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- Музыка и песни Tampa Red (Whittaker, Hudson) / Tampa Red (Whittaker, Hudson) на CD
Музыка и песни Tampa Red (Whittaker, Hudson) / Tampa Red (Whittaker, Hudson) на CD
Артикул: CDVP 155386
EAN: 3596972322426
Состав: 5 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2010
Лейбл: Wagram Music
Исполнители: Hooker, John Lee / Hooker, John Lee Smith, Bessie / Smith, Bessie B.B. King (King, Riley B.) / B.B. King (King, Riley B.) Walker, Aaron Thibeaux "T-Bone" / Walker, Aaron Thibeaux "T-Bone"
Исполнители: Hooker, John Lee / Hooker, John Lee Smith, Bessie / Smith, Bessie B.B. King (King, Riley B.) / B.B. King (King, Riley B.) Walker, Aaron Thibeaux "T-Bone" / Walker, Aaron Thibeaux "T-Bone" Terry, Sonny (Terrell, Saunders) / Terry, Sonny (Terrell, Saunders) Johnson, Lonnie / Джонсон, "Лонни" Алонсо (джаз-гитара, вокал) Big Joe Williams (Williams, Joseph Lee) / Big Joe Williams (Williams, Joseph Lee) Sykes, Roosevelt / Sykes, Roosevelt James, Skip / Джеймс, Скип (фортепиано) White, Bukka (White, Booker T. Washington) / White, Bukka (White, Booker T. Washington) Brooks, Lonnie / Brooks, Lonnie Sumlin, Hubert / Sumlin, Hubert Robinson, Fenton / Robinson, Fenton Seals, Son / Seals, Son Brown, Clarence "Gatemouth" / Brown, Clarence "Gatemouth" King, Albert / King, Albert Aces, The / Aces, The Bell, Carey / Bell, Carey Fulson, Lowell / Fulson, Lowell Harris, Corey / Harris, Corey Smith, Clarence 'Pine Top' / Smith, Clarence 'Pine Top' McShann, Jay / МакШенн, Джей (фортепиано, вокал) Hill, Bertha "Chippie" / Hill, Bertha "Chippie" Mabon, Willie / Mabon, Willie Rogers, Jimmy / Rogers, Jimmy Vinson, Eddie "Cleanhead" / Vinson, Eddie "Cleanhead" Webster, Katie / Webster, Katie Cotton, James / Cotton, James Collins, Albert / Collins, Albert Lewis, Furry / Lewis, Furry Hogg, Andrew "Smokey" / Hogg, Andrew "Smokey" Neal, Raful / Neal, Raful Lester, Lazy / Lester, Lazy Neal, Kenny / Neal, Kenny Lucky Peterson (Peterson, Judge Kenneth) / Lucky Peterson (Peterson, Judge Kenneth) Lenoir, J. B. / Lenoir, J. B. Copeland, Johnny / Коупланд, Джонни Pee Wee Crayton (Crayton, Connie Curtis) / Pee Wee Crayton (Crayton, Connie Curtis) Memphis Slim (Chatman, John Len) / Memphis Slim (Chatman, John Len) Broonzy, Big Bill (Broonzy, William Lee Conley) / Broonzy, Big Bill (Broonzy, William Lee Conley) Wilkins, Robert / Wilkins, Robert Washboard Sam / Washboard Sam Kackson, Jim / Kackson, Jim Kokomo Arnold / Kokomo Arnold Carr, Leroy / Carr, Leroy Estes, Sleepy John / Estes, Sleepy John Pickett, Charlie / Pickett, Charlie Moss, Buddy / Moss, Buddy Nelson, Red / Nelson, Red Leroy's Buddy / Leroy's Buddy Tampa Red (Whittaker, Hudson) / Tampa Red (Whittaker, Hudson) Mcghee, Stick / Mcghee, Stick Jones, Little Johnny / Jones, Little Johnny Third Degree / Third Degree Williams, Jody / Williams, Jody Davis, Larry / Davis, Larry James, Homesick / James, Homesick Allison, Luther / Allison, Luther King, Freddy / King, Freddy Young, Mighty Joe (Young, Joseph) / Young, Mighty Joe (Young, Joseph) Smothers, Smokey / Smothers, Smokey Cousin Joe / Cousin Joe Guitar Shorty / Guitar Shorty Hutto, J.B. (Joseph Benjamin) / Hutto, J.B. (Joseph Benjamin) Kinsey Report / Kinsey Report Heartsman, Johnny / Heartsman, Johnny Hunter, Long John / Hunter, Long John Dixon, Floyd / Dixon, Floyd Crudup, Arthur "Big Boy" (Crudup, Arthur William ; Jones, Elmer; Crudup, Percy Lee) / Crudup, Arthur "Big Boy" (Crudup, Arthur William ; Jones, Elmer; Crudup, Percy Lee) Guy, Buddy (Guy, George "Buddy") / Guy, Buddy (Guy, George "Buddy") Big Joe Turner (The Boss of the Blues); (Turner Jr., Joseph Vernon) / Big Joe Turner (The Boss of the Blues); (Turner Jr., Joseph Vernon) Milburn, Amos (Milburn, Jr., Joseph Amos) / Milburn, Amos (Milburn, Jr., Joseph Amos) Little Junior Parker (Little Junior's Blue Flames); (Parker, Jr., Herman) / Little Junior Parker (Little Junior's Blue Flames); (Parker, Jr., Herman) Burns, Eddie "Guitar" (Big Daddy, Little Eddie, Big Ed) / Burns, Eddie "Guitar" (Big Daddy, Little Eddie, Big Ed) Little Walter (Jacobs, Marion Walter) / Little Walter (Jacobs, Marion Walter) Junior Wells (Wells Blakemore Jr., Amos) / Junior Wells (Wells Blakemore Jr., Amos) Howlin' Wolf (Burnett, Chester Arthur) / Howlin' Wolf (Burnett, Chester Arthur) Waters, Muddy (Morganfield, McKinley) / Waters, Muddy (Morganfield, McKinley) Johnson, Luther "Guitar Jr." / Johnson, Luther "Guitar Jr." Sunnyland Slim (Luandrew, Albert "Sunnyland Slim") / Sunnyland Slim (Luandrew, Albert "Sunnyland Slim") Reed, Jimmy (Reed, Mathis James "Jimmy") / Reed, Jimmy (Reed, Mathis James "Jimmy") James, Elmore (Brooks, Elmore) / James, Elmore (Brooks, Elmore) Lightnin' Hopkins (Hopkins, Sam John) / Lightnin' Hopkins (Hopkins, Sam John) Dixon, Willie (Dixon, William James) / Dixon, Willie (Dixon, William James) Jordan, Louis (Jordan. Louis Thomas) / Jordan, Louis (Jordan. Louis Thomas) Sonny Boy Williamson (Sonny Boy Williamson II; Miller, Aleck "Rice"); (Miller, Alex) / Sonny Boy Williamson (Sonny Boy Williamson II; Miller, Aleck "Rice"); (Miller, Alex) Billy Boy Arnold (Arnold, William) / Billy Boy Arnold (Arnold, William)
Композиторы: Johnson, Robert / Джонсон Роберт Washington, Dinah (Jones, Ruth Lee) / Вашингтон Дина (Джонс Рут Ли)
Жанры: Блюз
Артикул: CDVP 187951
EAN: 4011222230065
Состав: 10 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2005
Лейбл: Membran classics
Исполнители: Holiday, Billie (Fagan Gough, Eleanora) / Holiday, Billie (Fagan Gough, Eleanora) Peterson, Oscar / Peterson, Oscar Goodman Benny, clarinet / Гудмен Бенни, кларнет Basie, Count (Basie, William James) / Basie, Count (Basie, William James)
Исполнители: Holiday, Billie (Fagan Gough, Eleanora) / Holiday, Billie (Fagan Gough, Eleanora) Peterson, Oscar / Peterson, Oscar Goodman Benny, clarinet / Гудмен Бенни, кларнет Basie, Count (Basie, William James) / Basie, Count (Basie, William James) Garner, Erroll / Garner, Erroll Herman, Woody / Herman, Woody Crosby, Bing / Crosby, Bing James, Harry / Джеймс, Гарри (труба) Byrd, Donald (Byrd II, Donaldson Toussaint L'Ouverture) / Byrd, Donald (Byrd II, Donaldson Toussaint L'Ouverture) Horne, Lena / Horne, Lena Shaw, Artie / Shaw, Artie Tatum, Art / Tatum, Art Buckner, Milt / Buckner, Milt Walker, Aaron Thibeaux "T-Bone" / Walker, Aaron Thibeaux "T-Bone" Sykes, Roosevelt / Sykes, Roosevelt Nichols, Red / Nichols, Red Williams, Clarence / Уильямс, Клэренс (фортепиано) Price, Sammy / Price, Sammy Dupree, Champion Jack / Dupree, Champion Jack Smith, Clarence 'Pine Top' / Smith, Clarence 'Pine Top' Sullivan, Joe / Sullivan, Joe Hawkins, Erskine / Hawkins, Erskine Clinton, Larry / Clinton, Larry Zurke, Bob / Zurke, Bob Millinder, Lucky Orchestra / Миллиндера Лаки Оркестр Slack, Freddie / Slack, Freddie Morse, Ella Mae / Моурс, Элла Мэй McKinley, Ray / McKinley, Ray Smith, Tab / Smith, Tab James P. Johnson / James P. Johnson Johnson, Pete / Johnson, Pete Milton, Roy / Милтон, Рой Joe Liggins Orchestra / Joe Liggins Orchestra McNeely, Big Jay / McNeely, Big Jay Montgomery Brothers / Montgomery Brothers Bradley, Will / Bradley, Will Blythe, Jimmy / Blythe, Jimmy Armstrong, Lil Hardin / Armstrong, Lil Hardin Sutton, Ralph / Sutton, Ralph Scott, Marilyn / Scott, Marilyn Mitchell, Freddie / Mitchell, Freddie Carr, Leroy / Carr, Leroy Nelson, Red / Nelson, Red Tampa Red (Whittaker, Hudson) / Tampa Red (Whittaker, Hudson) Brooks, Hadda / Brooks, Hadda Ammons, Albert / Ammons, Albert Davenport, Charles "Cow Cow" / Davenport, Charles "Cow Cow" Yancey, Jimmy / Yancey, Jimmy Roland, Walter / Roland, Walter Speckled Red / Speckled Red Parrish, Turner / Parrish, Turner Taylor, Montana / Taylor, Montana Honey Hill / Honey Hill Lofton, "Clipple" Clarence / Lofton, "Clipple" Clarence Lyman, Abe / Lyman, Abe Dexter, Al / Dexter, Al Hodes, Art / Hodes, Art White, Beverley / White, Beverley Wright, Billy / Wright, Billy Howard, Camille / Howard, Camille Avery, Charles / Avery, Charles Johnson, Clarence / Johnson, Clarence Brown, Cleo / Brown, Cleo Blivens, Clifford / Blivens, Clifford Jackson, Clifton & His Village Cats / Jackson, Clifton & His Village Cats Williams, Curley / Williams, Curley Sampson, Deryck / Sampson, Deryck Robbins, Everett / Robbins, Everett Jaxon, Frankie / Jaxon, Frankie Ammons, Freddie / Ammons, Freddie Rodgers, Gene / Rodgers, Gene Brown, Henry / Brown, Henry Thomas, Hersal / Thomas, Hersal Price, Jesse / Price, Jesse Wynn, Jim / Wynn, Jim Grissom, Jimmy / Grissom, Jimmy Liggins, Jimmy / Liggins, Jimmy Coleman, Joe / Coleman, Joe Porter, King / Porter, King Holt, Laverne / Holt, Laverne Fowler, Lemuel / Fowler, Lemuel Garnett, Leroy / Garnett, Leroy Baker, Lizzie / Baker, Lizzie Jones, Luke / Jones, Luke Scott, Mabel / Scott, Mabel Hampton, Locksley Wellington "Slide" / Hampton, Locksley Wellington "Slide" McVea, Jack (McVea, John Vivian) / McVea, Jack (McVea, John Vivian) Griffin, Johnny (Griffin III, John Arnold) / Griffin, Johnny (Griffin III, John Arnold) Krupa, Gene (Krupa, Eugene Bertram "Gene") / Krupa, Gene (Krupa, Eugene Bertram "Gene") Big Joe Turner (The Boss of the Blues); (Turner Jr., Joseph Vernon) / Big Joe Turner (The Boss of the Blues); (Turner Jr., Joseph Vernon) Lewis, Meade "Lux" (Lewis, Meade Anderson) / Lewis, Meade "Lux" (Lewis, Meade Anderson) Big Maceo (Merriweather, Major) / Big Maceo (Merriweather, Major) Lightnin' Hopkins (Hopkins, Sam John) / Lightnin' Hopkins (Hopkins, Sam John) Williams, Mary Lou (Winn, Mary Elfreda) / Williams, Mary Lou (Winn, Mary Elfreda) Jordan, Louis (Jordan. Louis Thomas) / Jordan, Louis (Jordan. Louis Thomas)
Композиторы: Scott, Raymond / Скотт Реймонд Hines, Earl / Хайнс Эрл
Жанры: Boogie Woogie Compilation
Артикул: CDVP 188216
EAN: 4011222331687
Состав: 52 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2010
Лейбл: Membran Music Ltd.
Исполнители: Hooker, John Lee / Hooker, John Lee Smith, Bessie / Smith, Bessie B.B. King (King, Riley B.) / B.B. King (King, Riley B.) Walker, Aaron Thibeaux "T-Bone" / Walker, Aaron Thibeaux "T-Bone"
Исполнители: Hooker, John Lee / Hooker, John Lee Smith, Bessie / Smith, Bessie B.B. King (King, Riley B.) / B.B. King (King, Riley B.) Walker, Aaron Thibeaux "T-Bone" / Walker, Aaron Thibeaux "T-Bone" Terry, Sonny (Terrell, Saunders) / Terry, Sonny (Terrell, Saunders) Rush, Otis / Rush, Otis Johnson, Lonnie / Джонсон, "Лонни" Алонсо (джаз-гитара, вокал) Wallace, Sippie / Уоллес, Сиппи (фортепиано, орган, вокал) Sykes, Roosevelt / Sykes, Roosevelt Big Mama Thornton (Thornton, Willa Mae) / Big Mama Thornton (Thornton, Willa Mae) James, Skip / Джеймс, Скип (фортепиано) White, Bukka (White, Booker T. Washington) / White, Bukka (White, Booker T. Washington) Hooker, Earl / Hooker, Earl Watson, Johnny "Guitar" / Watson, Johnny "Guitar" Bland, Bobby (Bland, Robert Calvin) / Bland, Bobby (Bland, Robert Calvin) Brown, Clarence "Gatemouth" / Brown, Clarence "Gatemouth" Professor Longhair / Professor Longhair Dupree, Champion Jack / Dupree, Champion Jack Fulson, Lowell / Fulson, Lowell Hunter, Alberta / Hunter, Alberta Barker, Blue Lu / Barker, Blue Lu Witherspoon, Jimmy / Уизерспун, Джимми Milton, Roy / Милтон, Рой Nighthawk, Robert / Nighthawk, Robert Vinson, Eddie "Cleanhead" / Vinson, Eddie "Cleanhead" Screamin' Jay Hawkins (Hawkins, Jalacy Jay) / Screamin' Jay Hawkins (Hawkins, Jalacy Jay) Berry, Richard / Berry, Richard Brown, Charles / Brown, Charles Memphis Minnie (Lawlers, Lizzie Douglas) / Memphis Minnie (Lawlers, Lizzie Douglas) Blind Blake (Blake, Arthur) / Blind Blake (Blake, Arthur) McTell, "Blind" Willie (McTier (or McTear), William Samuel) / McTell, "Blind" Willie (McTier (or McTear), William Samuel) Lewis, Furry / Lewis, Furry Johnny Otis Show, The / Johnny Otis Show, The Johnson, Tommy / Johnson, Tommy Lewis, Smiley / Lewis, Smiley Pryor, Snooky / Pryor, Snooky Lockwood Jr., Robert / Lockwood Jr., Robert Hurt, Mississippi John (Hurt, John Smith) / Hurt, Mississippi John (Hurt, John Smith) Lenoir, J. B. / Lenoir, J. B. Shines, Johnny / Shines, Johnny Pee Wee Crayton (Crayton, Connie Curtis) / Pee Wee Crayton (Crayton, Connie Curtis) Memphis Slim (Chatman, John Len) / Memphis Slim (Chatman, John Len) Broonzy, Big Bill (Broonzy, William Lee Conley) / Broonzy, Big Bill (Broonzy, William Lee Conley) Harris, Wynonie / Harris, Wynonie Lightning Slim / Lightning Slim Kokomo Arnold / Kokomo Arnold Estes, Sleepy John / Estes, Sleepy John Tampa Red (Whittaker, Hudson) / Tampa Red (Whittaker, Hudson) Cousin Joe / Cousin Joe Dixon, Floyd / Dixon, Floyd Rushing, Jimmy (James Andrew) / Rushing, Jimmy (James Andrew) Johnson, "Blind" Willie ("Blind" Willie; "Blind" Texas Marlin; The Blind Pilgrim) / Johnson, "Blind" Willie ("Blind" Willie; "Blind" Texas Marlin; The Blind Pilgrim) Lead Belly (Ledbetter, Huddie William) / Lead Belly (Ledbetter, Huddie William) Guy, Buddy (Guy, George "Buddy") / Guy, Buddy (Guy, George "Buddy") Big Joe Turner (The Boss of the Blues); (Turner Jr., Joseph Vernon) / Big Joe Turner (The Boss of the Blues); (Turner Jr., Joseph Vernon) Gaillard, Slim (McVouty); (Gaillard, Bulee "Slim") / Gaillard, Slim (McVouty); (Gaillard, Bulee "Slim") Milburn, Amos (Milburn, Jr., Joseph Amos) / Milburn, Amos (Milburn, Jr., Joseph Amos) Little Walter (Jacobs, Marion Walter) / Little Walter (Jacobs, Marion Walter) Junior Wells (Wells Blakemore Jr., Amos) / Junior Wells (Wells Blakemore Jr., Amos) Howlin' Wolf (Burnett, Chester Arthur) / Howlin' Wolf (Burnett, Chester Arthur) Waters, Muddy (Morganfield, McKinley) / Waters, Muddy (Morganfield, McKinley) Diddley, Bo (McDaniel, Ellas; The Originator); (Bates,Ellas Otha) / Diddley, Bo (McDaniel, Ellas; The Originator); (Bates,Ellas Otha) Magic Sam (Gene Maghett, Samuel "Magic Sam") / Magic Sam (Gene Maghett, Samuel "Magic Sam") Sunnyland Slim (Luandrew, Albert "Sunnyland Slim") / Sunnyland Slim (Luandrew, Albert "Sunnyland Slim") Reed, Jimmy (Reed, Mathis James "Jimmy") / Reed, Jimmy (Reed, Mathis James "Jimmy") James, Elmore (Brooks, Elmore) / James, Elmore (Brooks, Elmore) Lightnin' Hopkins (Hopkins, Sam John) / Lightnin' Hopkins (Hopkins, Sam John) Dixon, Willie (Dixon, William James) / Dixon, Willie (Dixon, William James) Sonny Boy Williamson (Sonny Boy Williamson II; Miller, Aleck "Rice"); (Miller, Alex) / Sonny Boy Williamson (Sonny Boy Williamson II; Miller, Aleck "Rice"); (Miller, Alex) Billy Boy Arnold (Arnold, William) / Billy Boy Arnold (Arnold, William) McDowell, "Mississippi" Fred / McDowell, "Mississippi" Fred Patton, Charley (Patton, Charlie) / Patton, Charley (Patton, Charlie)
Композиторы: Johnson, Robert / Джонсон Роберт Mayfield, Percy / Мейфилд Перси
Жанры: Compilation
Артикул: CDVP 378248
EAN: 0693723427324
Состав: 1 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2008
Лейбл: SPV Recordings (SPV GmbH)
Артикул: CDVP 404738
EAN: 5397001016600
Состав: 5 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Лейбл: Promo Sound Ltd
Исполнители: Hooker, John Lee / Hooker, John Lee Smith, Bessie / Smith, Bessie B.B. King (King, Riley B.) / B.B. King (King, Riley B.) Walker, Aaron Thibeaux "T-Bone" / Walker, Aaron Thibeaux "T-Bone"
Исполнители: Hooker, John Lee / Hooker, John Lee Smith, Bessie / Smith, Bessie B.B. King (King, Riley B.) / B.B. King (King, Riley B.) Walker, Aaron Thibeaux "T-Bone" / Walker, Aaron Thibeaux "T-Bone" McGhee, Brownie (McGhee, Walter Brown) / McGhee, Brownie (McGhee, Walter Brown) Terry, Sonny (Terrell, Saunders) / Terry, Sonny (Terrell, Saunders) Johnson, Lonnie / Джонсон, "Лонни" Алонсо (джаз-гитара, вокал) Big Joe Williams (Williams, Joseph Lee) / Big Joe Williams (Williams, Joseph Lee) Sykes, Roosevelt / Sykes, Roosevelt King, Albert / King, Albert Fulson, Lowell / Fulson, Lowell Witherspoon, Jimmy / Уизерспун, Джимми Rogers, Jimmy / Rogers, Jimmy Memphis Minnie (Lawlers, Lizzie Douglas) / Memphis Minnie (Lawlers, Lizzie Douglas) Lenoir, J. B. / Lenoir, J. B. Pee Wee Crayton (Crayton, Connie Curtis) / Pee Wee Crayton (Crayton, Connie Curtis) Broonzy, Big Bill (Broonzy, William Lee Conley) / Broonzy, Big Bill (Broonzy, William Lee Conley) Harris, Wynonie / Harris, Wynonie Dupree, Champion Jack (Dupree, William Thomas) / Dupree, Champion Jack (Dupree, William Thomas) Tampa Red (Whittaker, Hudson) / Tampa Red (Whittaker, Hudson) Blind Boy Fuller (Allen, Fulton) / Blind Boy Fuller (Allen, Fulton) Yancey, Jimmy / Yancey, Jimmy Guitar Slim (Jones, Eddie) / Guitar Slim (Jones, Eddie) Crudup, Arthur "Big Boy" (Crudup, Arthur William ; Jones, Elmer; Crudup, Percy Lee) / Crudup, Arthur "Big Boy" (Crudup, Arthur William ; Jones, Elmer; Crudup, Percy Lee) Lead Belly (Ledbetter, Huddie William) / Lead Belly (Ledbetter, Huddie William) White, Josh (White, Joshua Daniel) / White, Josh (White, Joshua Daniel) Guy, Buddy (Guy, George "Buddy") / Guy, Buddy (Guy, George "Buddy") Big Joe Turner (The Boss of the Blues); (Turner Jr., Joseph Vernon) / Big Joe Turner (The Boss of the Blues); (Turner Jr., Joseph Vernon) Big Maceo (Merriweather, Major) / Big Maceo (Merriweather, Major) Little Walter (Jacobs, Marion Walter) / Little Walter (Jacobs, Marion Walter) Howlin' Wolf (Burnett, Chester Arthur) / Howlin' Wolf (Burnett, Chester Arthur) Waters, Muddy (Morganfield, McKinley) / Waters, Muddy (Morganfield, McKinley) Reed, Jimmy (Reed, Mathis James "Jimmy") / Reed, Jimmy (Reed, Mathis James "Jimmy") James, Elmore (Brooks, Elmore) / James, Elmore (Brooks, Elmore) Lightnin' Hopkins (Hopkins, Sam John) / Lightnin' Hopkins (Hopkins, Sam John) Dixon, Willie (Dixon, William James) / Dixon, Willie (Dixon, William James) Sonny Boy Williamson (Sonny Boy Williamson II; Miller, Aleck "Rice"); (Miller, Alex) / Sonny Boy Williamson (Sonny Boy Williamson II; Miller, Aleck "Rice"); (Miller, Alex)
Композиторы: Johnson, Robert / Джонсон Роберт
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