4 миллиона музыкальных записей на Виниле, CD и DVD

Музыка и песни Pierlot Philippe, viola da gamba / Пьерло Пьер, виола да гамба

8 CD
Под заказ
19978 руб.
1 CD
Под заказ
7500 руб.
Numerous versions exist of Erato STU 70468, released in France (mainly identified by price code and/or records advertised on back cover): Price code: Artistique [r7404544] Price code: S [r5793837], and [r7399198] Price code X: [r15038088] (ads in black and white), [r8994013] (ads in B&W, different from previous), [r7480353] (ads in B&W, blue and white label), and [r7515644] (ads in colour) Price code RC 350: [r10728943], and [r1922570], and [r11023571]
Хит продаж
1 CD
Под заказ
14139 руб.
Composer(s)Du Mont, Henry
Egmond, Max van, baritone • Bowman, James, counter-tenor • Ricercar Consort, Ensemble • Mellon, Agnes, soprano • Reyghere, Greta de, soprano • De Mey, Guy, tenor • Pierlot, Philippe, viola da gamba • Watillon, Sophie, viola da gamba
Period(s) Baroque (1600-1750)
Genre Classical Music
Category Chamber Music • Vocal
Label Ricercar