Музыка и песни Ugly Kid Joe (band) / Ugly Kid Joe (band)
Артикул: CDVP 514681
EAN: 4605026012332
Состав: 1 DVD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Лейбл: Universal Music Россия
Исполнители: Scorpions / Scorpions Thin Lizzy / Thin Lizzy Motörhead / Motörhead Cinderella (band) / Cinderella (band)
Исполнители: Scorpions / Scorpions Thin Lizzy / Thin Lizzy Motörhead / Motörhead Cinderella (band) / Cinderella (band) Extreme (band) / Extreme (band) Rainbow / Rainbow Status Quo / Status Quo Therapy? (band) / Therapy? (band) Kingdom Come (band) / Kingdom Come (band) Ugly Kid Joe (band) / Ugly Kid Joe (band) Magnum (band) / Magnum (band) Little Angels (band) / Little Angels (band) Tesla (band) / Tesla (band) Mötley Crüe (band) / Mötley Crüe (band) Live (band) / Live (band) Spinal Tap (band) / Spinal Tap (band) L.A. Guns (band) / L.A. Guns (band) Vain (band) / Vain (band)
Жанры: Pop
Артикул: CDVP 034081
EAN: 0731451257124
Состав: 1 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-1992
Лейбл: Stardog Records
Исполнители: Ugly Kid Joe (band) / Ugly Kid Joe (band)
Жанры: Alternative Rock Funk Metal Hard Rock Heavy Metal Southern Rock
Артикул: CDVP 1290466
EAN: 4250444155613
Состав: 1 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 04-10-2013
Исполнители: Ugly Kid Joe (band) / Ugly Kid Joe (band)
Жанры: Classic Rock
Артикул: CDVP 1290595
EAN: 4250444155651
Состав: 1 LP
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 04-10-2013
Исполнители: Ugly Kid Joe (band) / Ugly Kid Joe (band)
Жанры: Hard Rock
Артикул: CDVP 1993689
EAN: 0698458563323
Состав: 5 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2014
Лейбл: Union Square Music
Исполнители: Roxette / Roxette Jones, Tom, OBE (Woodward, (Sir) Thomas Jones) / Jones, Tom, OBE (Woodward, (Sir) Thomas Jones) Beach Boys, The / Beach Boys, The Asia / Asia
Исполнители: Roxette / Roxette Jones, Tom, OBE (Woodward, (Sir) Thomas Jones) / Jones, Tom, OBE (Woodward, (Sir) Thomas Jones) Beach Boys, The / Beach Boys, The Asia / Asia Berry, Chuck / Berry, Chuck Sparks / Sparks Allman Brothers Band, The / Allman Brothers Band, The Lynyrd Skynyrd / Lynyrd Skynyrd Kiss (band) / Kiss (band) Blink-182 / Blink-182 James (band) / James (band) Nazareth / Nazareth Rainbow / Rainbow Razorlight (band) / Razorlight (band) Soft Cell / Soft Cell Squeeze / Squeeze Status Quo / Status Quo Stereophonics / Stereophonics Tears for Fears / Tears for Fears Christians, The / Christians, The Hives, The / Hives, The The Mamas and The Papas / The Mamas and The Papas Undertones, The / Undertones, The Stereo MC's / Stereo MC's Dodgy / Доджи Cole, Natalie / Cole, Natalie Faith No More (band) / Faith No More (band) Queens of The Stone Age / Queens of The Stone Age Grandmaster Flash / Grandmaster Flash Cher (Sarkisian La Pierre, Cherilyn) / Cher (Sarkisian La Pierre, Cherilyn) Ugly Kid Joe (band) / Ugly Kid Joe (band) Foreigner (band) / Foreigner (band) Cars, The / Карс Temptations, The / Temptations, The Martha & the Vandellas / Martha & the Vandellas Channel, Bruce / Channel, Bruce Mungo Jerry (band) / Mungo Jerry (band) Rose Royce (band) / Rose Royce (band) Cope, Julian / Cope, Julian Ocean Colour Scene / Ocean Colour Scene Deep Blue Something / Deep Blue Something Commitments / Commitments MacColl, Kirsty / MacColl, Kirsty Bass, Fontella / Bass, Fontella Catatonia / Catatonia Space / Space Dekker, Desmond / Деккер, Десмонд Bachman–Turner Overdrive (band) / Bachman–Turner Overdrive (band) Little Angels (band) / Little Angels (band) Melle Mel / Melle Mel Smash Mouth / Smash Mouth Turtles, The / Turtles, The Cochran, Eddie (Edward Raymond) / Cochran, Eddie (Edward Raymond) Klaxons / Klaxons Shalamar / Shalamar Skunk Anansie / Skunk Anansie Ok Go / Ok Go Johnny Kidd and The Pirates / Johnny Kidd and The Pirates Free / Free Frankie Goes to Hollywood / Frankie Goes to Hollywood Madness / Madness Maisonettes, The / Maisonettes, The Alien Ant Farm / Alien Ant Farm Valens, Ritchie / Valens, Ritchie Whispers, The / Whispers, The Night Ranger / Night Ranger Ike and Tina Turner / Ike and Tina Turner Stiltskin / Stiltskin Automatic, The / Automatic, The Addiction, Janes / Addiction, Janes Greenbaum, Norman (Greenbaum, Norman Joel) / Greenbaum, Norman (Greenbaum, Norman Joel) Midnight Star / Midnight Star Wildhearts, The / Wildhearts, The L7 (band) / L7 (band) Wiedlin, Jane / Wiedlin, Jane Foundations, The / Foundations, The Belle Stars, The / Belle Stars, The Mint Juleps, The / Mint Juleps, The Brookes, Elkie (Bookbinder, Elaine) / Brookes, Elkie (Bookbinder, Elaine) Kool and The Gang / Kool and The Gang Pop, Iggy (Osterberg, Jr., James Newell) / Pop, Iggy (Osterberg, Jr., James Newell) Gossip, The / Gossip, The Troggs, The / Troggs, The Tams (band) / Tams (band) Pulp (band) / Pulp (band) LA's, The / LA's, The Canned Heat (band) / Canned Heat (band) Clark, Petula (Clark, Petula Sally Olwen) / Clark, Petula (Clark, Petula Sally Olwen) Brown, James (Brown, Jr., James Joseph) / Brown, James (Brown, Jr., James Joseph) Tenpole, Edward (Tudor-Pole, Edward) / Tenpole, Edward (Tudor-Pole, Edward)
Жанры: Alternative Rock Ballad Blues Rock Brit Pop Chanson Classic Rock Compilation Country Rock Folk Rock Hard Rock Heavy Metal Indie Rock New Wave Pop Rock Prog Rock Rock & Roll Soft Rock Soul Symphonic Rock
Артикул: CDVP 025449
EAN: 4006408826576
Состав: 1 DVD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2006
Лейбл: BCDP
Исполнители: Kravitz, Lenny (Leonard Albert Louis Jean Etienne Monfort) / Kravitz, Lenny (Leonard Albert Louis Jean Etienne Monfort) Megadeth / Megadeth ZZ Top / ZZ Top Nirvana / Nirvana
Исполнители: Kravitz, Lenny (Leonard Albert Louis Jean Etienne Monfort) / Kravitz, Lenny (Leonard Albert Louis Jean Etienne Monfort) Megadeth / Megadeth ZZ Top / ZZ Top Nirvana / Nirvana Kiss (band) / Kiss (band) Def Leppard / Деф Леппард Van Halen / Van Halen Ugly Kid Joe (band) / Ugly Kid Joe (band) White Zombie (band) / White Zombie (band) Girlschool (band) / Girlschool (band) Foreigner (band) / Foreigner (band) Nut Cracker / Nut Cracker Mellencamp, John (John Cougar) / Mellencamp, John (John Cougar) Mötley Crüe (band) / Mötley Crüe (band) Urge Overkill (band) / Urge Overkill (band)
Жанры: Рок
Артикул: CDVP 025473
EAN: 8712177052967
Состав: 1 DVD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Лейбл: Immortal Records
Исполнители: Red Hot Chili Peppers / Red Hot Chili Peppers Meat Loaf (Aday, Michael Lee) / Meat Loaf (Aday, Michael Lee) Asia / Asia Raitt, Bonnie / Raitt, Bonnie
Исполнители: Red Hot Chili Peppers / Red Hot Chili Peppers Meat Loaf (Aday, Michael Lee) / Meat Loaf (Aday, Michael Lee) Asia / Asia Raitt, Bonnie / Raitt, Bonnie Uriah Heep / Uriah Heep Kiss (band) / Kiss (band) Def Leppard / Деф Леппард Björk (Guðmundsdóttir, Björk) / Björk (Guðmundsdóttir, Björk) Ugly Kid Joe (band) / Ugly Kid Joe (band) Mellencamp, John (John Cougar) / Mellencamp, John (John Cougar) Los Lobos / Los Lobos Bonham / Bonham Cyrus, Billy Ray / Cyrus, Billy Ray Material Issue / Material Issue Killer Dwarfs / Killer Dwarfs
Композиторы: Fogerty, John / Фогерти Джон
Жанры: Поп & Рок
Артикул: CDVP 027742
EAN: 0602498428597
Состав: 3 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2006
Лейбл: Universal Music Group International (UMGI)
Исполнители: Scorpions / Scorpions Boyzone / Boyzone Weller, Paul / Уэллер, Пол Extreme (band) / Extreme (band)
Исполнители: Scorpions / Scorpions Boyzone / Boyzone Weller, Paul / Уэллер, Пол Extreme (band) / Extreme (band) James (band) / James (band) Lighthouse Family / Lighthouse Family Shed Seven / Shed Seven Crow, Sheryl (Crow, Sheryl Suzanne) / Crow, Sheryl (Crow, Sheryl Suzanne) Status Quo / Status Quo Tears for Fears / Tears for Fears Texas (band) / Texas (band) Cranberries, The / Cranberries, The Wet Wet Wet / Wet Wet Wet Wilde, Kim (Smith, Kim) / Wilde, Kim (Smith, Kim) Dennis, Cathy / Деннис, Кэти Honeyz, The / Honeyz, The Emilia (Rydberg, Emilia) / Emilia (Rydberg, Emilia) Stereo MC's / Stereo MC's 4 Non Blondes / 4 Non Blondes Dodgy / Доджи Blackstreet / Blackstreet Cher (Sarkisian La Pierre, Cherilyn) / Cher (Sarkisian La Pierre, Cherilyn) Ugly Kid Joe (band) / Ugly Kid Joe (band) Adamski / Adamski Beats International / Beats International Ocean Colour Scene / Ocean Colour Scene Cast (band) / Cast (band) Brown, Bobby (Robert Barisford) / Brown, Bobby (Robert Barisford) Heavy D and The Boyz / Heavy D and The Boyz Bell Biv Devoe / Bell Biv Devoe Young Disciples / Young Disciples KCi and JoJo / KCi and JoJo Wamdue Project / Wamdue Project Nightcrawlers / Nightcrawlers Shaft / Shaft Let Loose / Let Loose Deep Blue Something / Deep Blue Something China Black / China Black Stakka Bo / Stakka Bo Monaco / Monaco Commitments / Commitments Chaka Demus and Pliers / Chaka Demus and Pliers Pulp (band) / Pulp (band) Del Amitri (band) / Del Amitri (band) Wonder Stuff, The / Wonder Stuff, The Hanson (band) / Hanson (band) Keating, Ronan (Keating, Ronan Patrick John) / Keating, Ronan (Keating, Ronan Patrick John) Zucchero (Fornaciari, Adelmo) / Zucchero (Fornaciari, Adelmo) Don Omar (Landrón Rivera, William Omar) / Don Omar (Landrón Rivera, William Omar)
Артикул: CDVP 028057
EAN: 0602498425626
Состав: 3 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2008
Лейбл: Universal Music Group International (UMGI)
Исполнители: Deep Purple / Deep Purple Scorpions / Scorpions Moore, Gary (Moore, Robert William Gary) / Moore, Gary (Moore, Robert William Gary) Rush / Rush
Исполнители: Deep Purple / Deep Purple Scorpions / Scorpions Moore, Gary (Moore, Robert William Gary) / Moore, Gary (Moore, Robert William Gary) Rush / Rush Free, The / Free, The Allman Brothers Band, The / Allman Brothers Band, The Lynyrd Skynyrd / Lynyrd Skynyrd Cinderella (band) / Cinderella (band) Extreme (band) / Extreme (band) Rainbow / Rainbow Palmer, Robert / Palmer, Robert Status Quo / Status Quo Cher (Sarkisian La Pierre, Cherilyn) / Cher (Sarkisian La Pierre, Cherilyn) Ugly Kid Joe (band) / Ugly Kid Joe (band) Steppenwolf / Steppenwolf City Boy / Сити Бой Magnum (band) / Magnum (band) Bachman–Turner Overdrive (band) / Bachman–Turner Overdrive (band) Walsh, Joe (Joseph Fidler) / Walsh, Joe (Joseph Fidler) Stewart, John / Stewart, John Forbert, Steve / Forbert, Steve Lofgren, Nils / Lofgren, Nils Davis, Spencer / Дэвис, Спенсер Miles, John / Miles, John Little Angels (band) / Little Angels (band) Tygers of Pan Tang / Tygers of Pan Tang Daltrey, Roger / Долтри, Роджер 38 Special / 38 Special Thunderclap Newman / Thunderclap Newman Diamond Head, Hawaii (band) / Diamond Head, Hawaii (band) Tesla (band) / Tesla (band) J.J. Cale (Cale, John Weldon) / J.J. Cale (Cale, John Weldon) Pop, Iggy (Osterberg, Jr., James Newell) / Pop, Iggy (Osterberg, Jr., James Newell) Dio (band) / Dio (band)
Жанры: Classic Rock Compilation
Артикул: CDVP 039048
EAN: 0602498405802
Состав: 1 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2007
Лейбл: Universal Music Group International (UMGI)
Исполнители: Deep Purple / Deep Purple Stewart, Rod / Stewart, Rod Free, The / Free, The Thin Lizzy / Thin Lizzy
Исполнители: Deep Purple / Deep Purple Stewart, Rod / Stewart, Rod Free, The / Free, The Thin Lizzy / Thin Lizzy Allman Brothers Band, The / Allman Brothers Band, The Lynyrd Skynyrd / Lynyrd Skynyrd Cinderella (band) / Cinderella (band) Rainbow / Rainbow Status Quo / Status Quo Cher (Sarkisian La Pierre, Cherilyn) / Cher (Sarkisian La Pierre, Cherilyn) Ugly Kid Joe (band) / Ugly Kid Joe (band) Bachman–Turner Overdrive (band) / Bachman–Turner Overdrive (band) Diamond Head, Hawaii (band) / Diamond Head, Hawaii (band) Pop, Iggy (Osterberg, Jr., James Newell) / Pop, Iggy (Osterberg, Jr., James Newell) Dio (band) / Dio (band)
Жанры: Поп
Артикул: CDVP 039134
EAN: 0600753042762
Состав: 1 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Лейбл: Universal Music Group International (UMGI)
Исполнители: Deep Purple / Deep Purple Scorpions / Scorpions Moore, Gary (Moore, Robert William Gary) / Moore, Gary (Moore, Robert William Gary) Rush / Rush
Исполнители: Deep Purple / Deep Purple Scorpions / Scorpions Moore, Gary (Moore, Robert William Gary) / Moore, Gary (Moore, Robert William Gary) Rush / Rush Free, The / Free, The Allman Brothers Band, The / Allman Brothers Band, The Lynyrd Skynyrd / Lynyrd Skynyrd Cinderella (band) / Cinderella (band) Rainbow / Rainbow Palmer, Robert / Palmer, Robert Status Quo / Status Quo Cher (Sarkisian La Pierre, Cherilyn) / Cher (Sarkisian La Pierre, Cherilyn) Ugly Kid Joe (band) / Ugly Kid Joe (band) Bachman–Turner Overdrive (band) / Bachman–Turner Overdrive (band) Walsh, Joe (Joseph Fidler) / Walsh, Joe (Joseph Fidler) Little Angels (band) / Little Angels (band) Daltrey, Roger / Долтри, Роджер Diamond Head, Hawaii (band) / Diamond Head, Hawaii (band) Pop, Iggy (Osterberg, Jr., James Newell) / Pop, Iggy (Osterberg, Jr., James Newell) Dio (band) / Dio (band)
Жанры: Поп
Артикул: CDVP 039143
EAN: 0602498498798
Состав: 2 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 26-06-2007
Лейбл: Universal Music Group International (UMGI)
Исполнители: Black Sabbath / Black Sabbath Deep Purple / Deep Purple Poison (band) / Poison (band) Scorpions / Scorpions
Исполнители: Black Sabbath / Black Sabbath Deep Purple / Deep Purple Poison (band) / Poison (band) Scorpions / Scorpions Queensrÿche (band) / Queensrÿche (band) Rush / Rush ZZ Top / ZZ Top Cooper, Alice (Furnier, Vincent Damon) / Cooper, Alice (Furnier, Vincent Damon) Europe (band) / Europe (band) Judas Priest / Judas Priest Twisted Sister (band) / Twisted Sister (band) Thin Lizzy / Thin Lizzy Heart (band) / Heart (band) Motörhead / Motörhead Lynyrd Skynyrd / Lynyrd Skynyrd Kiss (band) / Kiss (band) Cinderella (band) / Cinderella (band) Extreme (band) / Extreme (band) Rainbow / Rainbow Therapy? (band) / Therapy? (band) Kingdom Come (band) / Kingdom Come (band) Ugly Kid Joe (band) / Ugly Kid Joe (band) Ratt (Mickey Ratt (1976–1981); Rat) (band) / Ratt (Mickey Ratt (1976–1981); Rat) (band) Mr. Big (band) / Mr. Big (band) Tesla (band) / Tesla (band) Mötley Crüe (band) / Mötley Crüe (band) Gun (G.U.N.) (band) / Gun (G.U.N.) (band) Great White (band) / Great White (band) Terrorvision (band) (originally as The Spoilt Bratz) / Terrorvision (band) (originally as The Spoilt Bratz) Thunder (band) / Thunder (band) Whitesnake / Whitesnake Roth, David Lee "Diamond Dave" / Roth, David Lee "Diamond Dave" Skid Row (band) / Skid Row (band) Warrant (Warrant 96) / Warrant (Warrant 96) L.A. Guns (band) / L.A. Guns (band) Vain (band) / Vain (band) Billy Idol (Broad, William Michael Albert) / Billy Idol (Broad, William Michael Albert) Dio (band) / Dio (band) Malmsteen, Yngwie (Johan); (Lannerbäck, Lars Johan Yngve) / Malmsteen, Yngwie (Johan); (Lannerbäck, Lars Johan Yngve)
Жанры: Рок
Артикул: CDVP 040396
EAN: 0600753131534
Состав: 2 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2009
Лейбл: Universal Music Group International (UMGI)
Исполнители: Black Sabbath / Black Sabbath Deep Purple / Deep Purple Poison (band) / Poison (band) Scorpions / Scorpions
Исполнители: Black Sabbath / Black Sabbath Deep Purple / Deep Purple Poison (band) / Poison (band) Scorpions / Scorpions Megadeth / Megadeth Rush / Rush ZZ Top / ZZ Top Cooper, Alice (Furnier, Vincent Damon) / Cooper, Alice (Furnier, Vincent Damon) Europe (band) / Europe (band) Cheap Trick / Cheap Trick Twisted Sister (band) / Twisted Sister (band) Thin Lizzy / Thin Lizzy Soundgarden, The / Soundgarden, The Heart (band) / Heart (band) Lynyrd Skynyrd / Lynyrd Skynyrd Kiss (band) / Kiss (band) Anthrax (band) / Anthrax (band) Extreme (band) / Extreme (band) Rainbow / Rainbow Sum 41 (band) / Sum 41 (band) Kingdom Come (band) / Kingdom Come (band) Ugly Kid Joe (band) / Ugly Kid Joe (band) White Zombie (band) / White Zombie (band) Ratt (Mickey Ratt (1976–1981); Rat) (band) / Ratt (Mickey Ratt (1976–1981); Rat) (band) Cult, The / Cult, The Pantera / Pantera Manowar (band) / Manowar (band) Monster Magnet (band) / Monster Magnet (band) Diamond Head, Hawaii (band) / Diamond Head, Hawaii (band) Tesla (band) / Tesla (band) Mötley Crüe (band) / Mötley Crüe (band) Alice in Chains / Alice in Chains Airbourne (band) / Airbourne (band) Angels, The / Angels, The Whitesnake / Whitesnake Roth, David Lee "Diamond Dave" / Roth, David Lee "Diamond Dave" Skid Row (band) / Skid Row (band) Sepultura (band) / Sepultura (band) Type O Negative (band) / Type O Negative (band) Electric Boys, The / Electric Boys, The Billy Idol (Broad, William Michael Albert) / Billy Idol (Broad, William Michael Albert) Marillion / Marillion Dio (band) / Dio (band) Malmsteen, Yngwie (Johan); (Lannerbäck, Lars Johan Yngve) / Malmsteen, Yngwie (Johan); (Lannerbäck, Lars Johan Yngve)
Жанры: Рок
Артикул: CDVP 059378
EAN: 0600753266762
Состав: 1 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Лейбл: Universal Music Group International (UMGI)
Исполнители: Jam, The / Jam, The Cooper, Alice (Furnier, Vincent Damon) / Cooper, Alice (Furnier, Vincent Damon) Winehouse, Amy / Уайнхаус, Эми Soundgarden, The / Soundgarden, The
Исполнители: Jam, The / Jam, The Cooper, Alice (Furnier, Vincent Damon) / Cooper, Alice (Furnier, Vincent Damon) Winehouse, Amy / Уайнхаус, Эми Soundgarden, The / Soundgarden, The Blink-182 / Blink-182 Kaiser Chiefs / Kaiser Chiefs Limp Bizkit / Limp Bizkit Papa Roach / Papa Roach Sum 41 (band) / Sum 41 (band) Tears for Fears / Tears for Fears Cranberries, The / Cranberries, The Fratellis, The / Fratellis, The Queens of The Stone Age / Queens of The Stone Age Ugly Kid Joe (band) / Ugly Kid Joe (band) Cope, Julian / Cope, Julian Puddle of Mudd (band) / Puddle of Mudd (band) Stealers Wheel (band) / Stealers Wheel (band) John, (Sir) Elton (Dwight, Reginald Kenneth) / John, (Sir) Elton (Dwight, Reginald Kenneth) Fall Out Boy (FOB) / Fall Out Boy (FOB)
Жанры: Поп
Артикул: CDVP 145042
EAN: 4006408826590
Состав: 1 DVD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2006
Лейбл: SongDigital
Исполнители: Iron Maiden / Iron Maiden Roxette / Roxette ZZ Top / ZZ Top Aerosmith / Aerosmith Psychedelic Furs, The / Psychedelic Furs, The Def Leppard / Деф Леппард Ugly Kid Joe (band) / Ugly Kid Joe (band) Bonham / Bonham Material Issue / Material Issue Kenickie / Kenickie Tank (Babbs, Durell) / Tank (Babbs, Durell) Social Distortion / Social Distortion En Vogue / En Vogue FireHouse (band) / FireHouse (band)
Композиторы: Fogerty, John / Фогерти Джон
Жанры: Хард рок Хэви метал
Артикул: CDVP 588546
EAN: 0020286213598
Состав: 1 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2013
Исполнители: Ugly Kid Joe (band) / Ugly Kid Joe (band)
Жанры: Хард рок Хэви метал
Артикул: CDVP 1038013
EAN: 5018271009023
Состав: 1 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Лейбл: Dino Music Records
Исполнители: Scorpions / Scorpions Cooper, Alice (Furnier, Vincent Damon) / Cooper, Alice (Furnier, Vincent Damon) Plant, Robert ( Plant, Robert Anthony, CBE) / Plant, Robert ( Plant, Robert Anthony, CBE) Motörhead / Motörhead
Исполнители: Scorpions / Scorpions Cooper, Alice (Furnier, Vincent Damon) / Cooper, Alice (Furnier, Vincent Damon) Plant, Robert ( Plant, Robert Anthony, CBE) / Plant, Robert ( Plant, Robert Anthony, CBE) Motörhead / Motörhead Extreme (band) / Extreme (band) INXS / INXS Faith No More (band) / Faith No More (band) Ugly Kid Joe (band) / Ugly Kid Joe (band) Cult, The / Cult, The Black Crowes, The / Black Crowes, The Little Angels (band) / Little Angels (band) Living Colour (band) / Living Colour (band) Vaughan, Stevie Ray / Vaughan, Stevie Ray Jayhawks, The / Jayhawks, The Warrant (Warrant 96) / Warrant (Warrant 96) L7 (band) / L7 (band) Plunkett, Steve / Plunkett, Steve