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Музыка и песни Lee, Christopher / Lee, Christopher на CD
Под заказ
Артикул: CDVP 658019
EAN: 0633726578623
Состав: 1 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2013
Исполнители: Lee, Christopher / Lee, Christopher
Жанры: Хэви метал
Legendary actor Christopher Lee releases his second Charlemagne album. When I was approached to do the first Charlemagne album, By The Sword And The Cross, it is heavy metal, of course, but what I sang was more symphonic. Now on the second one, The Omens Of Death, it is 100 percent heavy metal. I've done my bits and pieces, and they are heavy metal. I'm not screaming or anything like that, but it is definitely 100 percent heavy metal. - CHRISTOPHER LEE The music was arranged by Ritchie Faulkner, now the lead guitarist in JUDAS PRIEST. In an interview with Peter Hodgson at Guitar Talk, he said: Yeah, that was a really interesting project to work on. Sir Christopher's team sent me some songs that were very orchestral and symphony-based and asked me to arrange them into metal songs. Most of the songs were already there, but they needed riffs, drum parts and musical parts that refl
Record Label: Charlemagne
Style: Heavy Metal
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