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Музыка и песни Mellotones / Mellotones на CD
Артикул: CDVP 028531
EAN: 5050159902927
Состав: 3 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2002
Лейбл: Trojan Records
Исполнители: Crystalites, The / Crystalites, The Murvin, Junior (Smith, Murvin Junior) / Murvin, Junior (Smith, Murvin Junior) Emotions, The / Emotions, The McKay, Freddie / McKay, Freddie
Исполнители: Crystalites, The / Crystalites, The Murvin, Junior (Smith, Murvin Junior) / Murvin, Junior (Smith, Murvin Junior) Emotions, The / Emotions, The McKay, Freddie / McKay, Freddie Viceroys, The / Viceroys, The Clarendonians, The / Clarendonians, The Gaylads / Гейлэдс Al and The Vibrators / Al and The Vibrators Stranger and Gladdy / Stranger and Gladdy Taitt, Lynn / Taitt, Lynn Lloyd and Glen / Lloyd and Glen Soul Tops / Soul Tops Butler, Leslie & The Gaytones / Butler, Leslie & The Gaytones Hamlins / Hamlins Ossie, Count / Осси, Каунт Bunny & Ruddy / Bunny & Ruddy Beckford, Theophilus / Beckford, Theophilus Marshall, Larry / Marshall, Larry Progressions (Hearse-Jones, Carl) / Progressions (Hearse-Jones, Carl) Moodie, Amiel & The Dandemites / Moodie, Amiel & The Dandemites Gardiner, Boris and The Keys / Gardiner, Boris and The Keys Mellotones / Mellotones Francis, Winston / Francis, Winston Lloyd and Randolph / Lloyd and Randolph Drumbago & The Blenders / Драмбаго & Блендерз Visions / Visions Beltones / Beltones Royals, The / Royals, The Shield, Trevor / Shield, Trevor Mills, Rudy / Mills, Rudy Conquerors / Conquerors Bleechers / Bleechers Silvertones / Silvertones Rulers / Rulers Taylor, Vic / Taylor, Vic Butler, Radcliffe / Butler, Radcliffe Keith and Tex / Keith and Tex White, (Tony) Joe / White, (Tony) Joe
Жанры: Reggae Rocksteady
Артикул: CDVP 038669
EAN: 0602517970625
Состав: 2 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Лейбл: Universal Music Group International (UMGI)
Исполнители: Crystalites, The / Crystalites, The Ellis, Alton / Ellis, Alton Techniques / Techniques Uniques / Uniques
Исполнители: Crystalites, The / Crystalites, The Ellis, Alton / Ellis, Alton Techniques / Techniques Uniques / Uniques Wilson, Delroy / Wilson, Delroy Kelly, Pat / Kelly, Pat Robinson, Lloyd / Robinson, Lloyd Upsetters, The / Upsetters, The Eccles, Clancy / Eccles, Clancy King, Stitt / King, Stitt Pioneers, The / Pioneers, The Landis, Joya / Landis, Joya Dandy / Денди Holt, John / Holt, John Slickers / Slickers Ethiopians, The / Ethiopians, The Mellotones / Mellotones Mills, Rudy / Mills, Rudy Bleechers / Bleechers Dynamites, The / Dynamites, The Rico / Rico Rudies, The / Rudies, The Bryan, Karl / Bryan, Karl Hippy Boys, The / Hippy Boys, The Reggae Boys / Reggae Boys
Жанры: Регги
Артикул: CDVP 040325
EAN: 0602517751545
Состав: 2 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2008
Лейбл: Universal Music Group International (UMGI)
Исполнители: Harriott, Derrick / Harriott, Derrick Morgan, Derrick / Morgan, Derrick Paragons, The / Paragons, The Uniques / Uniques
Исполнители: Harriott, Derrick / Harriott, Derrick Morgan, Derrick / Morgan, Derrick Paragons, The / Paragons, The Uniques / Uniques Boothe, Ken / Boothe, Ken Upsetters, The / Upsetters, The Shirley, Roy / Shirley, Roy Pioneers, The / Pioneers, The Untouchables / Untouchables Brother Dan Allstars / Brother Dan Allstars Landis, Joya / Landis, Joya Gaylads / Гейлэдс Mellotones / Mellotones Bond, Joyce / Bond, Joyce Charmers, Lloyd / Charmers, Lloyd Dragonaires, The / Dragonaires, The Reid, Nehemiah / Reid, Nehemiah Versatiles / Versatiles Cool Sticky / Cool Sticky Isaacs, David / Isaacs, David Penny, George A. / Penny, George A. Lee, Byron / Lee, Byron Kingstonians, The / Kingstonians, The Bennet, Val / Bennet, Val Federals, The / Federals, The Beckford, Keeling / Beckford, Keeling Race Fans, The / Race Fans, The Malcom, Hugh / Malcom, Hugh Williams, Ranny / Williams, Ranny Steward, Delano / Steward, Delano
Жанры: Регги
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