2 миллиона музыкальных записей на Виниле, CD и DVD

Музыка и песни Wagner, Wilhelm Richard / Вагнер Вильгельм Рихард

1 CD
Под заказ
17818 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 100343

EAN: 0760411168026

Состав: 1 CD

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 01-01-1994

Лейбл: Symposium Records

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Жанры: Вокальный цикл  Опера, интермедия, серената  Оперетта / Сарсуэла / Мюзикл 

Bellini, Vincenzo • Bizet, Georges • Boito, Arrigo • Denza, Luigi • Donizetti, Gaetano • Franchetti, Alberto • Giordano, Umberto • Gomes, Carlos • Gounod, Charles-Francois • Meyerbeer, Giacomo • Rosa, Salvator • Rotoli, Augusto • Saint-Saens, Camille • Wagner, Richard
Giraldoni, Eugenio, baritone • Didur, Adamo, bass • Studio pianist, , piano • Nielsen, Alice, soprano • Cervi-Caroli, Ersilde, soprano • Mazzoleni, Ester, soprano • Barrientos, Maria, soprano • Zenatello, Giovanni, tenor
Period(s) 20th Century • Classical (1750-1830) • Romantic
Genre Classical Music
Category Opera • Operetta • Vocal
Label Symposium Records
Booklet / liner notes available
Под заказ
5899 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 100632

EAN: 4260052380864

Состав: 1 SACD

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 01-01-2010

Лейбл: ARS Produktion

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Жанры: Арии / Вокальные миниатюры  Духовная музыка (Страсти, Мессы, Реквиемы и т.д.)  Камерная и инструментальная музыка  Песни / Гимны 

1 CD
Под заказ
6073 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 101607

EAN: 0747313004874

Состав: 1 CD

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 01-01-2010

Лейбл: Naxos Classics

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Жанры: Опера, интермедия, серената  Сборник 

Bizet, Georges • Dvorak, Antonin • Leoncavallo, Ruggero • Mascagni, Pietro • Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus • Puccini, Giacomo • Verdi, Giuseppe • Wagner, Richard
Titus, Alan, baritone • Tumagian, Eduard, baritone • Morozov, Igor, baritone • Slovak Philharmonic Chorus, Choir • Rahbari, Alexander, Conductor • Wildner, Johannes, Conductor • Halasz, Michael, Conductor • Dohnanyi, Oliver, Conductor • Morandi, Pier Giorgio, Conductor • Humburg, Will, Conductor • Saparova, Jitka, contralto • Hungarian State Opera Orchestra • Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra • Ferrarini, Alida, soprano • Valaskova, Jana, soprano • Orgonasova, Luba, soprano • Gauci, Miriam, soprano • Krause, Monika, soprano • Lamberti, Giorgio, tenor • Lotric, Janez, tenor • Martinucci, Nicola, tenor • Harper, Thomas, tenor • Ramiro, Yordy, tenor
Period(s) 20th Century • Classical (1750-1830) • Romantic
Genre Classical Music
Category Opera
Label Naxos
1 CD
Под заказ
9246 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 104364

EAN: 5991813266224

Состав: 1 CD

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 01-01-2010

Лейбл: Hungaroton

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Жанры: Вокальный цикл  Опера, интермедия, серената 

Bizet, Georges • Borodin, Alexander Porfir'yevich • Erkel, Ferenc • Leoncavallo, Ruggero • Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus • Mussorgsky, Modest Petrovich • Offenbach, Jacques • Puccini, Giacomo • Verdi, Giuseppe • Wagner, Richard
Sved, Alexander, baritone • Farago, Andras, baritone • Radnai, Gyorgy, baritone • Jambor, Laszlo, baritone • Koreh, Endre, bass • Losonczy, Gyorgy, bass-baritone • Fodor, Janos, bass-baritone • Hungarian Radio Chorus, Choir • Korodi, Andras, Conductor • Unger, Erno, Conductor • Sebastian, Georges, Conductor • Lehel, Gyorgy, Conductor • Kerekes, Janos, Conductor • Krips, Josef, Conductor • Pless, Laszlo, Conductor • Somogyi, Laszlo, Conductor • Klemperer, Otto, Conductor • Varga, Pal, Conductor • Toth, Peter, Conductor • Vaszy, Viktor, Conductor • Komor, Vilmos, Conductor • Tiszay, Magda, contralto • Delly, Rozsi, mezzo-soprano • Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra • Budapest Philharmonic Orchestra • Hungarian Radio Symphony Orchestra • Hungarian State Opera Orchestra • Anonymous, , Orchestra • Szecsodi, Iren, soprano • Orosz, Julia, soprano • Osvath, Julia, soprano • Szabo, Lujza, soprano • Rigo, Magda, soprano • Gyurkovics, Maria, soprano • Takacs, Paula, soprano • Rosler, Endre, tenor • Joviczky, Jozsef, tenor • Simandy, Jozsef, tenor • Udvardy, Tibor, tenor
Period(s) Classical (1750-1830) • Romantic
Genre Classical Music
Category Opera • Vocal
Label Hungaroton
Booklet / liner notes available
1 CD
Под заказ
2549 руб.
Composer(s)Liszt, Franz • Scriabin, Alexander • Wagner, Richard
Frankfurt Figuralchor, Choir • Frankfurt Singakademie, Choir • Ahronovitch, Yuri, Conductor • Frankfurt Opera and Museum Orchestra • Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra
Period(s) 20th Century • Romantic
Genre Classical Music
Category Choral - Secular • Orchestral
Label Profil
Booklet / liner notes available
1 CD
Под заказ
2949 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 104701

EAN: 0894640001653

Состав: 1 CD

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 01-01-2010

Лейбл: Musical Concepts

Жанры: Оркестровые произведения 

Composer(s)Wagner, Richard
Artist(s) Simonov, Yuri, Conductor • Philharmonia Orchestra
Period(s) Romantic
Genre Classical Music
Category Orchestral
Label Musical Concepts
Booklet / liner notes available
13 CD
Под заказ
13399 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 105273

EAN: 4022143214034

Состав: 13 CD

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 01-01-2009

Лейбл: Audite

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Жанры: Концерт  Оркестровые произведения  Симфоническая музыка  Увертюра 

Хит продаж
1 CD
Под заказ
6373 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 105457

EAN: 0083603781828

Состав: 1 CD

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 27-07-2007

Лейбл: Prima Voce

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Жанры: Арии / Вокальные миниатюры  Вокальный цикл  Опера, интермедия, серената  Оперетта / Сарсуэла / Мюзикл 

Bellini, Mozart et al.: 18 Arias Performed by 'Divas 1909-1940': Hempel, Galli-Curci, Farrar, Kurz, Garrison, Gluck, Ivogun, Onegin, Schoene, Norena, Ponselle, Leider, Vallin, Teyte, Koshetz, Flagstad, Favero. (Total Time: 71'48')
Хит продаж
1 CD
Под заказ
9111 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 105570

EAN: 0083603781125

Состав: 1 CD

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 01-01-1906

Лейбл: Prima Voce

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Жанры: Вокальный цикл  Опера, интермедия, серената 

Arditi, Luigi • Becker, Reinhold • Bohm, Karl • Brahms, Johannes • Donizetti, Gaetano • Handel, George Frideric • Lieurance, Thurlow • Meyerbeer, Giacomo • Millocker, Karl • Molloy, James Lyman • Reimann, Heinrich • Schubert, Franz • Traditional • Wagner, Richard
Witherspoon, Herbert, bass • Bourdon, Rosario, Conductor • Schumann-Heink, Ernestine, contralto • Studio orchestra • Hoffmann, Katherine, piano
Period(s) 20th Century • Baroque (1600-1750) • Romantic
Genre Classical Music
Category Opera • Vocal
Label Prima Voce
4 (3 CD + 1 DVD)
Под заказ
5899 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 105753

EAN: 0845221070155

Состав: 4 (3 CD + 1 DVD)

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 26-05-2009

Лейбл: Capriccio

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Жанры: Транскрипции  Фортепьяно соло 

1 CD
Под заказ
11878 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 106129

EAN: 0021475011544

Состав: 1 CD

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 01-01-2006

Лейбл: Cambria

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Жанры: Вокальный цикл  Опера, интермедия, серената 

Arlen, Harold • Bland, James A. • Bohm, Karl • Flotow, Friedrich von • Foster, Stephen C. • Gershwin, George • Handy, William Christopher • Johnson, Francis Hall • Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus • Traditional • Traditional • Wagner, Richard
Eva Jessye Choir, Choir • Hall Johnson Choir, Choir • Jubilee Singers, Choir • Paramount Studio Chorus, Choir • Steinert, Alexander Lang, Conductor • Wallenstein, Alfred, Conductor • Gershwin, George, Conductor • Lilley, Joseph, Conductor • Crosby, Bing, narrator • Gershwin, George, narrator • John Scott Trotter Orchestra • Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra • CBS Studio Orchestra • Peter Van Seeden Orchestra • WOR Symphony Orchestra • Kaplan, Arthur, piano • Leonardi, Leon, piano • Lawrence, William, piano • Elzy, Ruby, soprano
Period(s) 20th Century • Classical (1750-1830) • Romantic
Genre Classical Music
Category Opera • Vocal
Label Cambria
2 CD
Под заказ
1699 руб.
Composer(s)Wagner, Richard
Wegner, John, baritone • Hannula, Tero, baritone • Yang, Simon, bass • Bryjak, Oleg, bass-baritone • Neuhold, Gunter, Conductor • Ejsing, Mette, contralto • Ernst-Mosuraitis, Wilja, mezzo-soprano • Badische Staatskapelle • Bruggemann, Doris, soprano • Floeren, Ruth, soprano • Voda, Ruxandra, soprano • Weinschenk, Hans-Jorg, tenor • Muraro, Mario, tenor • Nowak, Michael, tenor • Smith, Malcolm, vocals
Period(s) Romantic
Genre Classical Music
Category Opera
Label Bella musica
Booklet / liner notes available
4 CD
Под заказ
10049 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 106654

EAN: 4014513013132

Состав: 4 CD

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 01-01-1995

Лейбл: Bella Musica

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Жанры: Опера, интермедия, серената 

Composer(s)Wagner, Richard
Olsen, Frode, bass • Wegner, John, bass-baritone • Neuhold, Gunter, Conductor • Wulkopf, Cornelia, contralto • O'Brien, Clara, mezzo-soprano • Kempa, Katarzyna, mezzo-soprano • Ernst-Mosuraitis, Wilja, mezzo-soprano • Nikolova, Zlatomira, mezzo-soprano • Badische Staatskapelle • Pohl, Carla, soprano • Egler, Claudia, soprano • Ronge, Gabriele Maria, soprano • Chalker, Margaret, soprano • Floeren, Ruth, soprano • Cook, Edward, tenor
Period(s) Romantic
Genre Classical Music
Category Opera
Label Bella musica
Booklet / liner notes available
1 CD
Под заказ
5999 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 107300

EAN: 0760411337026

Состав: 1 CD

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 01-01-1915

Лейбл: Symposium Records

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Жанры: Вокальный цикл  Оркестровые произведения 

Composer(s)Mahler, Gustav • Wagner, Richard
Rehkemper, Heinrich, baritone • Schlusnus, Heinrich, baritone • Studio conductor, , Conductor • Beinum, Eduard van, Conductor • Weigert, Herman, Conductor • Horenstein, Jascha, Conductor • Sargent, Malcolm, Conductor • Fried, Oskar, Conductor • Meyrowitz, Selmar, Conductor • Leisner, Emmi, contralto • Zareska, Eugenia, mezzo-soprano • Branzell, Karin, mezzo-soprano • Charles-Cahier, Sara, mezzo-soprano • London Philharmonic Orchestra • Berlin State Opera Orchestra • Studio orchestra • Studio pianist, , piano • Stuckgold, Grete, soprano • Kullman, Charles, tenor
Period(s) Romantic
Genre Classical Music
Category Orchestral • Vocal
Label Symposium Records
Booklet / liner notes available
1 CD
Под заказ
4199 руб.
Berlioz, Hector • Chadwick, George Whitefield • Granados, Enrique • Kozhevnikov, Boris Tikhonovich • Respighi, Ottorino • Wagner, Richard
Artist(s) Bourgeois, John R., Conductor • President's Own United States Marine Band, The
Period(s) 20th Century • Romantic
Genre Classical Music
Category Wind Ensemble/Band Music
Label Altissimo
1 CD
Под заказ
4199 руб.
Gimenez, Jeronimo • Mascagni, Pietro • Massenet, Jules • Rossini, Gioachino • Verdi, Giuseppe • Wagner, Richard
Artist(s) Foley, Timothy W., Conductor • President's Own United States Marine Band, The
Period(s) 20th Century • Romantic
Genre Classical Music
Category Wind Ensemble/Band Music
Label Altissimo
1 CD
Под заказ
4199 руб.
Chabrier, Emmanuel • Giordano, Umberto • Liszt, Franz • Ponchielli, Amilcare • Saint-Saens, Camille • Verdi, Giuseppe • Wagner, Richard • Walton, William • Weinberger, Jaromir • Wood, Haydn
Artist(s) Foley, Timothy W., Conductor • President's Own United States Marine Band, The, Ensemble
Period(s) 20th Century • Romantic
Genre Classical Music
Category Orchestral • Wind Ensemble/Band Music
Label Altissimo
1 CD
Под заказ
29421 руб.
Anonymous • Arban, Jean-Baptiste • Arnie, Ralf • Beethoven, Ludwig van • Brewer, Mark A. • Offenbach, Jacques • Satie, Erik • Schubert, Franz • Sor, Fernando • Sullivan, Arthur • Traditional • Verdi, Giuseppe • Wagner, Richard
Moore, Iam, accordion • Blake, Lowri, cello • Hodges, Maurice, Conductor • Copley, Michael, Conductor • Chuckerbutty Ocarina Quartet, Ensemble • Kilvington, Chris, guitar • Page, Anne, harmonium • Hodges, Maurice, piano • Wilson, Richard, viola • Wilson, Elizabeth, violin • Marcus, Marshall, violin
Period(s) 20th Century • Classical (1750-1830) • Romantic
Genre Classical Music
Category Chamber Music
Label Sono Luminus