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Музыка и песни Saints, The / Saints, The на CD
Артикул: CDVP 140197
EAN: 5099909692626
Состав: 4 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2011
Лейбл: Universal Music Group International (UMGI)
Исполнители: Saints, The / Saints, The
Артикул: CDVP 233222
EAN: 0823566415626
Состав: 1 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 13-11-2006
Исполнители: Saints, The / Saints, The
Артикул: CDVP 600928
EAN: 0680569370815
Состав: 2 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2012
Исполнители: Saints, The / Saints, The
Жанры: Инди-рок
Артикул: CDVP 3373369
EAN: 0190295734442
Состав: 5 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 10-11-2017
Лейбл: Warner Music Entertainment
Исполнители: Coldplay / Колдплэй Deep Purple / Deep Purple Duran Duran / Duran Duran Minogue, Kylie / Minogue, Kylie
Исполнители: Coldplay / Колдплэй Deep Purple / Deep Purple Duran Duran / Duran Duran Minogue, Kylie / Minogue, Kylie Turner, Tina (Bullock, Anna Mae) / Turner, Tina (Bullock, Anna Mae) Ramones / Ramones Spandau Ballet / Spandau Ballet Stranglers, The / Stranglers, The Bush, Kate / Bush, Kate Velvet Underground, The / Velvet Underground, The ZZ Top / ZZ Top Chicago / Chicago Cooper, Alice (Furnier, Vincent Damon) / Cooper, Alice (Furnier, Vincent Damon) Proclaimers, The / Proclaimers, The Morrison, Van (Morrison, George Ivan, OBE) / Morrison, Van (Morrison, George Ivan, OBE) Twisted Sister (band) / Twisted Sister (band) Darkness, The / Дакнес Fleetwood Mac / Fleetwood Mac Redding, Otis / Redding, Otis Simply Red / Simply Red Doobie Brothers, The / Doobie Brothers, The A-Ha / A-Ha Morissette, Alanis / Morissette, Alanis Faith No More (band) / Faith No More (band) Blunt, James / Blunt, James Cher (Sarkisian La Pierre, Cherilyn) / Cher (Sarkisian La Pierre, Cherilyn) Chic / Шик Flack, Roberta / Flack, Roberta Foghat / Foghat Warwick, Dionne / Warwick, Dionne Foreigner (band) / Foreigner (band) Hollies, The / Hollies, The America / America King, Ben E. (Nelson, Benjamin Earl) / King, Ben E. (Nelson, Benjamin Earl) Hot Chocolate / Hot Chocolate All Saints / All Saints Jesus and Mary Chain, The / Джизэс энд Мэри Чейн Subways, The / Subways, The Nickelback / Nickelback Joy Division / Joy Division Stooges, The / Stooges, The Gang of Four / Gang of Four Easton, Sheena / Easton, Sheena Jet / Джет Myles, Alannah / Myles, Alannah Buffalo Springfield (band) / Buffalo Springfield (band) Television / Television MC5 / MC5 Zero 7 / Zero 7 B-52's, The / B-52's, The Staton, Candi (Staton-Sussewell, Canzetta) / Staton, Candi (Staton-Sussewell, Canzetta) Sister Sledge / Sister Sledge 999 / 999 Dr. Feelgood (band) / Dr. Feelgood (band) Rich Kids, The / Rich Kids, The Sledge, Percy / Sledge, Percy Spedding, Chris / Spedding, Chris Whitesnake / Whitesnake Saints, The / Saints, The Cohn, Marc / Кон, Марк Roth, David Lee "Diamond Dave" / Roth, David Lee "Diamond Dave" Skid Row (band) / Skid Row (band) Georgia Satellites / Georgia Satellites Iron Butterfly / Айрон Баттерфлай Violent Femmes / Вайолент Феммес Ama, Shola / Ama, Shola Biffy Clyro / Biffy Clyro Nutini, Paolo / Nutini, Paolo Deee-Lite / Deee-Lite Dead Boys / Дэд Бойз Hell, Richard / Hell, Richard Robinson, Tom / Robinson, Tom Drifters (band) / Drifters (band) Germs, The / Germs, The Charli XCX (Aitchison, Charlotte Emma) / Charli XCX (Aitchison, Charlotte Emma) Crawford, Brad and Valery / Crawford, Brad and Valery Wire, The / Wire, The Khan, Chaka (Stevens, Yvette Marie) / Khan, Chaka (Stevens, Yvette Marie) Burke, Solomon (The King of Rock 'N Soul; Bishop of Soul, The; King Solomon; Wonder Boy preacher, The; Lord Solomon); (McDonald, James Solomon) / Burke, Solomon (The King of Rock 'N Soul; Bishop of Soul, The; King Solomon; Wonder Boy preacher, The; Lord Solomon); (McDonald, James Solomon) Allen, Lily ( Allen, Lily Rose Beatrice) / Allen, Lily ( Allen, Lily Rose Beatrice) Birdy (Bogaerde, Jasmine van den) / Birdy (Bogaerde, Jasmine van den) Kwabs (Adjepong, Kwabena Sarkodee) / Kwabs (Adjepong, Kwabena Sarkodee) Morris, Rae (Morris, Rachel Anne) / Morris, Rae (Morris, Rachel Anne) Glynne, Jess (Jessica Hannah) / Glynne, Jess (Jessica Hannah) D:Ream (band) / D:Ream (band)
Жанры: Classic Rock Compilation Pop music Pop Rock
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