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- Музыка и песни Velvelettes / Velvelettes на CD
Музыка и песни Velvelettes / Velvelettes на CD
Артикул: CDVP 2027100
EAN: 0600753520130
Состав: 2 CDs
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 07-07-2014
Лейбл: Drumcode
Исполнители: Isley Brothers, The / Айли Бразерс Richie, Lionel (Richie, Jr., Lionel Brockman) / Richie, Lionel (Richie, Jr., Lionel Brockman) Robinson, Smokey (Robinson, Jr., William) / Robinson, Smokey (Robinson, Jr., William) Four Tops, The / Four Tops, The
Исполнители: Isley Brothers, The / Айли Бразерс Richie, Lionel (Richie, Jr., Lionel Brockman) / Richie, Lionel (Richie, Jr., Lionel Brockman) Robinson, Smokey (Robinson, Jr., William) / Robinson, Smokey (Robinson, Jr., William) Four Tops, The / Four Tops, The Ross, Diana (Ross, Diana Ernestine Earle) / Ross, Diana (Ross, Diana Ernestine Earle) Terrell, Tammi / Terrell, Tammi Knight, Gladys / Knight, Gladys Wilson, Frank / Wilson, Frank Weston, Kim / Weston, Kim Temptations, The / Temptations, The Commodores, The / Commodores, The Miracles, The / Miracles, The Supremes, The / Supremes, The Marvelettes, The / Marvelettes, The Martha & the Vandellas / Martha & the Vandellas Wells, Mary / Wells, Mary Contours, The / Contours, The Ruffin, Jimmy / Ruffin, Jimmy Strong, Barrett / Strong, Barrett Elgins, The / Elgins, The Velvelettes / Velvelettes Diana / Diana Jackson Five, The / Jackson Five, The Smokey Robinson and The Miracles / Smokey Robinson and The Miracles Starr, Edwin (Hatcher, Charles Edwin) / Starr, Edwin (Hatcher, Charles Edwin)
Жанры: Compilation Rock
Артикул: CDVP 028177
EAN: 0600753126189
Состав: 4 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2008
Лейбл: Universal Music Group International (UMGI)
Исполнители: Isley Brothers, The / Айли Бразерс Robinson, Smokey (Robinson, Jr., William) / Robinson, Smokey (Robinson, Jr., William) Four Tops, The / Four Tops, The Terrell, Tammi / Terrell, Tammi
Исполнители: Isley Brothers, The / Айли Бразерс Robinson, Smokey (Robinson, Jr., William) / Robinson, Smokey (Robinson, Jr., William) Four Tops, The / Four Tops, The Terrell, Tammi / Terrell, Tammi Sammy, Davis Jr. / Sammy, Davis Jr. Knight, Gladys / Knight, Gladys Pips, The / Pips, The Wilson, Frank / Wilson, Frank Holloway, Brenda / Holloway, Brenda Weston, Kim / Weston, Kim Legend, Tobi / Legend, Tobi Valli, Frankie / Valli, Frankie Temptations, The / Temptations, The Miracles, The / Miracles, The Ruffin, David / Ruffin, David Supremes, The / Supremes, The Marvelettes, The / Marvelettes, The Contours, The / Contours, The Checker, Chubby (Evans, Ernest) / Checker, Chubby (Evans, Ernest) Good, Tommy / Good, Tommy Crawford, Carolyn / Кроуфорд, Каролин Spinners, The / Spinners, The Dean, Debbie / Дин, Дебби Covay, Don (Randolph, Donald James) / Covay, Don (Randolph, Donald James) Edwards, Jackie / Edwards, Jackie Bell, William / Bell, William Taylor, Johnnie / Taylor, Johnnie Frog, Wynder K. / Frog, Wynder K. Elgins, The / Elgins, The Clark, Chris / Clark, Chris Velvelettes / Velvelettes Walker, Junior / Walker, Junior San Remo Strings / San Remo Strings Reflections / Reflections Kiki Dee (Matthews, Pauline) / Kiki Dee (Matthews, Pauline) Sisters Love / Sisters Love Randolph, Barbara / Randolph, Barbara Dalton Boys / Далтон Бойз Hebb, Bobby / Hebb, Bobby Prophets / Prophets Sigler, Bunny / Sigler, Bunny Driza Bone / Драйза Боун Baker, Yvonne / Baker, Yvonne Baines, Vickie / Baines, Vickie Sands, Evie / Sands, Evie Lovejoy, Joy / Lovejoy, Joy Lewis Sisters / Lewis Sisters Sapphires, The / Sapphires, The Charades / Charades Casualeers, The / Casualeers, The Funk Brothers, The / Funk Brothers, The Radcliffe, Jimmy / Radcliffe, Jimmy Parrish, Dean / Parrish, Dean Diana / Diana Tams (band) / Tams (band) Callier, Terry (Callier, Terrence Orlando) / Callier, Terry (Callier, Terrence Orlando) Starr, Edwin (Hatcher, Charles Edwin) / Starr, Edwin (Hatcher, Charles Edwin)
Артикул: CDVP 038513
EAN: 0731458447122
Состав: 2 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 21-08-2006
Лейбл: Universal Music Group International (UMGI)
Исполнители: Mayall, John / Mayall, John Smith, Jimmy (Smith, Jr., James Oscar) / Smith, Jimmy (Smith, Jr., James Oscar) Robinson, Smokey (Robinson, Jr., William) / Robinson, Smokey (Robinson, Jr., William) Four Tops, The / Four Tops, The
Исполнители: Mayall, John / Mayall, John Smith, Jimmy (Smith, Jr., James Oscar) / Smith, Jimmy (Smith, Jr., James Oscar) Robinson, Smokey (Robinson, Jr., William) / Robinson, Smokey (Robinson, Jr., William) Four Tops, The / Four Tops, The Rush, Otis / Rush, Otis Knight, Gladys / Knight, Gladys Pips, The / Pips, The Weston, Kim / Weston, Kim Miracles, The / Miracles, The Marvelettes, The / Marvelettes, The Martha & the Vandellas / Martha & the Vandellas Rich, Charlie / Rich, Charlie Stewart, Billy / Stewart, Billy James, Etta (Hawkins, Jamesetta) / James, Etta (Hawkins, Jamesetta) Bland, Bobby (Bland, Robert Calvin) / Bland, Bobby (Bland, Robert Calvin) Moore, Bobby / Moore, Bobby Tate, Howard / Tate, Howard Davis, Spencer / Дэвис, Спенсер Elgins, The / Elgins, The Velvelettes / Velvelettes Randolph, Barbara / Randolph, Barbara Hebb, Bobby / Hebb, Bobby Sam The Sham & The Pharaohs / Sam The Sham & The Pharaohs Rhythm Aces, The / Rhythm Aces, The Impressions, The / Impressions, The Shaw, Marlena / Shaw, Marlena Chandler, Gene / Chandler, Gene Diana / Diana Righteous Brothers, The / Righteous Brothers, The Small Faces, The / Small Faces, The Howlin' Wolf (Burnett, Chester Arthur) / Howlin' Wolf (Burnett, Chester Arthur) Waters, Muddy (Morganfield, McKinley) / Waters, Muddy (Morganfield, McKinley) Diddley, Bo (McDaniel, Ellas; The Originator); (Bates,Ellas Otha) / Diddley, Bo (McDaniel, Ellas; The Originator); (Bates,Ellas Otha) Simone, Nina (Waymon, Eunice Kathleen) / Simone, Nina (Waymon, Eunice Kathleen) Brown, James (Brown, Jr., James Joseph) / Brown, James (Brown, Jr., James Joseph)
Артикул: CDVP 039142
EAN: 0602498488683
Состав: 2 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2007
Лейбл: Universal Music Group International (UMGI)
Исполнители: Isley Brothers, The / Айли Бразерс Robinson, Smokey (Robinson, Jr., William) / Robinson, Smokey (Robinson, Jr., William) Four Tops, The / Four Tops, The Ross, Diana (Ross, Diana Ernestine Earle) / Ross, Diana (Ross, Diana Ernestine Earle)
Исполнители: Isley Brothers, The / Айли Бразерс Robinson, Smokey (Robinson, Jr., William) / Robinson, Smokey (Robinson, Jr., William) Four Tops, The / Four Tops, The Ross, Diana (Ross, Diana Ernestine Earle) / Ross, Diana (Ross, Diana Ernestine Earle) Shanice / Shanice DeBarge / DeBarge Rockwell / Rockwell Knight, Gladys / Knight, Gladys Pips, The / Pips, The Wilson, Frank / Wilson, Frank Holloway, Brenda / Holloway, Brenda Valli, Frankie / Valli, Frankie Temptations, The / Temptations, The High Inergy / High Inergy Houston, Thelma / Houston, Thelma Miracles, The / Miracles, The Ruffin, David / Ruffin, David Supremes, The / Supremes, The Marvelettes, The / Marvelettes, The Wells, Mary / Wells, Mary Contours, The / Contours, The Strong, Barrett / Strong, Barrett Elgins, The / Elgins, The Clark, Chris / Clark, Chris Velvelettes / Velvelettes San Remo Strings / San Remo Strings Kiki Dee (Matthews, Pauline) / Kiki Dee (Matthews, Pauline) Randolph, Barbara / Randolph, Barbara Four Seasons, The / Four Seasons, The Diana / Diana Jackson Five, The / Jackson Five, The Starr, Edwin (Hatcher, Charles Edwin) / Starr, Edwin (Hatcher, Charles Edwin)
Артикул: CDVP 040416
EAN: 0602498176399
Состав: 1 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Лейбл: Universal Music Group International (UMGI)
Исполнители: Richie, Lionel (Richie, Jr., Lionel Brockman) / Richie, Lionel (Richie, Jr., Lionel Brockman) Robinson, Smokey (Robinson, Jr., William) / Robinson, Smokey (Robinson, Jr., William) Four Tops, The / Four Tops, The Ross, Diana (Ross, Diana Ernestine Earle) / Ross, Diana (Ross, Diana Ernestine Earle)
Исполнители: Richie, Lionel (Richie, Jr., Lionel Brockman) / Richie, Lionel (Richie, Jr., Lionel Brockman) Robinson, Smokey (Robinson, Jr., William) / Robinson, Smokey (Robinson, Jr., William) Four Tops, The / Four Tops, The Ross, Diana (Ross, Diana Ernestine Earle) / Ross, Diana (Ross, Diana Ernestine Earle) Terrell, Tammi / Terrell, Tammi Holloway, Brenda / Holloway, Brenda Temptations, The / Temptations, The Jackson, Jermaine / Джексон, Жермен Originals, The / Originals, The Miracles, The / Miracles, The Supremes, The / Supremes, The Marvelettes, The / Marvelettes, The Wells, Mary / Wells, Mary Contours, The / Contours, The Velvelettes / Velvelettes Reeves, Martha / Reeves, Martha Diana / Diana Jackson Five, The / Jackson Five, The
Артикул: CDVP 162442
EAN: 0602527122649
Состав: 2 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2010
Лейбл: Universal Music Group International (UMGI)
Исполнители: Robinson, Smokey (Robinson, Jr., William) / Robinson, Smokey (Robinson, Jr., William) Four Tops, The / Four Tops, The Temptations, The / Temptations, The Jackson, Jermaine / Джексон, Жермен
Исполнители: Robinson, Smokey (Robinson, Jr., William) / Robinson, Smokey (Robinson, Jr., William) Four Tops, The / Four Tops, The Temptations, The / Temptations, The Jackson, Jermaine / Джексон, Жермен Miracles, The / Miracles, The Supremes, The / Supremes, The Martha & the Vandellas / Martha & the Vandellas Ruffin, Jimmy / Ruffin, Jimmy Velvelettes / Velvelettes Starr, Edwin (Hatcher, Charles Edwin) / Starr, Edwin (Hatcher, Charles Edwin)
Жанры: R&B
Артикул: CDVP 514270
EAN: 0731454950725
Состав: 1 CD (CD-R)
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-1999
Исполнители: Velvelettes / Velvelettes
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