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Музыка и песни In Crowd, The / In Crowd, The на CD
Артикул: CDVP 1998313
EAN: 5013929552302
Состав: 1 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2014
Лейбл: Cherry Red Records Ltd.
Исполнители: Hooker, John Lee / Hooker, John Lee Ministry / Ministry Aitken, Laurel / Aitken, Laurel Davis, Spencer / Дэвис, Спенсер
Исполнители: Hooker, John Lee / Hooker, John Lee Ministry / Ministry Aitken, Laurel / Aitken, Laurel Davis, Spencer / Дэвис, Спенсер Valentines, The / Valentines, The In Crowd, The / In Crowd, The Birds, The / Birds, The Sorrows, The / Sorrows, The Artwoods, The / Artwoods, The John's Children (band) / John's Children (band) Hi-Fi / Hi-Fi Lomax Alliance, The / Lomax Alliance, The Katch 22 / Katch 22 Others, The / Others, The Kitt, Eartha (Mae) / Kitt, Eartha (Mae) Talismen, The / Talismen, The Gremlins, The / Gremlins, The Joker / Joker The Alan Bown! / The Alan Bown! Tribe, The / Tribe, The Ellison, Andrew "Andy" / Ellison, Andrew "Andy" Tuesday's Children / Tuesday's Children Rockin' Vickers, The / Rockin' Vickers, The Spektors, The / Spektors, The John Fitch & Associates / John Fitch & Associates Clangers, The / Clangers, The Sands / Sands Fat Mattress / Fat Mattress Liverpool Scene / Liverpool Scene Mike Stuart Span, The / Mike Stuart Span, The Arrival (band) / Arrival (band) Untamed, The / Untamed, The Lindsay Muir's Untamed / Lindsay Muir's Untamed Langley, Perpetual / Langley, Perpetual National Pinion Pole / National Pinion Pole Thoughts, The / Thoughts, The A Wild Uncertainty / A Wild Uncertainty Four Plus One / Four Plus One Exception, The / Exception, The Sheridan & Rick Price / Sheridan & Rick Price Rhubarb Rhubarb / Rhubarb Rhubarb League, The / League, The Chords Five / Chords Five Underground Sound / Underground Sound Ray Hoff and The Offbeats / Ray Hoff and The Offbeats Sullivan, Big Jim (Thompkins, James George) / Sullivan, Big Jim (Thompkins, James George) Coconut Mushroom (band) / Coconut Mushroom (band) Four Fours, The / Four Fours, The Ray Columbus and the Invaders / Ray Columbus and the Invaders Ife, Kris / Ife, Kris Bond, Jacki / Bond, Jacki Stone, Alexander / Stone, Alexander Billie Davis and The LeRoys / Billie Davis and The LeRoys Powell, Marilyn / Powell, Marilyn Canterbury Glass / Canterbury Glass Mood Mosaic, The / Mood Mosaic, The Christian, Liz / Christian, Liz Arthur Brown Set, The / Arthur Brown Set, The Columbus, Ray / Columbus, Ray Jeeps, The / Jeeps, The Gnomes of Zurich / Gnomes of Zurich Icarus / Icarus Sceptres, The / Sceptres, The Gene Latter and The Detours / Gene Latter and The Detours Latter, Gene / Latter, Gene Thomas, Jimmy / Thomas, Jimmy McKenna, Val / McKenna, Val Heavyweights, The / Heavyweights, The Troubled Mind / Troubled Mind Simone, Sugar / Simone, Sugar Dee and the Quotum / Dee and the Quotum Lyons and Malone / Lyons and Malone Willpower / Willpower
Артикул: CDVP 028628
EAN: 5050159916122
Состав: 3 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2008
Лейбл: Trojan Records
Исполнители: Isaacs, Gregory / Isaacs, Gregory Brown, Dennis / Brown, Dennis Dekker, Desmond / Деккер, Десмонд Lewis, Hopeton / Lewis, Hopeton
Исполнители: Isaacs, Gregory / Isaacs, Gregory Brown, Dennis / Brown, Dennis Dekker, Desmond / Деккер, Десмонд Lewis, Hopeton / Lewis, Hopeton Riley, Jimmy / Riley, Jimmy Sherman, Bim / Sherman, Bim Levy, Barrington / Levy, Barrington Johnson, Anthony / Джонсон, Энтони Upsetters, The / Upsetters, The Holt, John / Holt, John Maytals, The / Maytals, The Donaldson, Eric / Donaldson, Eric Shervington, Pluto / Shervington, Pluto Gardiner, Boris and The Keys / Gardiner, Boris and The Keys Biggs, Barry / Biggs, Barry Honey Boy / Honey Boy Fugitives, The / Fugitives, The Keith and Ken / Keith and Ken Mighty Sparrow / Mighty Sparrow Davidson, Paul / Дэвидсон, Пол Dunkley, Errol / Данкли, Эррол Jones, Barbara / Jones, Barbara George, Sophia / Джорж, София Blues Busters / Blues Busters Walks, Dennis / Walks, Dennis Delgado, Junior / Delgado, Junior In Crowd, The / In Crowd, The Schloss, Cynthia / Schloss, Cynthia Thomas, Jah / Thomas, Jah Hammond, Beres / Hammond, Beres Early B / Early B Ninjaman / Ninjaman Silk, Garnett / Silk, Garnett Andy, Horace (Hinds, Horace) / Andy, Horace (Hinds, Horace) Judge Dread (Hughes, Alexander Minto) / Judge Dread (Hughes, Alexander Minto) Morris, Eric "Monty" / Morris, Eric "Monty" Chaka Demus and Pliers / Chaka Demus and Pliers Beenie Man (Davis, Anthony Moses) / Beenie Man (Davis, Anthony Moses)
Жанры: Compilation Dancehall Reggae Ska
Артикул: CDVP 038428
EAN: 0602527119533
Состав: 1 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2009
Лейбл: Universal Music Group International (UMGI)
Исполнители: Brown, Dennis / Brown, Dennis Ellis, Alton / Ellis, Alton Wilson, Delroy / Wilson, Delroy Thompson, Linval / Thompson, Linval
Исполнители: Brown, Dennis / Brown, Dennis Ellis, Alton / Ellis, Alton Wilson, Delroy / Wilson, Delroy Thompson, Linval / Thompson, Linval Gray, Owen / Грэй, Оуэн Holt, John / Holt, John Thomas, Nicky / Thomas, Nicky Dunkley, Errol / Данкли, Эррол In Crowd, The / In Crowd, The Jacob Miller and Inner Circle / Jacob Miller and Inner Circle Charmers, Lloyd / Charmers, Lloyd Sterling, Yvonne / Sterling, Yvonne Kay, Janet / Kay, Janet Pierre, Marie / Pierre, Marie Marks, Louisa / Marks, Louisa /
Жанры: Регги
Артикул: CDVP 038679
EAN: 0600753086452
Состав: 1 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2008
Лейбл: Universal Music Group International (UMGI)
Исполнители: Isaacs, Gregory / Isaacs, Gregory Miller, Jacob / Miller, Jacob Brown, Dennis / Brown, Dennis Ellis, Alton / Ellis, Alton
Исполнители: Isaacs, Gregory / Isaacs, Gregory Miller, Jacob / Miller, Jacob Brown, Dennis / Brown, Dennis Ellis, Alton / Ellis, Alton Levy, Barrington / Levy, Barrington Big Youth / Big Youth Delgado, Junior / Delgado, Junior In Crowd, The / In Crowd, The Thomas, Jah / Thomas, Jah Clarke, Johnny / Clarke, Johnny I-Roy (Reid, Roy Samuel) / I-Roy (Reid, Roy Samuel) Andy, Horace (Hinds, Horace) / Andy, Horace (Hinds, Horace)
Артикул: CDVP 245233
EAN: 5013929551923
Состав: 3 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2011
Лейбл: Cherry Red Records Ltd.
Исполнители: Ministry / Ministry Aitken, Laurel / Aitken, Laurel Valentines, The / Valentines, The In Crowd, The / In Crowd, The
Исполнители: Ministry / Ministry Aitken, Laurel / Aitken, Laurel Valentines, The / Valentines, The In Crowd, The / In Crowd, The Birds, The / Birds, The Sorrows, The / Sorrows, The Syndicats, The / Syndicats, The John's Children (band) / John's Children (band) Katch 22 / Katch 22 Others, The / Others, The Bats, The / Bats, The Mirage, The / Mirage, The Flies, The / Flies, The Tribe, The / Tribe, The Soul Purpose (band) / Soul Purpose (band) Rockin' Vickers, The / Rockin' Vickers, The Mike Stuart Span, The / Mike Stuart Span, The Untamed, The / Untamed, The Lindsay Muir's Untamed / Lindsay Muir's Untamed Thoughts, The / Thoughts, The A Wild Uncertainty / A Wild Uncertainty Ray Hoff and The Offbeats / Ray Hoff and The Offbeats Ife, Kris / Ife, Kris Bond, Jacki / Bond, Jacki Mood Mosaic, The / Mood Mosaic, The Arthur Brown Set, The / Arthur Brown Set, The McKenna, Val / McKenna, Val Simone, Sugar / Simone, Sugar Bruce, Tommy / Bruce, Tommy Corduroy (band) / Corduroy (band) Spencer Davis Group, The / Spencer Davis Group, The John Lee's Groundhogs / John Lee's Groundhogs Lloyd Alexander Real Estate (band) / Lloyd Alexander Real Estate (band) Midnights, The / Midnights, The Other Side, The / Other Side, The Singer, Ray / Singer, Ray Trekkas, The / Trekkas, The Alleykatz, The / Alleykatz, The Couriers, The / Couriers, The Quiet Five, The / Quiet Five, The Earl Preston's Realms (band) / Earl Preston's Realms (band) Brothers Grimm, The / Brothers Grimm, The Jackson, Jerome Louis "J.J." / Jackson, Jerome Louis "J.J." Laurel Aitken and The Soulmen / Laurel Aitken and The Soulmen Knave (band) / Knave (band) Fadin' Colours (band) / Fadin' Colours (band) Ingram, Glenn / Ingram, Glenn Tony Rivers and The Castaways / Tony Rivers and The Castaways Bobby Johnson and The Atoms / Bobby Johnson and The Atoms Wilson, Maynell / Wilson, Maynell Watson T. Brown and The Explosive / Watson T. Brown and The Explosive Holder, Ram John / Holder, Ram John Benson, Hoagy / Benson, Hoagy Stu James and The Mojos / Stu James and The Mojos Renegades (band) / Renegades (band) Kirkbys, The / Kirkbys, The Hardin and York / Hardin and York Picadilly Line (band) / Picadilly Line (band) Salon Band / Salon Band Twinkle (Ripley, Lynn Annette "Twinkle") / Twinkle (Ripley, Lynn Annette "Twinkle") Ruskin, Barbara / Ruskin, Barbara McKinleys, The / McKinleys, The She Trinity, The / She Trinity, The Explosive, The / Explosive, The Ray Singer and The Fenmen / Ray Singer and The Fenmen Episode Six (band) / Episode Six (band)
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