4 миллиона музыкальных записей на Виниле, CD и DVD

Фирма Sub Pop

Sub Pop
1 CD
Есть в наличии
1649 руб.
1149 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 203783

EAN: 0098787062328

Состав: 1 CD

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 01-01-2004

Лейбл: Sub Pop

Исполнители: All Night Radio / All Night Radio

Жанры: Indie Rock  Prog Rock 

Record Label: Sub Pop
1 LP
Под заказ
11999 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 4048423

EAN: 0098787142204

Состав: 1 LP

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 01-05-2008

Лейбл: Sub Pop

Исполнители: TV Priest / TV Priest

Жанры: Electronic  Post-Punk  Rock 

Заманчиво думать, что у вас есть ответы на все вопросы, и каждый день с уверенностью и яростью выкрикивать свои убеждения. Жизнь, однако, не совсем такова, и дебютный альбом лондонской четверки TV Priest вместо этого вбирает в себя прекрасные и пугающие неизвестные, которые существуют в личном, политическом и культурном плане. альбом "Uppers" поднимает столько же вопросов, сколько и дает ответов, и является громогласным вступительным словом, продолжающим недавнее возрождение грязной, злой пост-панк музыки в Великобритании, но в собственном прочтении группы - политически актуальном и тонко юмористическом, а также самокритичном.

TV Priest - это четверо друзей детства, которые вместе занимались музыкой в подростковом возрасте, потом отдалились друг от друга, а затем, каким-то неизбежным образом, снова собрались вместе в конце 2019 года. Неудивительно, что нет прецедента создания группы во время глобальной пандемии, но на фоне общего чувства тревоги и беспокойства, которое пронизывает сейчас все вокруг, выход дебютного сингла "House Of York" - язвительного исследования монархии, подкрепленного вязким пост-панком и возглавляемого голосом Марка И. Смита - стал глотком свежего воздуха среди хаоса. То же самое затянувшееся глобальное чувство тревоги будет сопровождать выход "Uppers", и это альбом, которому есть что сказать прямо сейчас.

В музыкальном плане "Uppers" черпает вдохновение у великих пост-панка The Fall и Protomartyr, а также у механических, пульсирующих грувов краутрока, и движется с неудержимой энергией. Над этой грохочущей музыкальной машиной возвышается вокалист Чарли, резковато-веселый, злой, растерянный, искренний фронтмен. "Uppers" показывает, как TV Priest идут на музыкальный и личный риск, растут за пределы самих себя и пытаются найти смысл в этом все более хаотичном мире. Это группа и альбом, которые не могли появиться в более подходящее время.

1 LP
Под заказ
8399 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 4048421

EAN: 0098787137903

Состав: 1 LP

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 18-09-2020

Лейбл: Sub Pop

Исполнители: L7 / L7

Жанры: Grunge  Hard Rock  Pop Punk  Punk  Rock 

Энергичный второй альбом американских гранж-пионеров L7. Это юбилейное 30-е издание классики андеграундного рока 90-х содержит все девять песен с альбома, прошедшие ремастеринг и впервые представленные на виниле! Первоначально выпущенный в 1990 году, "Smell The Magic" является вехой феминистского рока 90-х.
1 LP
Под заказ
3449 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 4048173

EAN: 0098787150049

Состав: 1 LP

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 12-08-2022

Лейбл: Sub Pop

Исполнители: Kiwi Jr / Kiwi Jr

Жанры: Indie Rock  Rock 

3 CD
Под заказ
3799 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 4035337

EAN: 0000001434808

Состав: 3 CD

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 27-09-2011

Лейбл: Sub Pop

Исполнители: Rough Guide / Rough Guide

Жанры: Grunge  Rock  Weltmusik 

Rg To Salsa
1 CD
Под заказ
10499 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 4018491

EAN: 4526180460589

Состав: 1 CD

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 03-10-2018

Лейбл: Sub Pop

Исполнители: Mudhoney / Mudhoney

Жанры: Alternative Rock  Garage Rock  Grunge  Rock 

"Digital Garbage" - десятый за 30 лет альбом группы Mudhoney, представляющий собой усеянную колючей проволокой коллекцию музыкальных отбросов.

С конца 80-х годов Mudhoney - квартет из Сиэтла, чья деревенская версия рока сдобрена язвительным юмором, - является высококлассным тоником против нелепости и безвкусицы.

Спустя 30 лет мир переживает особый момент подъема обоих идеалов. И как раз вовремя: вокалист Марк Арм, гитарист Стив Тернер, басист Гай Мэддисон и барабанщик Дэн Питерс возвращаются с альбомом "Digital Garbage".

Сырое "тявканье" Марка Арма и тягучая химия его коллег по группе делают "Digital Garbage" идеальным клапаном для скороварки 2018 года, ее настойчивые ритмы и сардоническая лирика Арма служат искажающим зеркалом для все более нелепого цикла новостей.

"Мое чувство юмора мрачное, а сейчас темные времена", - говорит Арм. "Полагаю, что оно становится все мрачнее и мрачнее" Название альбома, "Digital Garbage", происходит от аутро композиции "Kill Yourself Live", которое переходит от усиленного органного соло к мрачному взгляду на то, как дурная слава становится вирусной. Основное звучание Mudhoney - стабильно бьющие барабаны, болотистый бас, бурные гитарные переливы, химический голос Арма - также присутствует на "Digital Garbage", который группа записала с давним сотрудником (и пианистом) Джонни Сэнгстером в сиэтлской студии Studio Litho.

Mudhoney знают, что именно делает рок великим - и риффы и ярость "Digital Garbage" выдержат испытание временем.


"Кому нужны прославленные эпигоны вроде Nirvana, когда с Mudhoney можно получить оригинал?" (Stereoplay, октябрь 2018)
1 LP
Под заказ
8349 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 4013555

EAN: 0098787162615

Состав: 1 LP

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 19-01-2024

Лейбл: Sub Pop

Исполнители: Slift / Slift

Жанры: Experimental  Prog Rock  Psychedelic Rock  Rock  Space Rock  Stoner Rock 

1 LP
Под заказ
7273 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 3823964

EAN: 0098787148718

Состав: 1 LP

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Лейбл: Sub Pop

Исполнители: TV Priest / TV Priest

Жанры: Post-Punk  Rock 

Adding transparent violet version to master
1 CD
Под заказ
5049 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 3772360

EAN: 0098787140828

Состав: 1 CD

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 19-03-2021

Лейбл: Sub Pop

Исполнители: Vangaalen,Chad / Vangaalen,Chad

Жанры: Alternative  Electronic 

Новый альбом автора песен Калгари - это потрясающий психоделический урожай. Коллекция мелодий, которая избавляет от навязчивости, беспокойства о перфекционизме в пользу свежести и непосредственности - запечатлевает мир таким, каким он был встречен во время записи в одиночестве дома на протяжении многих лет.
1 CD
Под заказ
4649 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 3757109

EAN: 0098787142228

Состав: 1 CD

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 05-02-2021

Лейбл: Sub Pop

Исполнители: TV Priest / TV Priest

Жанры: Alternative  Post-Punk  Rock 

Uppers - это громкое вступительное заявление, которое задает столько же вопросов, сколько и ответов, продолжает недавнее возрождение грязной, яростной пост-панк-музыки в Великобритании.
Под заказ
4649 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 3756301

EAN: 0098787134025

Состав: CD

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 09-10-2020

Лейбл: Sub Pop

Исполнители: METZ / METZ

Жанры: Alternative 

Change is inevitable if you're lucky, says guitarist/vocalist Alex Edkins while talking about Atlas Vending, the fourth full-length album by Toronto's METZ. Our goal is to remain in flux, to grow in a natural and gradual way. We've always been war
Под заказ
4649 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 3756089

EAN: 0098787137927

Состав: CD

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 18-09-2020

Лейбл: Sub Pop

Исполнители: L7 / L7

Жанры: Alternative 

This 30th-anniversary edition of the '90s underground rock classic Smell the Magic includes all 9 songs from the album, remastered and available together on vinyl for the first time ever! A multitude of rock music scenes populated the expanse of Los
Под заказ
4499 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 3756053

EAN: 0098787140026

Состав: CD

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 22-01-2021

Лейбл: Sub Pop

Исполнители: Kiwi Jr. / Kiwi Jr.

Жанры: Alternative 

Kiwi Jr. is a phenomenal rock and/or punk and/or indie-rock (whichever you like more) band from Canada, made up of Jeremy Gaudet (mic, guitar), Brohan Moore (drums), Mike Walker (bass), and Brian Murphy (guitar). Cooler Returns is their second
Под заказ
4649 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 3749583

EAN: 0098787136623

Состав: CD

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 23-10-2020

Лейбл: Sub Pop

Исполнители: Loma / Loma

Жанры: Indie Rock 

On December 26th, 2018, Emily Cross received an excited email from a friend: Brian Eno was talking about her band on BBC radio. "At first I didn't think it was real," she admits. But then she heard a recording: Eno was praising "Black Willow" from Loma's self-titled debut. He said he'd had it on repeat. At the time, a second Loma album seemed unlikely. The band began as a serendipitous collaboration between Cross, the multi-talented musician and recording engineer Dan Duszynski, and Shearwater frontman Jonathan Meiburg, who wanted to play a supporting role after years at the microphone. They'd capped a grueling tour with a standout performance on a packed beach at Sub Pop's SPF 30 festival, in which Cross leapt into the crowd, and then into the sea, while the band carried on from the stage-an emotional peak that also felt like a natural ending. "It was the biggest audience we'd ever had," she says. "We thought, why not stop here?" Following the tour, Cross went to rural Mexico to work on visual art and a solo record, while Meiburg began a new Shearwater effort. But after a few months apart (and Eno's encouraging words), the trio changed their minds and reconvened at Duszynski's home in rural Texas, where they began to develop songs that would become Don't Shy Away. Loma writes by consensus, and though Cross is always the singer, she, Duszynski and Meiburg often trade instruments. Meiburg compares their process to using an ouija board and says the songs revealed themselves slowly, over many months. "Each of us is a very strong flavor," he says, "but in Loma, nobody wears the crown, so we have to trust each other-and we end up in places none of us would have gone on our own. I think we all wanted to experience that again." The album that emerged is gently spectacular-a vivid work whose light touch belies its timely themes of solitude, impermanence, and finding light in deep darkness. Stuck / beneath / a rock, Cross begins, as if noticing her predicament for the first time. Then she adds: I begin to see / the beauty in it. A series of guests contributed to the absorbing soundscapes of Don't Shy Away, including touring members Emily Lee (piano, violin) and Matt Schuessler (bass), Flock of Dimes/Wye Oak's Jenn Wasner, and a surprisingly bass-heavy horn section. And then there's Brian Eno. Loma invited him to participate in the mantra-like "Homing," which concludes the album and sent him stems to interact with in any way he liked. He never spoke directly with the band, but his completed mix arrived via e-mail late one night, without warning, and they gathered to listen in the converted bedroom Duszynski uses as a control room. "I was a little worried," says Cross. "What if we didn't like it?" But it was all they'd hoped for: minimal but enveloping, friendly but enigmatic, as much Loma as Eno-a perfect ending to an album about finding a new home inside an old one. I am somewhere that you know, Cross sings, above a chorus of her bandmates' blended voices. I am right behind your eyes.
Под заказ
4199 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 3749529

EAN: 0098787133127

Состав: CD

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 23-10-2020

Лейбл: Sub Pop

Исполнители: clipping. / clipping.

Жанры: Hip Hop 

In the horror genre, sequels are perfunctory. As the insufferable film bro Randy explains in Scream 2, "There are certain rules that one must abide by in order to create a successful sequel. Number one: the body count is always bigger. Number two: the death scenes are always much more elaborate-more blood, more gore. Carnage candy. And number three: never, ever, under any circumstances, assume the killer is dead." Last Halloween, Los Angeles experimental rap mainstays Clipping ended their three-year silence with the horrorcore-inspired album There Existed an Addiction to Blood. This October, rapper Daveed Diggs, and producers Jonathan Snipes and William Hutson return with an even higher body count, more elaborate kills, and monsters that just won't stay dead. Visions of Bodies Being Burned is less a sequel than it is the second half of a planned diptych. It turns out, Clipping took to the thematic material of horrorcore like vampires to grave soil. Before the release of There Existed an Addiction to Blood, Clipping and Sub Pop Records divided the material up into two albums, designed to be released only months apart. However, a global pandemic and multiple cancelled tours pushed the release of the project's "part two" until the following Halloween season. Visions of Bodies Being Burned contains sixteen more scary stories disguised as rap songs, incorporating as much influence from Ernest Dickerson, Clive Barker, and Shirley Jackson as it does from Three 6 Mafia, Bone Thugs-N-Harmony, and Brotha Lynch Hung. Clipping's angular, shattered interpretations of existing musical styles are always deferential, driven by fandom for the object of study rather than disdain for it. Clipping reimagine horrorcore-the purposely absurdist hip-hop subgenre that flourished in the 1990s-the way Jordan Peele does horror cinema: by twisting beloved tropes to make explicit their own radical politics of monstrosity, fear, and the uncanny. The album features a host of collaborators: Inglewood's Cam & China, fellow noise-rap pioneers Ho99o9, Tortoise guitar genius Jeff Parker, and experimental LA drummer Ted Byrnes. The final track, "Secret Piece," is a performance of a Yoko Ono text score from 1953 that instructs the players to "Decide on one note that you want to play/Play it with the following accompaniment: the woods from 5am to 8am in summer," and features nearly all of the musicians who appeared on both albums. Since their last album, Daveed Diggs-the group's Tony and Grammy Award-winning rapper-has starred in the TNT science fiction series, Snowpiercer, voiced a character in Pixar's Soul, and portrayed Frederick Douglass in Showtime's The Good Lord Bird. Writer Rivers Solomon's novella based on Clipping's Hugo-nominated song "The Deep" has been nominated for the Nebula, Hugo, and Locus Awards, and won the Lambda Literary Award for best LGBTQ SF/Fantasy/Horror novel. Clipping's song "Chapter 319"-a tribute to George Floyd (AKA Big Floyd) the former DJ-Screw affiliated rapper who was murdered by police officers in May of 2020-was released on Bandcamp on June 19th and raised over $20,000 for racial justice charities. A clip of the song also became a popular meme on TikTok, generating over 50,000 videos in which teenagers rapped the song's lyrics ("Donald Trump is a white supremacist, full stop_") directly into the frowning faces of their conservative parents. The band also contributed a Skinny Puppy-esque rework of J-Kwon's "Tipsy" to Save Stereogum: An '00s Covers Comp.
1 LP
Под заказ
8399 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 3728005

EAN: 0098787136302

Состав: 1 LP

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 21-08-2020

Лейбл: Sub Pop

Исполнители: Bully / Bully

1 LP
Под заказ
7723 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 3725328

EAN: 0098787136159

Состав: 1 LP

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 10-04-2020

Лейбл: Sub Pop

Жанры: Alternative Rock  Country Rock  Folk, World, & Country  Indie Rock  Rock  Shoegaze 

1 LP
Под заказ
7650 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 3723545

EAN: 0098787115116

Состав: 1 LP

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 03-07-2020

Лейбл: Sub Pop


Жанры: Comedy  Hip Hop  Jazz  Non-Music 

We all start from the same place and build from there, gathering references, structures, techniques, modes, nuances, etc. and, as artists, we strive to build something purposeful. Well, I Should Have_* is the culmination of hours (almost 3) of conception with the goal to bring something, in the tradition of the great vanguard jazz artists like Miles Davis, Roach, Mingus, Monk, et al, close to pure spontaneity.Jazz is the ocean_I am just one wave forming one curl, crashing once onto some remote beach somewhere in time. And that wave makes a small imperceptible change in the slope of the sand, upon which at some point in time a baby turtle will walk across, leaving his trail for just an instant, before the tide washes it clean. That's a pretty cool analogy. More to the point, I do not play piano and I made this jazz album. Some tell me, "Hey, Jon, tone it down." Some even say, "Really, Jon?" A few have said, "Get the fuck away from me or I'll fucking punch you in the face. " I know the risks in making this album. I know what it is like to do something that no one else would think to do. Most would call this reckless. I call it jazz. What you are about to experience is an aural auto da fe. I am the jazz daredevil.- Jon, New York City, July 2015Well, I Should Have_* was recorded and mixed by Mark Desimone at Soundtrack NY, except for Amy's Song (The Bum Steer), which was mixed by Loren Bouchard (Bob's Burgers, Home Movies).Jon is accompanied by Scott Kreitzer (saxophone), David Finck (bass), and Jonathan Peretz (drums). "Deal With the Devil" features Aziz Ansari and Kristen Schaal. nline
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10749 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 3723050

EAN: 0098787137415

Состав: LP

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 24-07-2020

Лейбл: Sub Pop


Жанры: Jazz 

Limited-edition orange vinyl! Sub Pop proudly presents The Soundtrack Collection, the latest musical venture by Jon Benjamin, the visionary who brought you 2015's jazz-piano masterpiece Well I Should Have_ Learned How to Play Piano (and who also has a side-hustle voicing the titular roles of Bob and Archer in the TV shows Bob's Burgers and Archer). Well I Should Have_ got high praise from the tastemakers of our times, NPR's All Things Considered and a bunch of people on YouTube. The limited vinyl pressing sold out immediately, garnering outrageous prices on the collectors' market until a new (even cooler and more importantly still available!) limited-edition red, white and blue pressing appeared in July, 2020. The Soundtrack Collection finds Jon striding boldly into the rarefied worlds of classic film music, and the Moog synthesizer. We'll let the maestro himself elaborate: WHY ANOTHER ALBUM? The question must be screaming in your mind. In 2015, I started my jazz journey. Even I thought it would end, but the spirits of sound, they keep pulling at me. At times, I've danced with the demons of malaise and grappled with the warlocks of uncertainty. This collection represents a rebirth/afterbirth. A reforming of what I have done and what has been done before me. A voyage into a more futuristic soundscape, like a drunk (very drunk), crazed cosmonaut's first spacewalk. A burnt offering to the Gods of Providence-Gods that take from us mercilessly the corpuscular light of what we give, fractured through our prism of inability. My work may be an affront, but is our collective affront. My sins are unwavering but my jazz is my confession; each note a cleansing; the sound of the squeezing of an overripe peach and the juice putrid. These songs, like spumes of spite, are sufferings, profane grumbles, and they weave their thread into your soul like falcon's talons into the belly of a bunny. Every compression is an impression (not sure what this means) but I think I'm talking about compressing the keys on the keyboard. But in them all are 'sharts of hope'. I crash expectations. I throw poo in the face of my oppressors. I scream like a baby bird to the legions. I, by my own hand, mock the clouds for forming, cry ecstatic till temples crumble. I, by my own hands, shake the world. I am, like William Morris once wrote, 'the haystack in the floods.' I am, for all time, the Jazz Daredevil. -Jon Benjamin - Jazz Daredevil
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4499 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 3722821

EAN: 0098787136326

Состав: CD

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 21-08-2020

Лейбл: Sub Pop

Исполнители: Bully / Bully

Жанры: Alternative Rock 

A very old saying goes that no one saves us but ourselves. Recognizing and breaking free from the patterns impeding our forward progress can be transformative - just ask Bully's Alicia Bognanno. Indeed, the third Bully album, SUGAREGG, may not ever have come to fruition had Bognanno not navigated every kind of upheaval imaginable and completely overhauled her working process along the way. "There was change that needed to happen and it happened on this record," she says. "Derailing my ego and insecurities allowed me to give these songs the attention they deserved." SUGAREGG roars from the speakers and jumpstarts both heart and mind. Like My Bloody Valentine after three double espressos, opener "Add It On" zooms heavenward within seconds, epitomizing Bognanno's newfound clarity of purpose, while the bass-driven melodies and propulsive beats of "Where to Start" and "Let You" are the musical equivalents of the sun piercing through a perpetually cloudy sky. On songs like the strident "Every Tradition" and "Not Ashamed," Bognanno doesn't shy away from addressing "how I feel as a human holds up against what society expects or assumes of me as a woman, and what it feels like to naturally challenge. But amongst the more dense topics, there's also a lightheartedness that was lacking on Bully's last album, 2017's Losing. Pointing to "Where to Start," "You" and "Let You," Bognanno says "there are more songs about erratic, dysfunctional love in an upbeat way, like, 'I'm going down and that's the only way I want to go because the momentary joy is worth it.'" The artist admits that finding the proper treatment for bipolar 2 disorder radically altered her mindset, freeing her from a cycle of paranoia and insecurity about her work. "Being able to finally navigate that opened the door for me to write about it," she says, pointing to the sweet, swirly "Like Fire" and slower, more contemplative songs such as "Prism" and "Come Down" as having been born of this new headspace. Even small changes like listening to music instead of the news first thing in the morning "made me want to write and bring that pleasure to other people."