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- Музыка и песни Little Angels (band) / Little Angels (band) на CD
Музыка и песни Little Angels (band) / Little Angels (band) на CD
Артикул: CDVP 1038013
EAN: 5018271009023
Состав: 1 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Лейбл: Dino Music Records
Исполнители: Scorpions / Scorpions Cooper, Alice (Furnier, Vincent Damon) / Cooper, Alice (Furnier, Vincent Damon) Plant, Robert ( Plant, Robert Anthony, CBE) / Plant, Robert ( Plant, Robert Anthony, CBE) Motörhead / Motörhead
Исполнители: Scorpions / Scorpions Cooper, Alice (Furnier, Vincent Damon) / Cooper, Alice (Furnier, Vincent Damon) Plant, Robert ( Plant, Robert Anthony, CBE) / Plant, Robert ( Plant, Robert Anthony, CBE) Motörhead / Motörhead Extreme (band) / Extreme (band) INXS / INXS Faith No More (band) / Faith No More (band) Ugly Kid Joe (band) / Ugly Kid Joe (band) Cult, The / Cult, The Black Crowes, The / Black Crowes, The Little Angels (band) / Little Angels (band) Living Colour (band) / Living Colour (band) Vaughan, Stevie Ray / Vaughan, Stevie Ray Jayhawks, The / Jayhawks, The Warrant (Warrant 96) / Warrant (Warrant 96) L7 (band) / L7 (band) Plunkett, Steve / Plunkett, Steve
Артикул: CDVP 1993689
EAN: 0698458563323
Состав: 5 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2014
Лейбл: Union Square Music
Исполнители: Roxette / Roxette Jones, Tom, OBE (Woodward, (Sir) Thomas Jones) / Jones, Tom, OBE (Woodward, (Sir) Thomas Jones) Beach Boys, The / Beach Boys, The Asia / Asia
Исполнители: Roxette / Roxette Jones, Tom, OBE (Woodward, (Sir) Thomas Jones) / Jones, Tom, OBE (Woodward, (Sir) Thomas Jones) Beach Boys, The / Beach Boys, The Asia / Asia Berry, Chuck / Berry, Chuck Sparks / Sparks Allman Brothers Band, The / Allman Brothers Band, The Lynyrd Skynyrd / Lynyrd Skynyrd Kiss (band) / Kiss (band) Blink-182 / Blink-182 James (band) / James (band) Nazareth / Nazareth Rainbow / Rainbow Razorlight (band) / Razorlight (band) Soft Cell / Soft Cell Squeeze / Squeeze Status Quo / Status Quo Stereophonics / Stereophonics Tears for Fears / Tears for Fears Christians, The / Christians, The Hives, The / Hives, The The Mamas and The Papas / The Mamas and The Papas Undertones, The / Undertones, The Stereo MC's / Stereo MC's Dodgy / Доджи Cole, Natalie / Cole, Natalie Faith No More (band) / Faith No More (band) Queens of The Stone Age / Queens of The Stone Age Grandmaster Flash / Grandmaster Flash Cher (Sarkisian La Pierre, Cherilyn) / Cher (Sarkisian La Pierre, Cherilyn) Ugly Kid Joe (band) / Ugly Kid Joe (band) Foreigner (band) / Foreigner (band) Cars, The / Карс Temptations, The / Temptations, The Martha & the Vandellas / Martha & the Vandellas Channel, Bruce / Channel, Bruce Mungo Jerry (band) / Mungo Jerry (band) Rose Royce (band) / Rose Royce (band) Cope, Julian / Cope, Julian Ocean Colour Scene / Ocean Colour Scene Deep Blue Something / Deep Blue Something Commitments / Commitments MacColl, Kirsty / MacColl, Kirsty Bass, Fontella / Bass, Fontella Catatonia / Catatonia Space / Space Dekker, Desmond / Деккер, Десмонд Bachman–Turner Overdrive (band) / Bachman–Turner Overdrive (band) Little Angels (band) / Little Angels (band) Melle Mel / Melle Mel Smash Mouth / Smash Mouth Turtles, The / Turtles, The Cochran, Eddie (Edward Raymond) / Cochran, Eddie (Edward Raymond) Klaxons / Klaxons Shalamar / Shalamar Skunk Anansie / Skunk Anansie Ok Go / Ok Go Johnny Kidd and The Pirates / Johnny Kidd and The Pirates Free / Free Frankie Goes to Hollywood / Frankie Goes to Hollywood Madness / Madness Maisonettes, The / Maisonettes, The Alien Ant Farm / Alien Ant Farm Valens, Ritchie / Valens, Ritchie Whispers, The / Whispers, The Night Ranger / Night Ranger Ike and Tina Turner / Ike and Tina Turner Stiltskin / Stiltskin Automatic, The / Automatic, The Addiction, Janes / Addiction, Janes Greenbaum, Norman (Greenbaum, Norman Joel) / Greenbaum, Norman (Greenbaum, Norman Joel) Midnight Star / Midnight Star Wildhearts, The / Wildhearts, The L7 (band) / L7 (band) Wiedlin, Jane / Wiedlin, Jane Foundations, The / Foundations, The Belle Stars, The / Belle Stars, The Mint Juleps, The / Mint Juleps, The Brookes, Elkie (Bookbinder, Elaine) / Brookes, Elkie (Bookbinder, Elaine) Kool and The Gang / Kool and The Gang Pop, Iggy (Osterberg, Jr., James Newell) / Pop, Iggy (Osterberg, Jr., James Newell) Gossip, The / Gossip, The Troggs, The / Troggs, The Tams (band) / Tams (band) Pulp (band) / Pulp (band) LA's, The / LA's, The Canned Heat (band) / Canned Heat (band) Clark, Petula (Clark, Petula Sally Olwen) / Clark, Petula (Clark, Petula Sally Olwen) Brown, James (Brown, Jr., James Joseph) / Brown, James (Brown, Jr., James Joseph) Tenpole, Edward (Tudor-Pole, Edward) / Tenpole, Edward (Tudor-Pole, Edward)
Жанры: Alternative Rock Ballad Blues Rock Brit Pop Chanson Classic Rock Compilation Country Rock Folk Rock Hard Rock Heavy Metal Indie Rock New Wave Pop Rock Prog Rock Rock & Roll Soft Rock Soul Symphonic Rock
Артикул: CDVP 028057
EAN: 0602498425626
Состав: 3 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2008
Лейбл: Universal Music Group International (UMGI)
Исполнители: Deep Purple / Deep Purple Scorpions / Scorpions Moore, Gary (Moore, Robert William Gary) / Moore, Gary (Moore, Robert William Gary) Rush / Rush
Исполнители: Deep Purple / Deep Purple Scorpions / Scorpions Moore, Gary (Moore, Robert William Gary) / Moore, Gary (Moore, Robert William Gary) Rush / Rush Free, The / Free, The Allman Brothers Band, The / Allman Brothers Band, The Lynyrd Skynyrd / Lynyrd Skynyrd Cinderella (band) / Cinderella (band) Extreme (band) / Extreme (band) Rainbow / Rainbow Palmer, Robert / Palmer, Robert Status Quo / Status Quo Cher (Sarkisian La Pierre, Cherilyn) / Cher (Sarkisian La Pierre, Cherilyn) Ugly Kid Joe (band) / Ugly Kid Joe (band) Steppenwolf / Steppenwolf City Boy / Сити Бой Magnum (band) / Magnum (band) Bachman–Turner Overdrive (band) / Bachman–Turner Overdrive (band) Walsh, Joe (Joseph Fidler) / Walsh, Joe (Joseph Fidler) Stewart, John / Stewart, John Forbert, Steve / Forbert, Steve Lofgren, Nils / Lofgren, Nils Davis, Spencer / Дэвис, Спенсер Miles, John / Miles, John Little Angels (band) / Little Angels (band) Tygers of Pan Tang / Tygers of Pan Tang Daltrey, Roger / Долтри, Роджер 38 Special / 38 Special Thunderclap Newman / Thunderclap Newman Diamond Head, Hawaii (band) / Diamond Head, Hawaii (band) Tesla (band) / Tesla (band) J.J. Cale (Cale, John Weldon) / J.J. Cale (Cale, John Weldon) Pop, Iggy (Osterberg, Jr., James Newell) / Pop, Iggy (Osterberg, Jr., James Newell) Dio (band) / Dio (band)
Жанры: Classic Rock Compilation
Артикул: CDVP 033400
EAN: 0600753044995
Состав: 1 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Лейбл: Universal Music Group International (UMGI)
Исполнители: Little Angels (band) / Little Angels (band)
Артикул: CDVP 039134
EAN: 0600753042762
Состав: 1 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Лейбл: Universal Music Group International (UMGI)
Исполнители: Deep Purple / Deep Purple Scorpions / Scorpions Moore, Gary (Moore, Robert William Gary) / Moore, Gary (Moore, Robert William Gary) Rush / Rush
Исполнители: Deep Purple / Deep Purple Scorpions / Scorpions Moore, Gary (Moore, Robert William Gary) / Moore, Gary (Moore, Robert William Gary) Rush / Rush Free, The / Free, The Allman Brothers Band, The / Allman Brothers Band, The Lynyrd Skynyrd / Lynyrd Skynyrd Cinderella (band) / Cinderella (band) Rainbow / Rainbow Palmer, Robert / Palmer, Robert Status Quo / Status Quo Cher (Sarkisian La Pierre, Cherilyn) / Cher (Sarkisian La Pierre, Cherilyn) Ugly Kid Joe (band) / Ugly Kid Joe (band) Bachman–Turner Overdrive (band) / Bachman–Turner Overdrive (band) Walsh, Joe (Joseph Fidler) / Walsh, Joe (Joseph Fidler) Little Angels (band) / Little Angels (band) Daltrey, Roger / Долтри, Роджер Diamond Head, Hawaii (band) / Diamond Head, Hawaii (band) Pop, Iggy (Osterberg, Jr., James Newell) / Pop, Iggy (Osterberg, Jr., James Newell) Dio (band) / Dio (band)
Жанры: Поп
Артикул: CDVP 223436
EAN: 5013929774322
Состав: 1 CD
Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.
Дата релиза: 01-01-2009
Исполнители: Little Angels (band) / Little Angels (band)
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