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- Музыка и песни Lattisaw, Stacey / Lattisaw, Stacey на CD
Музыка и песни Lattisaw, Stacey / Lattisaw, Stacey на CD
Артикул: CDVP 026783
EAN: 0602517875746
Состав: 10 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Лейбл: Universal Motown Republic Group (UMRG)
Исполнители: Beach Boys, The / Beach Boys, The Isley Brothers, The / Айли Бразерс Jackson, Michael / Jackson, Michael Richie, Lionel (Richie, Jr., Lionel Brockman) / Richie, Lionel (Richie, Jr., Lionel Brockman)
Исполнители: Beach Boys, The / Beach Boys, The Isley Brothers, The / Айли Бразерс Jackson, Michael / Jackson, Michael Richie, Lionel (Richie, Jr., Lionel Brockman) / Richie, Lionel (Richie, Jr., Lionel Brockman) Robinson, Smokey (Robinson, Jr., William) / Robinson, Smokey (Robinson, Jr., William) James, Rick (Johnson, Jr., James Ambrose) / James, Rick (Johnson, Jr., James Ambrose) Four Tops, The / Four Tops, The Badu, Erykah / Badu, Erykah Ross, Diana (Ross, Diana Ernestine Earle) / Ross, Diana (Ross, Diana Ernestine Earle) Terrell, Tammi / Terrell, Tammi Edwards, Kathleen / Edwards, Kathleen Shanice / Shanice DeBarge / DeBarge Rockwell / Rockwell Mar-Keys, The / Mar-Keys, The Knight, Gladys / Knight, Gladys Pips, The / Pips, The Profyle / Profyle Temptations, The / Temptations, The Gill, Johnny / Джилл, Джонни Guinn Family, The / Гуинн Фэмили Lattisaw, Stacey / Lattisaw, Stacey Today / Today El DeBarge (DeBarge, Eldra Patrick) / El DeBarge (DeBarge, Eldra Patrick) Young, Val / Young, Val Commodores, The / Commodores, The High Inergy / High Inergy Houston, Thelma / Houston, Thelma Charlene (D'Angelo Oliver, Charlene Marilynn) / Charlene (D'Angelo Oliver, Charlene Marilynn) Dazz Band / Dazz Band Jackson, Jermaine / Джексон, Жермен Originals, The / Originals, The Miracles, The / Miracles, The T.G. Sheppard / T.G. Sheppard Ruffin, David / Ruffin, David Kendricks, Eddie / Kendricks, Eddie Undisputed Truth, The / Undisputed Truth, The Supremes, The / Supremes, The Rare Earth / Rare Earth Walker, Jr. / Walker, Jr. Marvelettes, The / Marvelettes, The Martha & the Vandellas / Martha & the Vandellas Wells, Mary / Wells, Mary Contours, The / Contours, The Little Stevie Wonder / Little Stevie Wonder Mary Jane Girls / Mary Jane Girls Edwards, Dennis / Edwards, Dennis Garrett, Siedah / Гарретт, Саида Diana / Diana Jackson Five, The / Jackson Five, The Starr, Edwin (Hatcher, Charles Edwin) / Starr, Edwin (Hatcher, Charles Edwin) Boyz II Men (band) / Boyz II Men (band)
Композиторы: Wonder, Stevie (Morris, Stevland Hardaway); (Judkins, Stevland Hardaway) / Уандер Стиви (Моррис Стивленд Хардэуэй); (Джадкинс Стивленд Хардэуэй) Moroder, Giorgio / Мородер Джорджо
Жанры: Compilation Disco Funk New Jack Swing RnB/Swing Soul
Артикул: CDVP 038169
EAN: 0731455640823
Состав: 2 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2006
Лейбл: Universal Music Group International (UMGI)
Исполнители: Boney M / Boney M Ross, Diana (Ross, Diana Ernestine Earle) / Ross, Diana (Ross, Diana Ernestine Earle) White, Barry / White, Barry Summer, Donna / Summer, Donna
Исполнители: Boney M / Boney M Ross, Diana (Ross, Diana Ernestine Earle) / Ross, Diana (Ross, Diana Ernestine Earle) White, Barry / White, Barry Summer, Donna / Summer, Donna Gaynor, GIoria (Fowles, Gloria) / Gaynor, GIoria (Fowles, Gloria) Chic / Шик Knight, Gladys / Knight, Gladys Wild Cherry (band) / Wild Cherry (band) Trammps, The / Trammps, The Lattisaw, Stacey / Lattisaw, Stacey Houston, Thelma / Houston, Thelma Miracles, The / Miracles, The Rose Royce (band) / Rose Royce (band) Yarbrough and Peoples / Yarbrough and Peoples Emotions, The / Emotions, The Real Thing, The / Real Thing, The Brothers Johnson, The / Brothers Johnson, The Shalamar / Shalamar Hues Corporation / Hues Corporation McCoy, Van / McCoy, Van Staton, Candi (Staton-Sussewell, Canzetta) / Staton, Candi (Staton-Sussewell, Canzetta) Village People / Village People Bridges, Alicia / Bridges, Alicia Elliman, Yvonne / Elliman, Yvonne Sister Sledge / Sister Sledge Weather Girls (band) / Weather Girls (band) Rushen, Patrice / Rushen, Patrice Bristol, Johnny / Bristol, Johnny Charles, Tina (Hoskins, Tina) / Charles, Tina (Hoskins, Tina) Gap Band, The / Gap Band, The Kool and The Gang / Kool and The Gang Peaches and Herb / Peaches and Herb Odyssey (band) / Odyssey (band) Three Degrees (band) / Three Degrees (band) Earth and Fire (band) / Earth and Fire (band) LaBelle, Patti (Holte-Edwards, Patricia Louise) / LaBelle, Patti (Holte-Edwards, Patricia Louise) Heatwave (band) / Heatwave (band) Lipps, Inc. / Lipps, Inc.
Артикул: CDVP 096322
EAN: 4605026012141
Состав: 2 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Лейбл: Universal Music Россия
Исполнители: Boney M / Boney M Ross, Diana (Ross, Diana Ernestine Earle) / Ross, Diana (Ross, Diana Ernestine Earle) White, Barry / White, Barry Summer, Donna / Summer, Donna
Исполнители: Boney M / Boney M Ross, Diana (Ross, Diana Ernestine Earle) / Ross, Diana (Ross, Diana Ernestine Earle) White, Barry / White, Barry Summer, Donna / Summer, Donna Gaynor, GIoria (Fowles, Gloria) / Gaynor, GIoria (Fowles, Gloria) Chic / Шик Knight, Gladys / Knight, Gladys Wild Cherry (band) / Wild Cherry (band) Trammps, The / Trammps, The Lattisaw, Stacey / Lattisaw, Stacey Houston, Thelma / Houston, Thelma Miracles, The / Miracles, The Rose Royce (band) / Rose Royce (band) Yarbrough and Peoples / Yarbrough and Peoples Emotions, The / Emotions, The Real Thing, The / Real Thing, The Brothers Johnson, The / Brothers Johnson, The Shalamar / Shalamar Hues Corporation / Hues Corporation McCoy, Van / McCoy, Van Staton, Candi (Staton-Sussewell, Canzetta) / Staton, Candi (Staton-Sussewell, Canzetta) Village People / Village People Bridges, Alicia / Bridges, Alicia Elliman, Yvonne / Elliman, Yvonne Sister Sledge / Sister Sledge Weather Girls (band) / Weather Girls (band) Rushen, Patrice / Rushen, Patrice Bristol, Johnny / Bristol, Johnny Charles, Tina (Hoskins, Tina) / Charles, Tina (Hoskins, Tina) Gap Band, The / Gap Band, The Jackson Five, The / Jackson Five, The Kool and The Gang / Kool and The Gang Peaches and Herb / Peaches and Herb Odyssey (band) / Odyssey (band) Three Degrees (band) / Three Degrees (band) Earth and Fire (band) / Earth and Fire (band) LaBelle, Patti (Holte-Edwards, Patricia Louise) / LaBelle, Patti (Holte-Edwards, Patricia Louise) Heatwave (band) / Heatwave (band) Soul City Symphony, The / Soul City Symphony, The Sly and The Family Stone / Sly and The Family Stone Lipps, Inc. / Lipps, Inc.
Артикул: CDVP 3373384
EAN: 0190295734381
Состав: 1 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 10-11-2017
Лейбл: Warner Music Entertainment
Исполнители: Jo Sumi, soprano / Йо Суми, сопрано Duran Duran / Duran Duran Kajagoogoo / Каджагугу Beach Boys, The / Beach Boys, The
Исполнители: Jo Sumi, soprano / Йо Суми, сопрано Duran Duran / Duran Duran Kajagoogoo / Каджагугу Beach Boys, The / Beach Boys, The Spandau Ballet / Spandau Ballet Stranglers, The / Stranglers, The Bush, Kate / Bush, Kate Modern Romance / Modern Romance Limahl (Hamill, Christopher) / Limahl (Hamill, Christopher) ZZ Top / ZZ Top Proclaimers, The / Proclaimers, The Crawford, Randy / Crawford, Randy New Order / New Order Fleetwood Mac / Fleetwood Mac Simply Red / Simply Red A-Ha / A-Ha Faith No More (band) / Faith No More (band) Sisters of Mercy, The / Sisters of Mercy, The Foreigner (band) / Foreigner (band) Cars, The / Карс Talking Heads / Talking Heads Dream Academy, The / Dream Academy, The KC and the Sunshine Band / KC and the Sunshine Band Jesus and Mary Chain, The / Джизэс энд Мэри Чейн Tikaram, Tanita / Tikaram, Tanita Jarreau, Al (Alwin Lopez) / Jarreau, Al (Alwin Lopez) Joy Division / Joy Division Lattisaw, Stacey / Lattisaw, Stacey Gang of Four / Gang of Four Spinners, The / Spinners, The Atlantic Starr / Atlantic Starr Easton, Sheena / Easton, Sheena Myles, Alannah / Myles, Alannah B-52's, The / B-52's, The McDonald, Michael / McDonald, Michael Branigan, Laura / Branigan, Laura Sister Sledge / Sister Sledge Nu Shooz / Nu Shooz Power Station, The / Power Station, The Gibson, Debbie / Gibson, Debbie Sundays, The / Sundays, The Talk Talk / Talk Talk Pretenders, The / Pretenders, The Lindley, David / Lindley, David They Might Be Giants / They Might Be Giants Baker, Anita / Бейкер, Анита White, Karyn / Уайт, Карин Winger / Уингер Beloved, The / Beloved, The B-Movie / B-Movie Kamen, Nick / Кэмин, Ник Zapp / Zapp Dexys (Dexy's Midnight Runners) / Dexys (Dexy's Midnight Runners) Faster Pussycat / Faster Pussycat Crenshaw, Marshall / Crenshaw, Marshall Sound, The / Sound, The Addiction, Janes / Addiction, Janes Rufus and Chaka Khan / Rufus and Chaka Khan Adventures, The / Adventures, The Fisher, Climie / Fisher, Climie Bad Manners (band) / Bad Manners (band) Aztec Camera (band) / Aztec Camera (band) Primal Scream (band) / Primal Scream (band) Graham, Jaki (Graham, Jacqueline) / Graham, Jaki (Graham, Jacqueline) Dokken (band) / Dokken (band) Dollar (band) / Dollar (band) Cetera, Peter (Cetera, Peter Paul) / Cetera, Peter (Cetera, Peter Paul) Belouis Some (Keighley, Neville) / Belouis Some (Keighley, Neville) Kix / Kix Parr, John Stephen / Parr, John Stephen Ten City / Ten City
Композиторы: Costello, Elvis / Костелло Элвис
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