2 миллиона музыкальных записей на Виниле, CD и DVD

Музыка и песни Giménez Raúl, tenor / Хименес Рауль, тенор

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7273 руб.
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1 CD
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4999 руб.
Избранные сцены из оперы "Севильский цирюльник" Джоаккино Россини Исполнители: Jennifer Larmore, Raúl Giménez, Alessandro Corbelli, Håkan Hagegård, Samuel Ramey, ChOEur du Grand Théâtre de Genève, Orchestre de Chambre de Lausanne, Jesús López-Cobos Artist: W. A. MOZART Label: Warner Classics (Warner)
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7999 руб.
This production of Francesco Cavalli’s Il Giasone was filmed in January 2017 at the Grand Théâtre of Geneva. It forms a part of the ‘Cavalli tetralogy’ of the past few years, conducted by the man who has become Cavalli’s great ambassador: Leonardo Garcia Alarcón . Il Giasone, Dramma musicale, in a Prologue and Three Acts, first performed on 5 January 1649, alternates the tragic with the comic, with no concern for fidelity to the mythological legend of Jason and Medea. Francesco Cavalli’s opera, composed for the carnival season in Venice, presents a mosaic of contrasted episodes, rich in musical emotions. His music here attains a remarkable degree of evocative power, with la musica having the upper hand over la dramma. Il Giasone represents the subtle equilibrium between lyricism and narrative. The comic, the tragic, and the supernatural all meet and mingle, and Cavalli’s Lamenti – forming the climax of the work – are particularly unequalled. Resolutely burlesque and zany, Serena Singaglia’s production celebrates the opera’s sensuality. Le Temps commented: ‘In the pit, the Cappella Mediterranea with Garcia Alarcón pursue a sense of musical flux with delicacy, lightness and quick-footedness, ideally responding to the score’s demands. With an instrumental sound that is both round and sprightly, they succeed in capturing the ludic dimension of the work, its melodic freshness, and its harmonic tensions. Drama and rapture are artfully fused together.” With English, French and German surtitles
12 DVD
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20187 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 1471469

EAN: 0807280753899

Состав: 12 DVD

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Лейбл: Arthaus Musik

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Жанры: Опера, интермедия, серената 

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39 CD
Под заказ
18291 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 1986937

EAN: 0888430450523

Состав: 39 CD

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Лейбл: Sony-BMG Classics (Sony, RCA, DHM)

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Жанры: Арии и сцены из опер  Балет/Танец  Вокальный цикл  Духовная музыка (Страсти, Мессы, Реквиемы и т.д.)  Концерт  Музыка к театральному спектаклю  Опера, интермедия, серената  Оратория  Произведения для солиста с оркестром  Серенады и Дивертисменты  Симфоническая музыка  Увертюра  Хоровые произведения / Произведения для хора и солистов 

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