбл: Universal Music Group International (UMGI)
Исполнители: Queen / Queen Angel (Charles, Sirach) / Angel (Charles, Sirach) Morning Runner (band) / Morning Runner (band) Bodyrox / Bodyrox
Исполнители: Queen / Queen Angel (Charles, Sirach) / Angel (Charles, Sirach) Morning Runner (band) / Morning Runner (band) Bodyrox / Bodyrox Minaj, Nicki ( Maraj, Onika Tanya) / Minaj, Nicki ( Maraj, Onika Tanya) Chase and Status / Chase and Status Cruz, Taio "Rockstar" / Cruz, Taio "Rockstar" Stryder, Tinchy (Danquah, Kwasi) / Stryder, Tinchy (Danquah, Kwasi) Bromfield, Dionne / Bromfield, Dionne Jessie J. (Cornish, Jessey Ellen) / Jessie J. (Cornish, Jessey Ellen) Incredible Bongo Band / Incredible Bongo Band Rizzle Kicks (duo) / Rizzle Kicks (duo) Drake (Graham, Aubrey Drake) / Drake (Graham, Aubrey Drake) Dev (Tailes, Devin Star) / Dev (Tailes, Devin Star) Tyga (Stevenson, Michael) / Tyga (Stevenson, Michael) Orquesta Los Van Van / Orquesta Los Van Van Polluted Mindz (band) / Polluted Mindz (band)
Артикул: CDVP 334941
EAN: 5050580999329
Состав: 1 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2012
Лейбл: Freestyle Records
Исполнители: Tape Five / Tape Five Lack of Afro / Lack of Afro Speedometer / Speedometer Incredible Bongo Band / Incredible Bongo Band
Исполнители: Tape Five / Tape Five Lack of Afro / Lack of Afro Speedometer / Speedometer Incredible Bongo Band / Incredible Bongo Band Amen Brother / Amen Brother Excitements, The / Excitements, The Smoove and Turrell / Smoove and Turrell Prince Fatty / Prince Fatty Stiff Naked Fools, The / Stiff Naked Fools, The Apples, The / Apples, The Treva Whateva / Treva Whateva Federation of Disco Pimp, The / Federation of Disco Pimp, The Haggis Horns, The / Haggis Horns, The Fantastics!, The / Fantastics!, The Frootful / Frootful Wilson, Al / Wilson, Al Mighty Showstoppers, The / Mighty Showstoppers, The Nostalgia 77 (Lamdin, Ben) / Nostalgia 77 (Lamdin, Ben)
Жанры: Соул
Артикул: CDVP 514640
EAN: 4605026710702
Состав: 1 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Лейбл: Universal Music Россия
Исполнители: Queen / Queen Angel (Charles, Sirach) / Angel (Charles, Sirach) Lott, Pixie (Lott, Victoria Louise) / Lott, Pixie (Lott, Victoria Louise) Luciana (Caporaso, Luciana) / Luciana (Caporaso, Luciana)
Исполнители: Queen / Queen Angel (Charles, Sirach) / Angel (Charles, Sirach) Lott, Pixie (Lott, Victoria Louise) / Lott, Pixie (Lott, Victoria Louise) Luciana (Caporaso, Luciana) / Luciana (Caporaso, Luciana) Morning Runner (band) / Morning Runner (band) Bodyrox / Bodyrox Ironik (Williams, Jade) / Ironik (Williams, Jade) Chase and Status / Chase and Status Cruz, Taio "Rockstar" / Cruz, Taio "Rockstar" Stryder, Tinchy (Danquah, Kwasi) / Stryder, Tinchy (Danquah, Kwasi) Chipmunk (Fyffe, Jahmaal Noel) / Chipmunk (Fyffe, Jahmaal Noel) Bromfield, Dionne / Bromfield, Dionne Jessie J. (Cornish, Jessey Ellen) / Jessie J. (Cornish, Jessey Ellen) Incredible Bongo Band / Incredible Bongo Band Example (Gleave, Elliot John) / Example (Gleave, Elliot John) Rizzle Kicks (duo) / Rizzle Kicks (duo) Wretch 32 (Sinclair, Jermaine Scott) / Wretch 32 (Sinclair, Jermaine Scott) Hervé (Harvey, Joshua) / Hervé (Harvey, Joshua) Skepta (Skeota, Sketa); (Adenuga, Jr., Joseph) / Skepta (Skeota, Sketa); (Adenuga, Jr., Joseph) Cataracs, The / Cataracs, The Lil Wayne (Carter, Jr., Dwayne Michael) / Lil Wayne (Carter, Jr., Dwayne Michael) Drake (Graham, Aubrey Drake) / Drake (Graham, Aubrey Drake) Dev (Tailes, Devin Star) / Dev (Tailes, Devin Star) Dappy (Contostavlos, Dino) / Dappy (Contostavlos, Dino) Perrin, Lloyd / Perrin, Lloyd Crisp, Jordan / Crisp, Jordan Burton, Anwar "Flii Stylz" / Burton, Anwar "Flii Stylz" Tyga (Stevenson, Michael) / Tyga (Stevenson, Michael) Maguire, Clare (Maguire, Clare Rita Mary) / Maguire, Clare (Maguire, Clare Rita Mary) Junior Dangerous / Junior Dangerous F. Mazzen / F. Mazzen Latin Formation / Latin Formation DJ Rebel (Leyers, Kevin) / DJ Rebel (Leyers, Kevin) Orquesta Los Van Van / Orquesta Los Van Van Polluted Mindz (band) / Polluted Mindz (band)
Композиторы: May, Brian / Мей Брайан
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