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Музыка и песни Vandaveer / Vandaveer на CD
Артикул: CDVP 240220
EAN: 3700426907705
Состав: 1 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2010
Исполнители: Vandaveer / Vandaveer
Артикул: CDVP 241604
EAN: 0329890916636
Состав: 2 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2011
Лейбл: Naive Classique
Исполнители: Cogan, Alma / Коган, Альма Fitzgerald, Ella / Fitzgerald, Ella Green, Al / Green, Al Fulson, Lowell / Fulson, Lowell
Исполнители: Cogan, Alma / Коган, Альма Fitzgerald, Ella / Fitzgerald, Ella Green, Al / Green, Al Fulson, Lowell / Fulson, Lowell Murray, Anne / Murray, Anne Gentry, Bobbie / Gentry, Bobbie Kaboutchek, Tamara / Kaboutchek, Tamara Tok Tok Tok / Tok Tok Tok Harpers Bizarre (band) / Harpers Bizarre (band) Leisure Society, The / Leisure Society, The Lampshades / Lampshades Apple, Fiona (McAfee Maggart, Fiona Apple) / Apple, Fiona (McAfee Maggart, Fiona Apple) Sérgio Mendes and Brasil '66 / Sérgio Mendes and Brasil '66 Medi and The medicine show / Medi and The medicine show Vandaveer / Vandaveer Eckman / Eckman May Day / May Day Scattered Trees / Scattered Trees Marshmallows / Marshmallows Francescoli, Kid / Francescoli, Kid Studio Paradise / Studio Paradise Minuscule Hey / Minuscule Hey Konki Duet / Konki Duet Rubblebucket / Rubblebucket Poom / Poom CSRC / CSRC Dead Sea Lions / Dead Sea Lions Performers, The / Performers, The Girl From the Castle / Girl From the Castle Lisbonne / Lisbonne Earth and Fire (band) / Earth and Fire (band) Simone, Nina (Waymon, Eunice Kathleen) / Simone, Nina (Waymon, Eunice Kathleen)
Композиторы: Wonder, Stevie (Morris, Stevland Hardaway); (Judkins, Stevland Hardaway) / Уандер Стиви (Моррис Стивленд Хардэуэй); (Джадкинс Стивленд Хардэуэй) Veloso, Caetano ( Telles Veloso, Caetano Emanuel Viana) / Велозу Каэтану (Тельес Велозу Каэтану Эмануэль Виана)
Артикул: CDVP 243681
EAN: 3298490916520
Состав: 1 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2010
Лейбл: Naive Classique
Исполнители: Babyshambles / Babyshambles Placebo / Placebo Divine Comedy, The / Дивайн Камеди Oasis / Oasis
Исполнители: Babyshambles / Babyshambles Placebo / Placebo Divine Comedy, The / Дивайн Камеди Oasis / Oasis Soundgarden, The / Soundgarden, The Flaming Lips, The / Flaming Lips, The Faithfull, Marianne / Faithfull, Marianne Bloc Party / Bloc Party Dandy Warhols, The / Dandy Warhols, The Pierces, The / Pierces, The Clap Your Hands Say Yeah / Clap Your Hands Say Yeah Calc / Calc Black Angels, The / Black Angels, The Williams, Andre / Williams, Andre Ray, Gemma / Ray, Gemma BellRays, The / BellRays, The Vandaveer / Vandaveer Gossip, The / Gossip, The Sonic Youth, The / Sonic Youth, The Mosshart, Alison (Nicole) / Mosshart, Alison (Nicole) Pipettes, The / Pipettes, The Men Without Pants / Men Without Pants Lanskies, The / Lanskies, The Heavy, The / Heavy, The Black Rebel Motorcycle Club (BRMC) / Black Rebel Motorcycle Club (BRMC) Lords of Altamont / Lords of Altamont Pronto / Pronto Childballads, The / Childballads, The Pete and the Pirates / Pete and the Pirates Irving, Catriona / Irving, Catriona Walkmen, The / Walkmen, The
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