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Музыка и песни Lewis, Hopeton / Lewis, Hopeton на CD
Артикул: CDVP 1468766
EAN: 3298490917435
Состав: 3 CDs
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 23-01-2014
Лейбл: Naive Records
Исполнители: Marley, Bob (Marley, Robert Nesta) / Marley, Bob (Marley, Robert Nesta) Isaacs, Gregory / Isaacs, Gregory Toots and The Maytals / Toots and The Maytals Third World / Third World
Исполнители: Marley, Bob (Marley, Robert Nesta) / Marley, Bob (Marley, Robert Nesta) Isaacs, Gregory / Isaacs, Gregory Toots and The Maytals / Toots and The Maytals Third World / Third World Aswad / Aswad Brown, Dennis / Brown, Dennis Tosh, Peter (McIntosh, Winston Hubert) / Tosh, Peter (McIntosh, Winston Hubert) Black Uhuru / Black Uhuru Wailer, Bunny / Wailer, Bunny Cliff, Jimmy (Chambers, James) / Cliff, Jimmy (Chambers, James) Morgan, Derrick / Morgan, Derrick Dekker, Desmond / Деккер, Десмонд Lewis, Hopeton / Lewis, Hopeton Pablo, Augustus (Swaby, Horace) / Pablo, Augustus (Swaby, Horace) Perry, Lee "Scratch" (Perry, Rainford Hugh) / Perry, Lee "Scratch" (Perry, Rainford Hugh) Wilson, Delroy / Wilson, Delroy Boothe, Ken / Boothe, Ken Thompson, Linval / Thompson, Linval Minott, Sugar / Minott, Sugar Maytones, The / Maytones, The Ethiopians, The / Ethiopians, The Cimarons, The / Cimarons, The Dunkley, Errol / Данкли, Эррол Jones, Barbara / Jones, Barbara Dillinger / Dillinger Melodians, The / Melodians, The Clarke, Johnny / Clarke, Johnny Dillon, Phyllis / Dillon, Phyllis Sly / Sly Marley, Rita / Marley, Rita I-Roy (Reid, Roy Samuel) / I-Roy (Reid, Roy Samuel) Romeo, Max (Smith, Maxwell Livingston) / Romeo, Max (Smith, Maxwell Livingston) Andy, Horace (Hinds, Horace) / Andy, Horace (Hinds, Horace) Tosh, Andrew / Tosh, Andrew Don Drummond and The Skatalites / Don Drummond and The Skatalites Chaka Demus and Pliers / Chaka Demus and Pliers Campbell, Ali (Campbell, Alistair Ian) / Campbell, Ali (Campbell, Alistair Ian) Stanley and The Turbines / Stanley and The Turbines
Жанры: Reggae und Ska
Артикул: CDVP 2839269
EAN: 4571179532051
Состав: 1 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2015
Исполнители: Lewis, Hopeton / Lewis, Hopeton
Артикул: CDVP 027945
EAN: 0600753183311
Состав: 3 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2009
Лейбл: Universal Music Group International (UMGI)
Исполнители: Isaacs, Gregory / Isaacs, Gregory Toots and The Maytals / Toots and The Maytals Third World / Third World Aswad / Aswad
Исполнители: Isaacs, Gregory / Isaacs, Gregory Toots and The Maytals / Toots and The Maytals Third World / Third World Aswad / Aswad Brown, Dennis / Brown, Dennis Mighty Diamonds, The / Mighty Diamonds, The Black Uhuru / Black Uhuru Cliff, Jimmy (Chambers, James) / Cliff, Jimmy (Chambers, James) Apache Indian (Kapur, Steven) / Apache Indian (Kapur, Steven) Blackwell, Chris / Blackwell, Chris Aitken, Laurel / Aitken, Laurel Edwards, Jackie / Edwards, Jackie Morgan, Derrick / Morgan, Derrick Derrick & Patsy / Деррик энд Пэтси Ranglin, Ernest / Ranglin, Ernest Drummond, Don / Драммонд, Дон (тромбон) Hinds, Justin / Hinds, Justin Malcolm, Carlos / Malcolm, Carlos Ellis, Alton / Ellis, Alton Brooks, Baba / Brooks, Baba Lewis, Hopeton / Lewis, Hopeton Paragons, The / Paragons, The Techniques / Techniques Uniques / Uniques Lee, Bunny / Lee, Bunny Bennett, Lorna / Bennett, Lorna Zap Pow / Zap Pow Heptones, The / Heptones, The Pablo, Augustus (Swaby, Horace) / Pablo, Augustus (Swaby, Horace) Murvin, Junior (Smith, Murvin Junior) / Murvin, Junior (Smith, Murvin Junior) Perry, Lee "Scratch" (Perry, Rainford Hugh) / Perry, Lee "Scratch" (Perry, Rainford Hugh) Rodriguez, Rico / Rodriguez, Rico Pitterson, Karl / Pitterson, Karl Johnson, Linton Kwesi / Джонсон, Линтон Квези Riley, Jimmy / Riley, Jimmy Hylton, Sheila / Hylton, Sheila Kamoze, Ini / Kamoze, Ini Drummie Zeb / Драмми Зэб, (Ангус Гэй) Marley, Damian / Marley, Damian Keith and Tex / Keith and Tex Chaka Demus and Pliers / Chaka Demus and Pliers
Жанры: Регги
Артикул: CDVP 028628
EAN: 5050159916122
Состав: 3 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2008
Лейбл: Trojan Records
Исполнители: Isaacs, Gregory / Isaacs, Gregory Brown, Dennis / Brown, Dennis Dekker, Desmond / Деккер, Десмонд Lewis, Hopeton / Lewis, Hopeton
Исполнители: Isaacs, Gregory / Isaacs, Gregory Brown, Dennis / Brown, Dennis Dekker, Desmond / Деккер, Десмонд Lewis, Hopeton / Lewis, Hopeton Riley, Jimmy / Riley, Jimmy Sherman, Bim / Sherman, Bim Levy, Barrington / Levy, Barrington Johnson, Anthony / Джонсон, Энтони Upsetters, The / Upsetters, The Holt, John / Holt, John Maytals, The / Maytals, The Donaldson, Eric / Donaldson, Eric Shervington, Pluto / Shervington, Pluto Gardiner, Boris and The Keys / Gardiner, Boris and The Keys Biggs, Barry / Biggs, Barry Honey Boy / Honey Boy Fugitives, The / Fugitives, The Keith and Ken / Keith and Ken Mighty Sparrow / Mighty Sparrow Davidson, Paul / Дэвидсон, Пол Dunkley, Errol / Данкли, Эррол Jones, Barbara / Jones, Barbara George, Sophia / Джорж, София Blues Busters / Blues Busters Walks, Dennis / Walks, Dennis Delgado, Junior / Delgado, Junior In Crowd, The / In Crowd, The Schloss, Cynthia / Schloss, Cynthia Thomas, Jah / Thomas, Jah Hammond, Beres / Hammond, Beres Early B / Early B Ninjaman / Ninjaman Silk, Garnett / Silk, Garnett Andy, Horace (Hinds, Horace) / Andy, Horace (Hinds, Horace) Judge Dread (Hughes, Alexander Minto) / Judge Dread (Hughes, Alexander Minto) Morris, Eric "Monty" / Morris, Eric "Monty" Chaka Demus and Pliers / Chaka Demus and Pliers Beenie Man (Davis, Anthony Moses) / Beenie Man (Davis, Anthony Moses)
Жанры: Compilation Dancehall Reggae Ska
Артикул: CDVP 038866
EAN: 5050159905423
Состав: 1 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Лейбл: Universal Music Group International (UMGI)
Исполнители: Marley, Bob (Marley, Robert Nesta) / Marley, Bob (Marley, Robert Nesta) Toots and The Maytals / Toots and The Maytals Lewis, Hopeton / Lewis, Hopeton Zap Pow / Zap Pow
Исполнители: Marley, Bob (Marley, Robert Nesta) / Marley, Bob (Marley, Robert Nesta) Toots and The Maytals / Toots and The Maytals Lewis, Hopeton / Lewis, Hopeton Zap Pow / Zap Pow Perry, Lee "Scratch" (Perry, Rainford Hugh) / Perry, Lee "Scratch" (Perry, Rainford Hugh) Boothe, Ken / Boothe, Ken Upsetters, The / Upsetters, The Pioneers, The / Pioneers, The Jay Boys / Джей Бойз Charmers, Lloyd / Charmers, Lloyd Hippy Boys, The / Hippy Boys, The Dillon, Phyllis / Dillon, Phyllis Bob Marley and The Wailers / Bob Marley and The Wailers
Жанры: Регги
Артикул: CDVP 038953
EAN: 5050159902729
Состав: 2 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2008
Лейбл: Universal Music Group International (UMGI)
Исполнители: Toots and The Maytals / Toots and The Maytals Harriott, Derrick / Harriott, Derrick Dekker, Desmond / Деккер, Десмонд Hinds, Justin / Hinds, Justin
Исполнители: Toots and The Maytals / Toots and The Maytals Harriott, Derrick / Harriott, Derrick Dekker, Desmond / Деккер, Десмонд Hinds, Justin / Hinds, Justin Ellis, Alton / Ellis, Alton Lewis, Hopeton / Lewis, Hopeton Paragons, The / Paragons, The Techniques / Techniques Uniques / Uniques Perry, Lee "Scratch" (Perry, Rainford Hugh) / Perry, Lee "Scratch" (Perry, Rainford Hugh) Boothe, Ken / Boothe, Ken Upsetters, The / Upsetters, The Eccles, Clancy / Eccles, Clancy Shirley, Roy / Shirley, Roy Pioneers, The / Pioneers, The Jamaicans / Джамаиканс Ethiopians, The / Ethiopians, The Gaylads / Гейлэдс Aces, The / Aces, The Taitt, Lynn / Taitt, Lynn Mills, Rudy / Mills, Rudy Three Tops / Three Tops Dunkley, Errol / Данкли, Эррол Melodians, The / Melodians, The Dillon, Phyllis / Dillon, Phyllis Keith and Tex / Keith and Tex
Жанры: Регги
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